Sunday, October 24, 2010

Bump With Blisters On Butt

Defense Fronts, Fronts Union Regional Indigenous people Andean Amazonian peasant communities and Mass Organisations of Peru.

OCTOBER 12, 2010 NATIONAL MARCH OF LIMA TO THE PEOPLE! nieta In defense of life, natural resources and national sovereignty! Representatives of the Union of Regional Fronts of Peru, the national coordinator of Fronts of Peru, the Committees of the macro control southern Peru, northern defense fronts, Piura, Lambayeque and Libertad, the macro center - East , Ayacucho, Huancavelica, Junín, Pasco, Huanuco, Ucayali, Iquitos, San Martin, Amazonas and Yurimaguas defense against Apurimac CORECAMIS northern, central and southern Peru, the General Confederation of Workers of Peru (CGTP), the National Front for life and sovereignty, the Andean Coordinator of Indigenous Organizations (IOTC), AIDESEP, CCP, CNA, FENTENAPU, FETIMMS PERU, OIL, SUTES REGIONAL CONARE FTECCIVIL, the National Social Policy Coordinator (PSC), CITE, CUT, National Coordinator Vaso de Leche and Kitchens, the FEMUCARINAP, CONAIP, LA COMPACCP, the National People's Press, South People's Assembly, National Coordinator Inter Peru, National Confederation of Workers Unions National Coalition Petro Peru, the Departmental Federation of Workers of Cuzco, Arequipa Coordinating People, Peasant Confederation of Peru (CCP), World Summit of the Peoples Movement for Global People Mother Earth-chapter Peru; line of defense and sovereignty of Cajamarca, Defense Against the interests of Huaraz, Front Collique Airfield Defence, Defence Patriotic Society and Port of Peru, Machiguenga Council of Upper and Lower Urubamba , COMABUR, CECONSE, AMAZON SUMMIT, VRAE FEPA Federation of Students of Peru, Movimiento Ecological Citizen, Youth Collective Anticorruption High Collective Voice, José María Arguedas Cultural Association, Collective of second-class citizens, Native Communities and Agrarian Federation of Madre De Dios, Struggle Committee Inambari Basin, National Federation of Construction , Central Committee of Struggle and Peasant Federation of the Convention, Cuzco:
After intense and fruitful discussions, through the historic meetings, forums, and conferences that were held throughout Peru, in the midst of demonstrations, strikes, meetings control, seedlings and legal efforts in instances and the Congress; We agreed unanimously and strongly that this
14 AUGUST WILL THE GREAT PROGRESS TOWARDS NATIONAL PEOPLES LIMA, which expresses profound indignation and rejection of the neoliberal model that is deepening the pro-imperialist government and sell Homeland Alan García Pérez, head of Peru's operators. In the context in which the Global crisis is not only an economic crisis but a crisis of civilization, that is, a crisis of values \u200b\u200bthat settled world capitalism under the hegemony of Europe and the U.S.: individualism "competition", self store, commodification of all form of life on earth. Therefore expresses the decay of the system and the failure of the neoliberal model, which true to his conduct, capitalism seeks to download the effects of the crisis on the backs of the peoples of the world. The financial meltdown on Wall Street marks the end of an era. Creditibilidad has finished the Washington Consensus. However, the rule persists in the continuity of their model with abandon. In this situation, the world's people have struggled to defend their rights and to forge alternative government and power in Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Paraguay, Brazil, which together with the Cuban people, show that peoples are historical social force, able to articulate the legitimate aspirations of changing society and the aspirations of liberation of the oppressed, exploited and excluded, to build together a new social order. 1. Confirm our willingness to reject the Camisea gas exports, mainly of lots 88 and 56, as well as lots 57 and 58, the same to be used for Internal Market and mass consumption, in a position nationalist and therefore demand the repeal of legal provisions that allow it to export.
2. We demand the revision of the Concession Contract for the Exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons, mining seats COPPER activity CIEMSA Parati, Laraqueri Aruntani SAC, SAC ARASI Ocuviri, MINSUR SAN RAFAEL, Cokachara, CARTAGENA Unction Sandia Rumi Caracoto Cement Juliaca, Arequipa Minera Cerro Verde, Caylloma ARES, Aracata in Cusco, Moquegua Tintaya extraterritorial the Cuajone Sauthern of Tacna, the Sauthern of Toquepala, SELENE Apurimac and Natural Resources (active) considering as background the past acts of corruption which are involved former ministers and former officials of the governments in the last twenty years. 3. Sue ratified by the Central Government the immediate cessation of the project
4. The implementation No Mega project "Hydro Inambari" non-execution of Angostura Majes Siguas II Project, the Building NO Salca Pucara Hydropower and the revision of the concession PAMPAUTAÑA dam. 5. Exgimos the Executive Branch the enactment of the Act prior consultation, in accordance with Convention 169 - ILO-UN, and the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which can only consolidate and develop what has already been recognized by the United Nations system in September 2007 with the Affidavit of the UN Law of Indigenous Peoples. 6. Request to Congress the repeal of laws that criminalize social protest and the release of the leaders (indigenous, peasant and popular) have been sentenced under the term thereof.
7. Termination of judicial politics, of distortion of the penal system as an ultra-punitive instrument "solution" of social conflict and the criminalization policy of movement and social protests, by the repeal of legislation that supports it (DS 982 and others) and a general amnesty for the thousands of conflicts prosecuted for homeland defense, environmental and socio water and classified as such by the Office of the people.
8. The demilitarization of the Valley of the Apurimac and Ene River We demand an immediate halt to the eradication of coca leaf and the free culture, being ancient heritage of the peoples of Peru. We reject and condemn the heinous murders in the Ucayali and Huallaga.
9. We demand peace with justice for the people of the South Region Macro, attacked by various events such as, lifting Kellu Puno, Sichuan Espinar, Chubivilcas and Echarate recently, the convention Cuzco, indefinite strike Abancay and Andahuaylas, Apurimac. Indefinite strike of miners Chala, Arequipa, through freedom of community members imprisoned, ending the persecution of processed and rehabilitation of the overall health of the wounded of them with bullets. 10. To respect the recommendation of the Committee of Experts of the ILO high for Peru in its February 2010 report, and thus to establish a moratorium on natural resource projects in indigenous territories (mining, hydrocarbons, hydropower, agro fuels and others) until fully institutionalized right to free, prior and informed consultation, as indicated in Convention 169 - ILO. 11. Sue the Congress of the Republic shall immediately file the Bill of forced displacement in the territories of the Native and Rural Communities.
12. The repeal of Law N º 29338 "Water Resources Act, which privatized, commodified and displaces indigenous peoples.
13. PCM urge the cancellation of hydropower projects Inambari Pakitsapango, Belomonte and Madeira.
14. The suspension of the mega projects of IIRSA to the correction of violations involving the 169-ILO convention, they have not been consulted and indigenous peoples, that affect and has not respected its own priorities and strategies for the so-called "development."
15. No to Mining Concessions to companies large Cokachara national and transnational capital in the regions of Cuzco, Chumbivilcas, Canas, Acomayo, Canchis Puno, Santa Ana, Kelluyu, Santa Rosa Mazo Cruz, Yongu, Copani, Zepita, Pomata on Project Khapi mining and open pit mining projects, Tacas, Berengaria in Santa Lucia, operating uranium mining project in Corani, Arequipa, mining project Mollebamba Aunt Mary in Islay, the Sauthern in Antabamba in Tacna, Mark MINSUR Puka Mining Project in Moquegua Quellaveco Mining Project.
16. For the immediate cessation of concessions for oil exploration and subsequent exploitation in the plots 105 (Azángaro-San Roman, Puno), 155 (Rust-Huancané), 156 (Puno-wrench Chucuito-Yunguyo), 75 (Carabaya) and 164 (Carabaya- Sandia): immediate withdrawal of the company HUNT OIL Lot No. 76 Area Anarakairi (Mother of God).
17. Construction of the pipeline to South MACRO to transport Natural Gas from Blocks 88 and 56, within a policy of internal consumption of the Camisea Gas and respect the environment and Native Communities and Settlers in strict compliance with Convention No. 169 of the ILO and others.
18. Not a predatory mining and contaminants such as Majaz-Ayabaca Piura; Raura-Huánuco, and others, the Trujillo, Central and Cerro de Pasco. Advancing
build a national platform that unifies people's organizations, unions and social: VIVA PROGRESS OF PEOPLES TO LIMA, OCTOBER 12, 2010!




criminalization NO TO THE SOCIAL PROTEST!




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