Wednesday, January 6, 2010

False Negative 2 Days Before Period Is Due

Cacerolazo in Goya!

The call for "cacerolazo" to protest the endless cuts in water supplies and electricity, was for Tuesday at 21:00 pm. in Mitre Square (although some msg on cell phones and e-mails cited at 19:30 pm.) and I went over there.
to Chronicle TV echoed this "move" with a typical red plate with white lettering that read "Goya: 43 Degrees, without light or water, people prepare a Cacerolazo for 21."
After waiting a long time the group (it seemed to me or was a bit more than usual?) Came to the intersection of Columbus and John Esteban Martinez, because at that point, a long line of people left the course at Headquarters Plaza Municipal and traffic was disrupted.
column I joined the estimated 1,500 to 2,000 people, including the explosions of fireworks and beating pans, plastic bottles, and other kitchen utensil to serve to make noise, we walked the few blocks that separate the Town Square .
You could say that was represented a large part of society Goyal, as befits any self-convocation. Many women (large majority), people from middle class to very poor condition, united by anger, sweat, bad moods and lack of sleep and the desire to recover if only for a little dignity that the smaller towns seem to have subsided after the comfort afforded by political patronage, and "anesthetic" effects.
People rushed to the front of the municipal building and began shouting that the mayor appeared Francisco Ignacio Osella. A "colleague" of that official, said hours after the mayor had been brave to stand up against the demonstrators. I believe that there was no other. Because if it appeared, things had become much worse.
I placed it on the sidewalk about 20 or 30 feet from where it was supposed to receive the president. And it had to be much experience in demonstrations (although I have it) to realize that people were hot, and wanted answers. But he knew beforehand he was going to find.
Men and women who clamored for the water that did not take all day, and the discomfort this situation creates: - Since yesterday I have no water! I give to my children? - Shouted a man about 30 years and the truth that was right.
loudly or through makeshift posters, all required solutions, both local politicians as the provincial. Say there was the odd council turning the crowd. I personally saw none. Except one, but an hour later, baƱadito cambiadito and going to buy bread at a bakery downtown.
The thing is that Don Osella (village head) repeated concepts enunciated by way of CD throughout the day in several interviews in radio: "We have met with the forces of the city and tomorrow we will meet with Governor in Corrientes to perform the steps corresponding to the assistant secretary of energy in the province and, if necessary, we will continue with the national authorities. " People
sounded a "whispering" to "verse", a "guitar playing" and immediately became the claims solutions. "No more promises," "Stay up Santa batteries "and" If that will be used "were among the shouts of the crowd that of course were never taken by the TV channel but if by some local radio stations covering the event.
After the words of Mayor Osella, who retired uncomfortable and very worried about the troubled area, somebody showed it was not really what or whom he represented, trying to calm the crowd, but from the back came a chorus that the best style football fans cried "They're all chantas! The bitch that bore! "
And people decided to continue the claim on the door of the offices of the DPEC (Provincial Directorate of Energy Current) one of the "bad guys."
I did not get to that place. I left the column a few blocks away. Say there was broken glass, and also broke the front glass of the company Aguas de Corrientes.
Nothing that has not been cured this morning, and anyway could not overcome the anger of a city that deserves a little more respect. Both Aguas de Corrientes
as DPEC provide a service that is not consistent with the amounts of bills. And people are tired.
No one went home with the reassurance that the next day everything would be solved. It was illusory to think that the Mayor, unless it was Mandrake (the magician), had magic solutions. No magic or any other kind.
But at least, people (myself included) pulled a bit of anger and fever at the situation, and at least we went to sleep knowing that the times when politicians did what they wanted, at least in this city now beginning to be part of the past.

(Pictured, a group of locals against Slaughter Municipal Headquarters)


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