Sunday, October 24, 2010

What Groups Does Albinism Affect

proposal to the Popular Assembly of Delegates Whole cited for the 30/10/2010, adopted by the National Coordinator of 27/9/2010.

The People's Assembly has passed since its inception through various stages in a process of ongoing growth and development. Has been a naturally adversarial, non-linear, with some pieces together multiple additions. Born as a political and programmatic (remember the Platform Artiguista) between political forces and militants in the area leading independent association of culture or the fight for the environment, was developed with the 40 measures and municipal programs, ; adding wills and assuming responsibility with courage and the immense challenges that history has put us ahead.
No doubt some of the determinants for retention and development of AP so far have been: a) a clear definition and policy and programmatic oligarch and anti-imperialist opportunism, expressed in the FA, the government and the trade union and social movement, and strong support popular and revolutionary struggles internationally, b) the collective effort to build a climate of political trust among all components, c) the political and organizational flexibility that allowed us to reconcile different ideological conceptions and realities, different histories, different levels of development.
Today we plan to jump in the AP organic convinced that the time that touches us and we will live in requires us to record a higher level than we have today. That should keep in essence what the AP: policy and programmatic agreement between different political forces and independent activists who share an agenda and a common political project. Proposed organization
- National Coordinator. Whole
-National AP delegates.
-National Assembly of Adherents.
- The National Coordinator of the PA is composed of representatives of national political forces that make up the AP, 26M, PCR, MODEJU, FORWARD, PH and independent peers appointed by the National Delegates Whole the proposal of the National Coordinator.
- The National Whole consists of the National Coordinator, with a representation of 2 delegates for political organization and one for each independent for 2 delegates for each of the popular assemblies that run the country, plus 1 additional delegate every 20 active adherents , 4 delegates for the work fronts in operation and 1 for each political force departmental or regional character.
-National Assembly of Adherents. Highest representative body composed of all active adherents of the AP. They are active adherents who are active in an AP Land, Labour Front, Central Commission and / or members contributors to 90 days old and are up to date listing. That is, by all the members who are militant in a territorial assembly, work fronts and central committees. Every 2 years will meet in regular session, and extraordinarily at the request of national or Whole express will of 25% of active adherents.
functions of each agency .- .-
National Coordinator has the responsibility for daily management of the NPC. Well as public performance of it. Decisions are taken by consensus and will always have the flexibility to respect the different political and ideological that comprise the AP. Whole
Nacional.A-You are responsible for defining the position of the AP on major political issues and to organize and define the work of the national AP. Should meet four times a year. Makes decisions by majority National Assembly of Adherents
.- is focused on the definition of the broad lines of action of the AP, as well as adopt the agenda and common applications of the PA and the amendment of bylaws. Makes its decisions by majority vote, except the amendment to the bylaws, which require 2 / 3 of the attendees. Consideration will need a quorum linked to the amount of adherents. Income
Political parties and organizations:
Join the National Coordinator of the consensus, endorsed by most of the National Assembly of Adherents. If no such consensus, may enter the National Plenary, the National Assembly of Adherents to the Neighborhood Assemblies and Local, and Lemma, by a majority of the NFP.
2010.-A little over four years since its founding two years have defined participation as a party in the electoral arena, the People's Assembly is installed unquestionably as the organized expression of the left in Uruguay .
This does not mean that no fellow left out of the AP. There are, even among those who still have some expectation to the FA. What we say is that in terms of organized political project, with national and minimum capacity of mobilization, there is nothing outside the AP. And this statement does nothing but multiply our responsibility.
The consolidation of anti-national coalition government of liberal, white, red and independent guarantee the neoliberal model, serving multinational corporations and big business. The global capitalist crisis that is beginning to affect our economy, forces government and its allies to set strict policies to meet the demands of the IMF and World Bank assured that the harsh effects of the crisis fall on the shoulders of workers and the people. The Law on Budget and State Reform, discussed today in parliament, coupled with public-private partnership law and other related initiatives are a clear expression of the forced march undertaken by the government and its allies. The advance of the crisis and the greed of multinational corporations, government and rush to shrink their margins of maneuver. The dismantling of state, privatization of public enterprises, the looting of our natural resources to unprecedented levels, the concentration of wealth and widespread poverty are some of the dominant features of this phase.
The agreement between the parties of the system and the collaboration of most of the leaders of social organizations, facilitate the implementation of this policy delivery. But at the same time will exacerbate the contradictions and naked before leaving the increasingly important areas of people, the true contents of this policy and responsibility of its perpetrators and their accomplices. In this framework will generate increasingly better conditions for the consolidation, development and growth of the People's Assembly as the only alternative opposed to the system and the development and strengthening of new expressions of unity, organization and popular struggle in the countryside.
This is the great challenge that we face the stage. A stage for the People's Assembly to be offensive at all levels. Combining the effort of building the national organization, which probably will be scheduled at this stage by the addition of militants and detached sections of the ruling party, with the construction of power in the social movement and active presence in all expressions struggle that is being generated in opposition to government policy and its allies.
- Install and consolidate the presence of the national People's Congress. This implies on one hand ensure the functioning of local assemblies and departmental as well as the fronts. And secondly to develop a broad policy that allows us to capture the growing dissatisfaction with government policy. This is critical to affirming the popular Assembly as a political agreement, based on common program definitions, which caused a political tool for ensuring proper profile plural and diverse character of its composition.
- a commission to make a proposal to ensure smooth and regular contact Among grassroots-PA. local organizations and agencies working committees address-Define
Training policy that has as its basis the definition Artigas imperialist and People's Assembly.
- Ensure the functioning of the central committees of organization, finance and propaganda.
In political action of the PA.
- entered a period where we believe that the AP must prioritize the cultural battleground. Considering the full extent and strategic importance, (pillar of the ideological struggle), we must move on to the organized fight against hegemony, and not only the government but the system in the field.
- We think that in the immediate future, talking to the cros of this area and considering what they built in these years of work, you have to see what the best way forward in a concrete way to build a policy Ap at the cultural level. Consistency, the highlight and the experience of the cros., Makes us think that we must reaffirm the political will of the PA to work front that constitutes and affirms cultural quickly.
- Give all the support and encouragement to the newly created Commission on the Environment, Natural Resources and Food Sovereignty. Promote the creation of a National Movement to fight for these issues , To the greatest extent possible. We
it with fellow first level, with strong background and proven track record. We believe that this is a battle front of tremendous importance. Because the model imposed by liberalism is essentially predatory and plundering. And in defense of our natural resources at stake the future. Ourselves and humanity as a whole. It is a battle front besides, that if we face them extensively, we will join forces with other social sectors, beyond the limits of the People's Assembly to confront the neoliberal policy of the coalition government. We believe that from this work against the People's Assembly can and must convene and organize a Grand National Movement for the Defense of our Environment and Natural Resources. This movement must be accounted for at national level to deal with projects such as UPM, Aratiri, transgenic soya, the so-called bio fuels and other expressions of plundering and predatory neoliberal model in force in our country.
- A policy to support the struggle of the Coordinator of Retirees and Pensioners.
The recent campaign to collect signatures in support of the platform just Coordinator, demonstrated the immense possibilities that exist for working in this sector. The campaign coordinator buzzed -government organizations and made it clear for many retirees the complicity of the Onajpu with government policies.
is coming to an instance of great importance in the fight for pensioners, as is the election of representatives to the board of BPS. Beyond electoral expectations, we believe this will be a decisive for an organized state of confrontation with the government policy level retirees. We must find ways to support with all our strength, to fellow coordinator in this tough battle.
- Define a policy to support from the labor front and strengthening and developing youth Coordination Workers, students and senior class. Or the organized expression of coordination and control that arise in this phase. Based on a common definition of both the political face of the coalition government as the political expression of this social movement either with the leaders of the ruling or the labels that are used to curb the popular struggle.
The thrust of the government in implementing net neoliberal policies pushed by the capitalist crisis that leaves less and less room for maneuvering, wears pro-government union leaders and exposing the true essence of his policy. This will generate increasingly strong contradiction with sectors more aware of workers and the people. Perhaps the clearest cases of this are the de Olivera in Fenapo and Cabrera in COFE. In this context the call made by our fellow Clasista Coordination, its formation, the call to march and act and the call to the concentration on the day of the strike, are very important steps taken in the right direction. Surely this process
contradictions are more acute in the coming months (definition of the budget, State Reform, Wage Councils) and is essential to go build a real space for coordination and control that is a specific reference to the sectors will be radicalized and hitting the lame policy of most central. We believe that an organized
progress in meeting the stated objectives, we will develop the necessary inclusion in the popular movement, it strengthens the People's Assembly as the authentic alternative to the left in Uruguay. The emergence of the People's Assembly, the political break with the power, the electoral participation allowed us to settle as a political force with a national presence, with a political project and clearly defined program. Today the challenge before us is to take root, insert ourselves more and grow in strength influence on the popular movement. Being able to promote the organization and the struggle of popular sectors most advanced. To become more and more to the masses in a clear and reliable reference for the control of the authentic left. The only left. This is in our view the fundamental way for the growth and strengthening of the popular assembly.


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