Saturday, November 13, 2010

How Much Does A Toy Hidden Blade Cost


The same weekly interview with former Judge Federico Álvares
Petraglia who believes "Sad spectacle we all know has been
repeating every time a minister is removed." Ex
judge said there are "meetings" between leaders "left"
and judges to find their "political orientations, ideological."
Former Judge Federico Alvarez Petraglia won his resignation "forced"
the Judiciary within the agency that he "took" the processing
"powerful" as the criminal Carlos Curbelo Tammaro
and businessman Victor Mesa and "acting against the
corporatism without permission." Alvarez
Petraglia, who joined the Socialist Party 17 and
split when he entered the judicial career in 2002, said
aware of the existence of "meetings" of "left-wing politicians" to judges in order
" know its political and ideological "
before deciding if they are eligible for a place on the Supreme Court.
added that "many" of his former colleagues are Masons and that was that
it has "prevented harmful consequences for any career. "
The following is a summary of the interview he had with Alvarez Petraglia
- why give the judiciary? "
"The reason for my forced resignation was the form and substance of administrative
investigation initiated by the Supreme Court, which was Minister
by the Court of Criminal Appeals, Angel Cal felt that by
Judicial power was more important to inquire if I was still connected to my previous
officials, if talking about a particular person or not and how he did
to investigate the attack of a criminal group organized
as it was, is and will, which dismantled the Uruguayan
through "Operation Bell."
- Do not expect an investigation into leaks,
questions about his relationship with officials or the press?
"That issue was part of the investigation to which I was subjected, where Cal
that seemed timed my departure to the press that morning, which was prosecuted
Curbelo, the alleged violation of the secrecy of presumario.
My conversation with the press to strictly respect the confidentiality of presumario. Although not created, the day after the prosecution office called me to congratulate himself for Cal I left in the press.
How is everything? "On the one hand welcomed me, and then looks into what
me so I congratulated? "You
criminal judges denounced Maldonado by filtration
identity of a partner. Do you think it looked intimidating?
"What I did was to report the incident to the Justice and specialized
special request of counsel for the partner and the prosecutor,
Diego Pérez. At no time accused the judges of Maldonado, Gabriel Ohanian and Adriana
Graziuso intimidate the fact, but said that some people linked to the file "Tinker Bell", more specifically the wife of Jose Luis Suarez, principal charged with drug trafficking and money laundering in this case, had initiated criminal complaints against him
demanding money from
buildings that were being investigated.
- Did you feel little support from colleagues and leaders of the Ministry of Interior?
"No perceived endorsement of any chief of the Judiciary and the Executive. I did not ask, nor needed to fulfill my role.
"In his resignation letter you said that your greatest sin was getting to powerful.
Do you think that you were charged Curbelo processing and Mesa?
"Unfortunately, I gained because the the people you mentioned and others believed they were immune to the criminal justice system. The sad thing is that they are right, because 99% of people in prison in this country respond to
poor and dark-haired stereotype. Some people with political prominence and economic
know that hardly reach the punitive power to interrogate,
partly because the power that is ruthless to some, to others it
-The judge who replaced him Bureau revoked the processing ...
"The decision, which I respect, I just want to say that when
dictate the processing, as well as all those I provided in my career, were assessed
fully all the evidence obtained, it is absolutely respected all the guarantees for the defendant, and it was firmly convinced that it was for processing.
- Is there judicial corporatism?
"Yes, I also think that what I was charged for acting against the corporatism without asking for permission. I think I broke a golden rule, which implies that to be politically correct do not look inward, but to defend the corporation, beyond the errors committed.
-In informal conversations with colleagues you spoke
the weight of the masonry in the inner court ... "It's a
secret. Many of my former colleagues are Masons,
end of course do not question, but I know that in some cases such membership would have avoided damaging consequences for a career.
- Do you think that influenced you?
"I can only say I'm not a Mason, nor will be. Any conclusion in this respect was
by readers.
"You were a member of the Socialist Party. When he resigned?
"I belong to the Socialist Party for 17 years. I was a militant of the Socialist Youth, I joined the Central Committee and the Executive. Since joining as a judge
completely abandoned militancy policy. While I have no political activity or have I made any offer, do not rule out having it in the future.
- Are there judges who are politically active but can not?
"We must not be naive, the judiciary is a very special branch of
State where its top officials are not elected by popular vote
but involved a system where politics and politicians.
Despite knowing a number of senators and deputies left,
never asked anything from anyone because he believed that in this country the only thing that differed was skills each possessed, but I
took more of a surprise.
- What surprise?
I know the existence of left-wing political meetings, but perhaps they would
by politicians from other directions, with judges, to seek their views and to know its political, ideological, to assess whether paid or not your vote for promotion to the Court.
sad spectacle we all know has been repeated every time a minister retires


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