Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Who Do You Hide You Caller Id In Canada

This reminds me of something ....

jajajaj this I send my friend Bart and go a long time ago I remember several parties and religions ...

this morning have come to my door a couple well-dressed and well groomed.
The man spoke first:

John: Hello, I am John and this is Mary.

Mary: Hello, we are here to invite you to kiss Hank's ass with us

I: How? What do you mean? Who is Hank? Why would I want to kiss her ass

John: If you kiss Hank's ass, gives you a million dollars, and if not
do, you kick the shit.

I: How? Is this some sort of bizarre mob?

John: Hank is a billionaire philanthropist. Hank built this town.
Hank owns this town. You can do whatever he wants, and what you want to do is give you a million
dollars, but can not if you do not kiss his ass.

Me: That does not make much sense. Why?

Mary: Who are you to question Hank's? Did not want
a million dollars? Is not it a little kiss on the ass?

Me: Well maybe, if it is legitimate, but ...

Juan: Then come kiss Hank's ass.

Me: Do you kiss Hank's ass often?

Mary: Oh, yes, constantly.

Me: What gave you a million dollars?

John: Well, not yet. Can not receive money until you leave

Me: So why do not you march of the people you receive a million dollars

Mary: You can not leave until Hank tells you to, or what
not get the money and he kicks the shit.

Me: Do you know anyone who kissed Hank's ass, you have
left and then returned with the money?

John: My mother kissed Hank's ass for years. She left
years past, and I'm sure you have the money.

Me: Have you spoken to her since then?

John: Of course not Hank does not.

Me: So how do you know who has the money if you have not talked to anyone who received

Mary: Well, before you leave you a little sample. Such
Once you have an accident, maybe you'll win a small prize in the lottery, this time
find a twenty dollar bill on the street.

Me: And what does that have to do with Hank?

John: Hank has certain 'connections' ...

Me: I'm sorry, but this sounds like a strange game.

John: But is a million dollars, can you really take the chance? And
recalls if you do not kiss ass, you kick the shit.

Me: Maybe if I could see him, talk to him directly
have the details of it ...

Mary: No one sees Hank, no one talks to him

Me: So how do you kiss your ass?

John: Sometimes we just sent you a kiss and think of his ass.
Other times we kiss Karl's ass and he transmits it.

Me: Who is Karl?

Mary: A friend of ours. He is the one who taught us all about kissing Hank's ass
. All you have to do is invite him to eat from time to time.

Me: And they believed his words when he said there was a Hank, that Hank
wants you to kiss ass, and that the reward?

John: Oh, no! Karl has a letter from Hank longtime
where he explains everything. Here's a copy for you, look for yourself:

From the desk of Karl

1. Kiss Hank's ass and he'll give a million dollars when you leave the village
2. Drink alcohol in moderation.
3. Kicks the shit out those who are not like you.
4. Eat well.
5. Hank dictated this list himself.
6. The moon is made of green cheese.
7. Everything Hank says is right.
8. Wash your hands after go to the bathroom.
9. Do not use alcohol.
10. Eat your hot dogs in buns, no condiments.

Me: This is written on letterhead of Karl.

Mary: Sure, because Hank had no role.

Me: I have the impression that if we'd find this is Karl's handwriting

Juan: Of course, Hank dictated it.

Me: I thought you said nobody can see Hank.

Mary: Not now, but years ago there were some people.

Me: I thought you said he was a philanthropist. What sort of philanthropist kicks the shit out
people just because they are different?

Mary: That's what Hank wants, and Hank's always right.

Me: Where did you get that?

Mary: Point 7 states: "Everything Hank says is right"
That's enough for me!

Me: Maybe your friend Karl just made the rules himself.

Juan: Impossible! Item 5 says' Hank dictated this list himself. " At the same
, item 2 says "Drink alcohol in moderation", point 4 says "Come
good" and item 8 says' Wash your hands after going to the bathroom. "
whole world knows that this is true, therefore, everything should
also be true.

Me: But 9 says 'Do not use alcohol ", which conflicts with
point 2, and 6 says' The moon is made of green cheese," which is not true

Juan: There is no contradiction between points 2 and 9, the second
simply clarifies the first: it is the same drink to use. And as far
to 6, you've never been to the moon, so can not talk to

I: Scientists have clearly established that the moon is made of rock ...

Mary: But they do not know if the rock came from Earth or space
outside, so that could easily be green cheese.

Me: I'm not really an expert, but I think the theory that the moon
was "captured" by the Earth has been discounted. And above all, the moon is green ...
On the other hand, not knowing where the rock came
not make it cheese.

John: Aha! You just admitted that scientists make mistakes, but we know
Hank says is right!

Me: Did you know?

Mary: Of course, point 7 says so.

Me: You're saying Hank's always right because the list is
says, the list is true that Hank dictated it, and we know that Hank has taught
that the list says so. This circular logic is no different
nothing to say that Hank's true that Hank says.

John: Well! You're getting it! It is comforting to see someone
is approaching Hank's way of thinking.

Me: But is that ... oh, do not worry. What happens to the
sausages? A sausage on a bun is not a hot dog?

(Mary blushes)

Juan: Hot dogs in buns, no condiments. This is how Hank
. Anything else is wrong.

Me: And what happens if I have a bagel?

Juan: No bun, no sausage. A wiener without a bun is wrong

Me: "No ketchup? "No mustard?

Mary (surprised): It seems hopelessly doomed.

John (shouting): There is no ambiguity in their language! Any seasoning
is forbidden!

Me: So a big pile of sauerkraut with some
frankfurt sausages with mustard and black bread, or talk, right?

Maria (puts fingers in ears): I am not listening, nana nana nana.

Juan (with a face of disgust): That is repellent! I do not know what kind of demon
eat that ...

Me: But it's very good! I like it all the time.

(Mary pales)

John (away to Mary): Well, if I had known you were one of those
not have wasted my time. When Hank kicks the shit, I'll be there,
counting my money and laughing. I'll kiss Hank's ass for you. You,
high sausages without buns, sauerkraut eater, devourer of

(In saying this, John dragged Mary to their waiting car and starts
to speed).


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