Sunday, October 31, 2010

List Of Symptoms O Fthe Black Death


the killing of Mariano Ferreyra, the union bureaucracy K KILLER AND THE GOVERNMENT OF RIGHT. THIS IS FASCISM
Mariano killed yesterday. Workers Party member and FUBA de Avellaneda. They did the miserable street gangs who for decades managed the trade union bureaucracy and business pejotista, with the help of the police, they liberated the area, which makes clear the responsibility of state and government "of human rights. " In this case, the "brown shirts" of the Union Railway of gangster Pedraza. Killed him, and shot classmates, while supporting the legitimate claim of contract workers of the former railway line Roca. A claim for the reinstatement of dismissed colleagues and pass a permanent facility, which and take months, and that was ignored by the government "national and popular."
The Kirchner administration has killed the worker who produced their own practice of permanent falsehood, deception, anti-worker policies, delivery of our resources and people's work. AND MAINLY OF NOT LYING ON ROTTEN PATOTERIL MODEL AND FASCIST UNION OF PJ.
Can anyone surprised?
What will they say now those who hold that this government is not right "? What more proof (and painful) required?
labor organizations and the Left in general have reacted accordingly, instantly mobilize autoconvocados for organizing and mobilizing Repudiation and the strike called from the CTA. We were there. And we will remain. But we believe it is time to stop running behind events, moving to institutionalize a permanent drive space, at least on the issue of mass self-defense.
The Communist Workers Party stands in solidarity with the comrades of the Workers Party, Mariano's family, and sticks and calling for the Protest convened for Thursday October 21, Avellaneda Station at 12am and Corrientes and Callao to 17hs.
demand Judgement and Punishment for the perpetrators of this murder and ideological
"He who dies fighting, living in each partner"
Mariano Ferreyra THIS!
died a revolutionary VIVA LA REVOLUTION!
onward to victory




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