Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What Do The Colored Bracelets Stand For??

With Goya, with you in the dark!

When you think of poor cities worldwide, come to mind as examples of Freetown (Sierra Leone), a very poor city founded by former slaves left Africa a country the good of God with high crime rates, or New Delhi, India, with thousands of beggars asking for alms and tons of animal filth strewn in the streets. We could also mention Ulan-Bator (Mongolia) children's home-rats, those who take refuge beneath the streets of Kathmandu in Nepal or near Potosi in Bolivia (the latter city certified as poor by the United Nations and a "course "and questionable quality of life index.
But far from these cities mired in hunger, crime and neglect, there is another city in our country full of poor people. In poor wretches! For the 80,000 inhabitants of Goya, Corrientes Province , Argentina, Today we feel that: A sleeve of poor wretches!
last two months from the date the power provided by the DPEC (Provincial Directorate of Energy Corrientes) began to fluctuate. Never reached the 220 watts needed to properly operate any appliance or equipment or PC audio, but has varied between 110 and 200 watts (hopefully). With peaks that have exceeded the 220 watts of energy while returning after the long, unexpected and unannounced power cuts. Therefore
nothing worked as it should because people were burning him equipment (televisions, washing machines and / or refrigerators), unset them operating systems and modems of the PC's from time to reset and lows of tension, and today after spending a night in a lot of anger, where nobody slept "decent", or bathing (because as Aguas de Corrientes has no generators, no sooner was power goes out, cut the water supply) and not even able to turn a measly fan 40 degrees wind chill ruling because there was no power supply (the cut last night lasted 8 hours) or the tension was a roller coaster up and down like a phenomenon "Poltergeist", the people you ran out of patience.
Since early claims were heard by the inhabitants of the city, especially in two radio: FM Ideal (The program Alejandro Pereto) and Radio Power (In the program of José María Sosa). In other ways as well have happened.
People trilled, and no wonder. Because correntino be good and sometimes too passive or left on some issues, but when you run out of patience do not know that might happen.
authorities (Mayor and Deliberative Council) and one of the persistent claim of Alexander Pereto on his show, recently gave his face through a radio communication from the Mayor of the city (Francisco Ignacio Osella), who explained by appealing to the usual technique the "Radical guitar playing" that guilt was not really the municipality, nor of the DPEC but Transnea (Trunk Distribution Transportation Northeast Argentina SA), which is the company responsible for "bring" or "carry" energy to the province, from remote locations Argentina. To paraphrase the old slogan of Grundig, "Power expensive, but worse!".
So today was convened spontaneously to all city residents to "Cacerolazo" in the main square of the city (corner of Columbus and Spain) at 19:30 pm. to protest this situation, which is given but not the poorest city in the world, even in Argentina (It would poor considered unthinkable a city like Goya, where motorcycles and motor vehicle traffic increases annually by 15% and renewed by 25%), occurs in a city of "poor wretches" who do not even have the right to rest as applicable.
With Goya, with you, but in the dark!


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