Monday, January 18, 2010

How To Shine Boots With Kiwi

The law of attraction (Felix Toran) Oil Jackie

Our universe is governed by different laws, all of which are infallible and no one can escape them, and the law of gravity that is ever present on our planet and governs all activity on the earth, so too the law of attraction is completely infallible, ineffable and now it is causing you get the results you see in your life, whether you like it or not.

Nothing saves you from the law of attraction, or going to a mountain and hiding it could be the exception, because everything on our planet is electromagnetism, and everything is connected to each other.

Given the fact that you can not escape the law of attraction, why not learn to use to your advantage?

Why not learn its principles and how they work to benefit by it?

energy can not be destroyed, only transformed and Knowing these principles you're about to learn will help you transform both your own energy and your life.

The law of attraction tells us that attracts equal and that all what they focus your attention is what you expand, what you feed, which continually draws again and again.

The Law of Attraction is not a New Age concept or a simple term, is a science, is something you learned in school is something that teaches and studies physics, this law tells us that every atom in your body is constantly responding to the impulses of your environment and of course your mind, your vibrations and emotions whether positive or negative.


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