Friday, January 29, 2010

Baby Shower Flower Arragements


to all who hear the siren songs ...

Raul Ornelas Kamikaze
Our love is one, weed, grass
kills us and makes us live, when you least expect it,
appears from the sidewalks again.

When the weather calms the tide, and a
sure love sleeping next to you, we wake up one
siren song, the instinct of us around again.

And we are a couple of crooks playing Russian roulette,
crooks using mask, a couple without censorship
Bets on the adventure of
the Kamikazes, freedom.

And we are a couple of crooks playing Russian roulette,
[Find more Lyrics on ]
crooks using mask, A couples without censorship
Bets on the adventure of
the Kamikazes, freedom. Oh

forbidden love, you challenge us, to give a blow to morality
, I would say that we
annoying, but you know well what is the reality.

And we are a couple of crooks playing Russian roulette,
crooks using mask, a couple without censorship
Bets on the adventure of
the Kamikazes, freedom.

And we are a couple of crooks playing Russian roulette,
crooks using mask, a couple without censorship
bet you Kamikazes of adventure, freedom, freedom.
Our love is one weed.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Savage2000 (410) Driver













* *** HAVE YOUR DOG dangerous parasites REFER TO VETERINARY


AND IF YOU NEVER LET to masturbate will leave you hurting on ARM, STUPID!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

How Long Can You Have Hodgkins

The village idiot

is said that in an inner city, a group of people had fun with the village idiot, a poor man of low intelligence, living on small handouts. Every day they called the idiot at the bar where they met and offered a choice of two coins, one large and one small R $ 400, from 2,000 reais. He always chose the largest and least valuable, which was a source of laughter for everyone.
One day, someone who watched the group called him aside and asked if he had not yet received the greatest currency was worth less.
- I know, "he replied," I'm not that dumb. This is worth five times less, but the day I choose the other, the game is over and I'm not going to win more coins ...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Couch Table For Laptop

What will you do? I had already decided

What will you do?
If one day you wake missed you so much
if you feel your body heat looking forward to my
if your lips want to kiss my mouth
will always be wishing the same
and would like to have me by your side without caring at all ...
I already got used to not have you ...
your presence is enough for me to fill my space if you're not here.
love without thinking so I decided
without many alternatives more than an agreement between my soul and my will ...
I decided to fall in love no choice to be held captive by your eyes
your lips dam and victim of your heat ...
I decided to fall in love without question
without reproach your presence while
an agreement between your absence and my loneliness ...
no choice I decided to fall in love
to surrender your arms
and live for you ... live to dream with
to feel, to love you with the strength of my years
delicacy and my wife ...
decided love beyond our differences
appearances, of our stories
and all this that overwhelms me and intoxicates me
I decided to fall in love with you .... I decided.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Invitation Wordings For School Program

sexy is your name??

A study indicates there are q q sexiest names considered others. Q The names include vowels sounds like "a" in Matt, are more attractive to women q names that include some vowel as in Paul. And it works the opposite way in the case of women.

vowels that are generated in the front of the oral cavity, in front of the mouth, are interpreted as members smaller than those produced in the back.
The study indicates that front vowels are generated more associated with masculinity and vowels generated in the back with femininity.
But it's not about having a name with all front vowels, because the culture of today indicates that women prefer men with some feeling, some of femininity in his personality. That is why
actually a combination of front and back vocal is what generates an attractive name.

But a name too feminine for a man may be something about it. In contrast, a very masculine name does not appear to affect, either positively or negatively on the attractiveness of a person. Instead
male names in women does not seem to affect anything that may be attractive to men. Even studies indicate, often arouses the curiosity of man.
However, an attractive person remains attractive regardless of the name you have. That's why the names influence on the theoretical world but not in the real world.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Who Do You Hide You Caller Id In Canada

This reminds me of something ....

jajajaj this I send my friend Bart and go a long time ago I remember several parties and religions ...

this morning have come to my door a couple well-dressed and well groomed.
The man spoke first:

John: Hello, I am John and this is Mary.

Mary: Hello, we are here to invite you to kiss Hank's ass with us

I: How? What do you mean? Who is Hank? Why would I want to kiss her ass

John: If you kiss Hank's ass, gives you a million dollars, and if not
do, you kick the shit.

I: How? Is this some sort of bizarre mob?

John: Hank is a billionaire philanthropist. Hank built this town.
Hank owns this town. You can do whatever he wants, and what you want to do is give you a million
dollars, but can not if you do not kiss his ass.

Me: That does not make much sense. Why?

Mary: Who are you to question Hank's? Did not want
a million dollars? Is not it a little kiss on the ass?

Me: Well maybe, if it is legitimate, but ...

Juan: Then come kiss Hank's ass.

Me: Do you kiss Hank's ass often?

Mary: Oh, yes, constantly.

Me: What gave you a million dollars?

John: Well, not yet. Can not receive money until you leave

Me: So why do not you march of the people you receive a million dollars

Mary: You can not leave until Hank tells you to, or what
not get the money and he kicks the shit.

Me: Do you know anyone who kissed Hank's ass, you have
left and then returned with the money?

John: My mother kissed Hank's ass for years. She left
years past, and I'm sure you have the money.

Me: Have you spoken to her since then?

John: Of course not Hank does not.

Me: So how do you know who has the money if you have not talked to anyone who received

Mary: Well, before you leave you a little sample. Such
Once you have an accident, maybe you'll win a small prize in the lottery, this time
find a twenty dollar bill on the street.

Me: And what does that have to do with Hank?

John: Hank has certain 'connections' ...

Me: I'm sorry, but this sounds like a strange game.

John: But is a million dollars, can you really take the chance? And
recalls if you do not kiss ass, you kick the shit.

Me: Maybe if I could see him, talk to him directly
have the details of it ...

Mary: No one sees Hank, no one talks to him

Me: So how do you kiss your ass?

John: Sometimes we just sent you a kiss and think of his ass.
Other times we kiss Karl's ass and he transmits it.

Me: Who is Karl?

Mary: A friend of ours. He is the one who taught us all about kissing Hank's ass
. All you have to do is invite him to eat from time to time.

Me: And they believed his words when he said there was a Hank, that Hank
wants you to kiss ass, and that the reward?

John: Oh, no! Karl has a letter from Hank longtime
where he explains everything. Here's a copy for you, look for yourself:

From the desk of Karl

1. Kiss Hank's ass and he'll give a million dollars when you leave the village
2. Drink alcohol in moderation.
3. Kicks the shit out those who are not like you.
4. Eat well.
5. Hank dictated this list himself.
6. The moon is made of green cheese.
7. Everything Hank says is right.
8. Wash your hands after go to the bathroom.
9. Do not use alcohol.
10. Eat your hot dogs in buns, no condiments.

Me: This is written on letterhead of Karl.

Mary: Sure, because Hank had no role.

Me: I have the impression that if we'd find this is Karl's handwriting

Juan: Of course, Hank dictated it.

Me: I thought you said nobody can see Hank.

Mary: Not now, but years ago there were some people.

Me: I thought you said he was a philanthropist. What sort of philanthropist kicks the shit out
people just because they are different?

Mary: That's what Hank wants, and Hank's always right.

Me: Where did you get that?

Mary: Point 7 states: "Everything Hank says is right"
That's enough for me!

Me: Maybe your friend Karl just made the rules himself.

Juan: Impossible! Item 5 says' Hank dictated this list himself. " At the same
, item 2 says "Drink alcohol in moderation", point 4 says "Come
good" and item 8 says' Wash your hands after going to the bathroom. "
whole world knows that this is true, therefore, everything should
also be true.

Me: But 9 says 'Do not use alcohol ", which conflicts with
point 2, and 6 says' The moon is made of green cheese," which is not true

Juan: There is no contradiction between points 2 and 9, the second
simply clarifies the first: it is the same drink to use. And as far
to 6, you've never been to the moon, so can not talk to

I: Scientists have clearly established that the moon is made of rock ...

Mary: But they do not know if the rock came from Earth or space
outside, so that could easily be green cheese.

Me: I'm not really an expert, but I think the theory that the moon
was "captured" by the Earth has been discounted. And above all, the moon is green ...
On the other hand, not knowing where the rock came
not make it cheese.

John: Aha! You just admitted that scientists make mistakes, but we know
Hank says is right!

Me: Did you know?

Mary: Of course, point 7 says so.

Me: You're saying Hank's always right because the list is
says, the list is true that Hank dictated it, and we know that Hank has taught
that the list says so. This circular logic is no different
nothing to say that Hank's true that Hank says.

John: Well! You're getting it! It is comforting to see someone
is approaching Hank's way of thinking.

Me: But is that ... oh, do not worry. What happens to the
sausages? A sausage on a bun is not a hot dog?

(Mary blushes)

Juan: Hot dogs in buns, no condiments. This is how Hank
. Anything else is wrong.

Me: And what happens if I have a bagel?

Juan: No bun, no sausage. A wiener without a bun is wrong

Me: "No ketchup? "No mustard?

Mary (surprised): It seems hopelessly doomed.

John (shouting): There is no ambiguity in their language! Any seasoning
is forbidden!

Me: So a big pile of sauerkraut with some
frankfurt sausages with mustard and black bread, or talk, right?

Maria (puts fingers in ears): I am not listening, nana nana nana.

Juan (with a face of disgust): That is repellent! I do not know what kind of demon
eat that ...

Me: But it's very good! I like it all the time.

(Mary pales)

John (away to Mary): Well, if I had known you were one of those
not have wasted my time. When Hank kicks the shit, I'll be there,
counting my money and laughing. I'll kiss Hank's ass for you. You,
high sausages without buns, sauerkraut eater, devourer of

(In saying this, John dragged Mary to their waiting car and starts
to speed).

Monday, January 18, 2010

How To Shine Boots With Kiwi

The law of attraction (Felix Toran) Oil Jackie

Our universe is governed by different laws, all of which are infallible and no one can escape them, and the law of gravity that is ever present on our planet and governs all activity on the earth, so too the law of attraction is completely infallible, ineffable and now it is causing you get the results you see in your life, whether you like it or not.

Nothing saves you from the law of attraction, or going to a mountain and hiding it could be the exception, because everything on our planet is electromagnetism, and everything is connected to each other.

Given the fact that you can not escape the law of attraction, why not learn to use to your advantage?

Why not learn its principles and how they work to benefit by it?

energy can not be destroyed, only transformed and Knowing these principles you're about to learn will help you transform both your own energy and your life.

The law of attraction tells us that attracts equal and that all what they focus your attention is what you expand, what you feed, which continually draws again and again.

The Law of Attraction is not a New Age concept or a simple term, is a science, is something you learned in school is something that teaches and studies physics, this law tells us that every atom in your body is constantly responding to the impulses of your environment and of course your mind, your vibrations and emotions whether positive or negative.

Friday, January 15, 2010

How Many Restorils Does It Take To Kill U

Eu Vou! (1985-2010)

So read the motto of the first Rock in Rio I remember that I got fired from my job in social work, collects the cash, bought dollars, and with friends, "Rafi" Baigún and "Cheating" Harry (three friends were waiting in Rio) we take a micro Pluna unbearable towards Porto Alegre (first stop) and then if by plane, landing on 1 January 1985 in Rio lands.
Looking for information on other issues, I have come across countless forums, which states that no other RIR was like that year. And they good reason. Whether the quality of the bands or the variety. Moreover, this was the first festival that brought together nearly one and half million people in 10 days, and all in full electoral fervor, and after suffering 21 years of military dictatorship, January 15, 1985, the Brazilians returned to electing a president.
After a trip to the legendary Maracana stadium to get tickets (only sold there), we prepare for the afternoon of January 16 we were going to see Nina Hagen and Rod Stewart. More than once I commented to my friends that I "went to see Nina Hagen and ended up looking at Rod Stewart." Why say this? You'll see ...
In the huge round bondi property located in Barra de Tijuca, where you installed the Mega-Festival, we met a friend Alexander "Palo" Carugatti (credit of some of these photos), who had managed to go as a correspondent for a half farting magazine such as "Now" or "Flash" but allowed her to enter the famous Snake Pit, that is, being stuck on stage.
arrived and after searching for (There were about 1,200 people between Segurança (750) and police) entered the premises. After taking some photos like that with the helicopter included (if any plan could not have been better), we prepared for Os Paralamas Do Sucesso.
Herbert Vianna, leader of the band, until then completely unknown to us all, asking the public to see only soloists or bands of interest to them since the day before a heavy (if not? ) undertook to throw all kinds of objects on stage in full play of Kid Abelha & Os Abóbora Selvagens, banda his girlfriend at the time (or Kid Abelha Paula Toller), until the appearance of "segurança" calm them very good manners .
Hence the explanation that the day we attended we were frisking people, stripping them of all is considered as dangerous as studded wristbands or belts.

The Paralamas made an early and tight set with hits such as "ocular" and "Ska" (two of my favorites) and a powerful version of "Useless" of undermining Rigor, another band Brazilian my preference. Lulu Santos
Then he went with his group (photo), and completing the local credits: Blitz. A friendly band of about 8 or 10 members, who made a Pop-New Wave quite contagious.
when they went to The Go-Go's on stage (as Light of the day) we took a break for dinner (and was 8 pm) and after the Go-Go's (a band of girls), came from Germany and finally Rod, so it was quite night ahead.

Nina Hagen (photo) appears to 21:30 pm. fumata amid the widespread public maconha (Never in my years of concerts, I saw so many joints to be passed from hand to hand like that night) and went through their repertoire with classics like "African Reggae", "Kosma Shiva," " Smack Jack "," Lucky Number "material" Fearless "(" New York, New York, "" I Love Paul "and" Zara ") and "My Way" of an advance of "In Ekstasy" the album would appear in the troughs in the middle of that year.

A very tight band with a guitarist peeled tail-Hare Krishna-style bass and half black, half Indian, who played like a thousand demons together.
The German liked and did not disappoint. But the best of the night was coming.

After a heavy rain that lasted about 20 minutes (between submission and presentation had a half-hour interval), it appears the Scot.
seductive smile, wearing a shirt (Actually jacket) yellow and blue pants fabric plane (which was widely used at the time), shot his set based on the double live "Absolutely Live" released a couple of years earlier.
opened with "Tonight I'm Yours" and followed him "Hot Legs", "Maggie May", "Young Turks" and "Da Ya Think I'm Sexy" (among others). The pause for the slow "Tonight's the Night" (and boy was), "Sailing" and "I Do not Want to Talk About It" (not necessarily in that order). And finally to "You're In My Heart, You're In My Soul" and feel the 120,000 throats taking air when Rod nods and leaves us all alone singing the chorus. It goes without saying that not only made him goosebumps at more bully (the goosebumps, yeah) but some got away a tear.
A unique moment where you felt the vibe of all those souls drenched by rain, but happy to see the cutting-aged "Rooster" on stage. Quite difficult to describe in a simple blog post.
on their participation in the Festival, "Roderick" comment later: "For me it was like winning the World Cup." Someone would in doubt?.

We returned to the dept. of Barata Ribeiro and Princess Elizabeth (on the border between Copacabana and Leme) after waiting for hours to appear some of these groups rented, tired and hoarse but eager to keep fucking for a while through the streets of this beautiful city that laughs January every year. For the anecdote

are some figures:
That McDonalds sold 58,000 burgers a day, a figure that allowed him to enter the Guinness Book of World Records.
that is sold 1.6 million liters of beverages in the ten days of the RIR.
or sold a total of 500,000 lots pizza.

Does Vegeta Ever Say Goku

a woman with tav

Today I was going to put a song that I love, but as my blanket walks by me crazy and this song facinaaaaaa and doing ad hoc fed up with what's happening ...

woman with hat Oil

(Silvio Rodríguez )

A woman has lost
know delirium and dust
has lost this beautiful madness, his brief

waist beneath me.
has lost my way of loving
my mark has been lost in its sea.

I see a light and promises
hesitate to let us in the dark.
I see a dog barking at the moon

with another figure that reminds me.
see more: I see that I found.
see more: I was lost. Cowardice is

case of men, not lovers.
Loves cowards fail to love,
or stories,
stay there. Neither
can save memory, or the best speaker
conjugate. A nameless woman

flees like a seagull and I quickly dry my boots, a note

blasphemous and turn off the clock.
Let me take care love,
that I can sing your song.

A woman with hat,
an old picture of Chagall,
corrupting the fear center
and I'm no good, I began to mourn
But then cried for me,
and now I cry to see it die.


scores and pa to sing it jijijiji

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Who Does This Insurance Take Beechstreet

sombreroY God forgives ..... Time does not .....

A while ago I read this sentence and the truth got me thinking ...

often leave something for later and tomorrow I speak, we better another day, tomorrow I apologize ... etc or even banal things and tomorrow I'll buy it, I'll take it back now for two weeks I get it, etc, etc, etc but if the weather does not forgive .... and tomorrow never comes .... we have not missed a lot of things ....

... then I read them for a coffee ......

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Denal Clone Trooper Buy

That Mich? The son of Rico?

To Mr. Aldo Rico it can be known by its many facets. Among other things we could say that he fought in the Falklands War, although many insist that this war did not make a single shot and cowardly surrender. Rose against the Alfonsin government in Easter 1987 and then in Monte Caseros the following year. He was sentenced to prison and later pardoned by Carlos Menem. And from there it went into politics in anticipation of the "Borocotización" long before Juan Carlos Lorenzo himself (Borocotó) or the ever restless today Carrio Lilita relaxed. First created
Modin and was elected deputy in 1991. Joined a couple of years to Menem, but then faced. He approached the people of the Alliance of the UCR and the Frente Grande, but when least expected, hit a turning wheel and joined the ranks of "Cabezón" Duhalde (upon payment of a green stick, say the Gossips).
was mayor of San Miguel in 1997 and 1999 Carlos "Rucucu" Ruckauf was appointed security minister Buenos Aires. I remember at that moment I thought: If you do not fix Rico to the "Buenos Aires" (Police of the Province of Buenos Aires) do not fix anybody. And I was wrong ugly, because in that position lasted just four months.
At this point, some may ask: How then Aldo Rico came to be mayor and as intended to be reelected? Very simple. Discussed among the inhabitants of that city, while he was mayor Rico not only imposed a military order in their municipality, but custom teníapor surprise fall in the hospital at 4 in the morning and fit in an office mate to take from Hence control doctors on call to not go to sleep or not they engaged in some orgy with nurses. Sometimes entering civilian, but other was dressed (as a beggar or very old lady). On one occasion, and after a couple of doctors it kicked out to the street, telling him at the hospital were not met homeless, Rico returned a few seconds, without disguise, and began "to fart shit" saying they were all fired. Of course, doctors threatened to strike for an indefinite period. Ah! nobles health workers! Rico
recently tried to win a place in the Peronist Buenos Aires to participate in the internal of which was declared the winner, after "flirting" with the Kirchnerism. (With the southpaw kirchneristas miserable? Yes, with the same!). Today
remains crouched low memory trusting people, or just in the good memory of his followers, turn followers of the "Hand" to regain the coveted Mayor of San Miguel.
meantime, I ask Mr. Rico: In that feverish night, in which sexual frenzy attack could have conceived such a "media monster" declaring "singer, actor and media psychologist." I mean, Mich., one of television appearances last year when Argentina tried for television back almost 20 years now, trying to recapture the old spirit of "dumbing Menem?
Because I do not fuck. Mich is the son of Aldo Rico! Hacete
by Nato!

Monday, January 11, 2010

An Example Of Card Stacking

Today I want to say THANK YOU!

Thank you for your friendship with conservative tastes,
for your words of encouragement and advice provided.
debilidadesy For making me see my error in time.
Thanks for taking the time
time to show your concern for me,
time to listen to my problems
and help find solutions,
and above all, time to smile
and show your effect.
Thanks for all the moments we shared,
moments full of feelings,
dreams, desires, secrets, laughter and tears
in this "world blogger"

Each precious second will be treasured
forever in my heart.
Thanks for being who you are, a wonderful person.
Finally many thanks to you, without asking anything in return
helped me to continue, believing that love and friendship
not only are concepts and words,
if not noble and selfless surrender.
But most of all .... Thank you all for staying here!

Two Girdles Padlocked

Back at it again

Pueshh NAAA some aliens abducted me and made me his queen for all these months .... no no rare

Pueshhh NAAA I went to conquer new lands ... NAAA is not my thing

Pueshhh NAAA I shut himself up in a lab to find the cure against amm ... ammm is not that no

For that I methylation of monjaaaaa !!!... I do not think naaaaaa

Well the joke is that I am absent for many reasons such as rare and strange

* Too much work thousands of projects together (ok, ok, but were only 5 projects were large and followed)
* My mood and desire to not give me ideas
* I kidnapped (and true) by Face (is that the wave pa deny it)

But as good eh returned prodigal daughter, you know I love writing but more so ... I love your blogs, (actually already eh me updated with one another and others but I'm missing: S I have a job and post even the follies of my head to ask me things, I have not been allowed to get an update at all). So I decided to return to my beloved blog ... I hope you are not forgotten me and pueshhh NAAA ...

My blanket continues its uncertainty Thursday
Helton with their stories sporadic but more than great
I with my songs, stories, reviews, etc.
And the new acquisition Lulusita my other best friend (her and many know)

So it seems that we are complete, the romance of Lulu, The Enigma of Jackie, the sensual Helton and my craziness ... make THE TRUE STORY OF A LOVE RICE ... relive

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

False Negative 2 Days Before Period Is Due

Cacerolazo in Goya!

The call for "cacerolazo" to protest the endless cuts in water supplies and electricity, was for Tuesday at 21:00 pm. in Mitre Square (although some msg on cell phones and e-mails cited at 19:30 pm.) and I went over there.
to Chronicle TV echoed this "move" with a typical red plate with white lettering that read "Goya: 43 Degrees, without light or water, people prepare a Cacerolazo for 21."
After waiting a long time the group (it seemed to me or was a bit more than usual?) Came to the intersection of Columbus and John Esteban Martinez, because at that point, a long line of people left the course at Headquarters Plaza Municipal and traffic was disrupted.
column I joined the estimated 1,500 to 2,000 people, including the explosions of fireworks and beating pans, plastic bottles, and other kitchen utensil to serve to make noise, we walked the few blocks that separate the Town Square .
You could say that was represented a large part of society Goyal, as befits any self-convocation. Many women (large majority), people from middle class to very poor condition, united by anger, sweat, bad moods and lack of sleep and the desire to recover if only for a little dignity that the smaller towns seem to have subsided after the comfort afforded by political patronage, and "anesthetic" effects.
People rushed to the front of the municipal building and began shouting that the mayor appeared Francisco Ignacio Osella. A "colleague" of that official, said hours after the mayor had been brave to stand up against the demonstrators. I believe that there was no other. Because if it appeared, things had become much worse.
I placed it on the sidewalk about 20 or 30 feet from where it was supposed to receive the president. And it had to be much experience in demonstrations (although I have it) to realize that people were hot, and wanted answers. But he knew beforehand he was going to find.
Men and women who clamored for the water that did not take all day, and the discomfort this situation creates: - Since yesterday I have no water! I give to my children? - Shouted a man about 30 years and the truth that was right.
loudly or through makeshift posters, all required solutions, both local politicians as the provincial. Say there was the odd council turning the crowd. I personally saw none. Except one, but an hour later, bañadito cambiadito and going to buy bread at a bakery downtown.
The thing is that Don Osella (village head) repeated concepts enunciated by way of CD throughout the day in several interviews in radio: "We have met with the forces of the city and tomorrow we will meet with Governor in Corrientes to perform the steps corresponding to the assistant secretary of energy in the province and, if necessary, we will continue with the national authorities. " People
sounded a "whispering" to "verse", a "guitar playing" and immediately became the claims solutions. "No more promises," "Stay up Santa batteries "and" If that will be used "were among the shouts of the crowd that of course were never taken by the TV channel but if by some local radio stations covering the event.
After the words of Mayor Osella, who retired uncomfortable and very worried about the troubled area, somebody showed it was not really what or whom he represented, trying to calm the crowd, but from the back came a chorus that the best style football fans cried "They're all chantas! The bitch that bore! "
And people decided to continue the claim on the door of the offices of the DPEC (Provincial Directorate of Energy Current) one of the "bad guys."
I did not get to that place. I left the column a few blocks away. Say there was broken glass, and also broke the front glass of the company Aguas de Corrientes.
Nothing that has not been cured this morning, and anyway could not overcome the anger of a city that deserves a little more respect. Both Aguas de Corrientes
as DPEC provide a service that is not consistent with the amounts of bills. And people are tired.
No one went home with the reassurance that the next day everything would be solved. It was illusory to think that the Mayor, unless it was Mandrake (the magician), had magic solutions. No magic or any other kind.
But at least, people (myself included) pulled a bit of anger and fever at the situation, and at least we went to sleep knowing that the times when politicians did what they wanted, at least in this city now beginning to be part of the past.

(Pictured, a group of locals against Slaughter Municipal Headquarters)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What Do The Colored Bracelets Stand For??

With Goya, with you in the dark!

When you think of poor cities worldwide, come to mind as examples of Freetown (Sierra Leone), a very poor city founded by former slaves left Africa a country the good of God with high crime rates, or New Delhi, India, with thousands of beggars asking for alms and tons of animal filth strewn in the streets. We could also mention Ulan-Bator (Mongolia) children's home-rats, those who take refuge beneath the streets of Kathmandu in Nepal or near Potosi in Bolivia (the latter city certified as poor by the United Nations and a "course "and questionable quality of life index.
But far from these cities mired in hunger, crime and neglect, there is another city in our country full of poor people. In poor wretches! For the 80,000 inhabitants of Goya, Corrientes Province , Argentina, Today we feel that: A sleeve of poor wretches!
last two months from the date the power provided by the DPEC (Provincial Directorate of Energy Corrientes) began to fluctuate. Never reached the 220 watts needed to properly operate any appliance or equipment or PC audio, but has varied between 110 and 200 watts (hopefully). With peaks that have exceeded the 220 watts of energy while returning after the long, unexpected and unannounced power cuts. Therefore
nothing worked as it should because people were burning him equipment (televisions, washing machines and / or refrigerators), unset them operating systems and modems of the PC's from time to reset and lows of tension, and today after spending a night in a lot of anger, where nobody slept "decent", or bathing (because as Aguas de Corrientes has no generators, no sooner was power goes out, cut the water supply) and not even able to turn a measly fan 40 degrees wind chill ruling because there was no power supply (the cut last night lasted 8 hours) or the tension was a roller coaster up and down like a phenomenon "Poltergeist", the people you ran out of patience.
Since early claims were heard by the inhabitants of the city, especially in two radio: FM Ideal (The program Alejandro Pereto) and Radio Power (In the program of José María Sosa). In other ways as well have happened.
People trilled, and no wonder. Because correntino be good and sometimes too passive or left on some issues, but when you run out of patience do not know that might happen.
authorities (Mayor and Deliberative Council) and one of the persistent claim of Alexander Pereto on his show, recently gave his face through a radio communication from the Mayor of the city (Francisco Ignacio Osella), who explained by appealing to the usual technique the "Radical guitar playing" that guilt was not really the municipality, nor of the DPEC but Transnea (Trunk Distribution Transportation Northeast Argentina SA), which is the company responsible for "bring" or "carry" energy to the province, from remote locations Argentina. To paraphrase the old slogan of Grundig, "Power expensive, but worse!".
So today was convened spontaneously to all city residents to "Cacerolazo" in the main square of the city (corner of Columbus and Spain) at 19:30 pm. to protest this situation, which is given but not the poorest city in the world, even in Argentina (It would poor considered unthinkable a city like Goya, where motorcycles and motor vehicle traffic increases annually by 15% and renewed by 25%), occurs in a city of "poor wretches" who do not even have the right to rest as applicable.
With Goya, with you, but in the dark!