Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Whipple Procedure Chemotherapy

I loved

I love a happy past
I love you in this sad
I love you in an uncertain future

strong I am and I will sign and dying
confess that was a deep love
Do not forget for a second
not awake or asleep

That if I loved in this world
with disappointments and illusions
I will love after death
When you no longer have a thousand emotions

Monday, February 15, 2010

Weird Snot Came Out Of Y Nose

Today I understood ... We have to flee

Today I realized that love is sometimes only dream
is to invent such stories in the mind incredible
fly without wings and without a parachute into clouds of metal
and believe that nothing, absolutely nothing is impossible ...

Today I realized, although they deny that I love,
I can not forget your eyes the color of hope shining,
grieving although I've killed attitudes
illusions that I invented with you yesterday
excited ...

Today I realized that by any means life goes on,
even feel sometimes that I do not have the heart
that the thief stole your love and even haunts me
chest tightness and my breath ...

Today I realized what the total solitude,
because until blood my veins are absent,
and making me weak I follow your steps to where they go,
drop at the expected return if ever again ...

Today I realized that there was and is nothing in you
more than the other loves pain last
you're sad and you're off and let me die
the indifference that you caught me ...

understood Today that love is away from reality,
the days pass and never again
and be unfair to myself if I stay to wait
because you did perfect dream but without making ...

Friday, February 12, 2010

California Mobile Bartender Licence

And if everything is forbidden ... and if we hardly ... is better to look in other arms ... best forgotten .. or is it better .... run ...

  Watch   changed without my change. Watch as you suffer I do suffer for you, for me, may never have to run away I remember you. As it was hardly remember your voice almost can not stand this half light Without you, without me, in this garden flower There is no smell that can be felt. Uhh Ahh Ahh Ahh Ahh Ahh AhhAhhAhhAhh Everything loses flavor dream has been transformed into dull pain inside For you, for me, we have to run no more to say we have to flee. I would wait, I hope not too late I pray the rain end before it gets cold I wait, I hope not too late I pray the rain ends before you are gone. As a blanket soft is my pain Sometimes I remember it was the heat. You, me, we have to flee no more to say we have to flee.    
  second Friday of February ^ _ ^  

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Techdecklive Skatepark Skate

I'm here and still do not know where you are

ghosts of the past now, damn the future and a thousand mistakes came to mock me, but laughed all celebrating, as I spoke to you ... It still can not find you and I feel that I love ...

thousand questions I made light of the moon and the voice of the night, a thousand responses were absent while spending the night and I guess with you ... But the place that you should take is away ... AND I like crazy imagine the sound of your voice, thinking you feel the same, relying on my doubts, doubting my faith, convinced of not knowing if what you see is true and what I dream a lie, openly trying to twist the life and death turn to see if there may be a thousand mad world in your absence is living presence and the air whispers of your voice ...

I stumble you, quench my thirst with your lips, to tell the dreams that I build with you ... And yet I do not know where you are ... I feel that I love ... But I do not know where you are to cause the accident and an encounter and get hurt by your image and hit by the caresses of your hands ... Not knowing if he ever left unscathed after you if you were really after ...

I am here, without seeing, without have you, drowning in your absence, playing with your loneliness, missing you, like you've been with me ... I am here wanting to believe that these letters are a reflection of your soul, illuminating the darkness of my days ...

Friday, February 5, 2010

Can You Take Nyquil After Taking Mucinex-d

Being good is not my

What happens when a love ends .... what happens when you do not correspond .... what about all the feelings you have inside ... in some cases a nail out another ... but ... if not ... out demons, and with them the pain ....

Too Good

I said, I'm so sorry
heart, but almost bust
is that I can no more, keep pretending with
you agunto no, no more, be here to listen

moment is that there is a gap here in
because I can not love, so, as I did before you
is too good for me and

although I would, I returned
devil holy woman who shot
Canyon, my poor heart as it is pulled
water vase and although

I would, I hate that morning wrapped

pull on the window, her last song as it is pulled
a dream in the drawer

perhaps, at another time would have been our love

count I'm going to explain very
bad but someday you'll understand

and began singing
heard if I had heart, the same as lost
and just recently
understanding and just recently I

understanding and although I would, I returned demon

holy woman who shot into the canyon, my poor heart is pulled
as vase water

and although I do not, hate me that morning wrapped

pull on the window
their last song as it is pulled a dream in the drawer

was then that I learned
being good is not pa 'mi
not going to help me survive

was then that I learned
being good is not pa' mi no me
will help you survive

And so we begin the month of love ^ _ ^

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Why Do Shaolin Monks Wea

Permanent Vacation Rock in Rio 1985

Lucho First shut down the blog. But a few months back with another. And for him, was more of the same. An independent blog, I thought other than the crap that fills their head to most Argentines the scourge of Group One and Clarín, faced daily with the obscenities of gorillas and antikirchneristas and no support from the trail opposite. Is that if you do not belong to the "Peronist Movement blogger" or "PJ Digital Network" were. And Lucho wanted to maintain their independence. Until I got tired of all this history, and then the closing was final. He missed the
"Rosarigasinos." A marketer of those! : D shut down the blog
After Daniel (Rob Dangal). And though he stayed with the others, was no longer the same, because the blog in addition to being cornered, was called "South" as the movie of Solanas and I learned things that do not read other blogs.
disappeared after the poet Valentin Alsina. The Syd Barrett of Buenos Aires. The blonde walks
Estefy re-hung in their courtship. Marcela put lock on your blog and restricted access ('re fascist eh? Ha! Ha! Ha!). Alma became pregnant. The "Viking" Mokita goes hands full with her new threat Karlita laburo and while once again to say goodbye to your blog, the "Godmother" Gaia moved yours!
And as if this were not enough, came from a few weeks ago, a shower of comments annoying "spam" and it seems that the people of Big Blogger still can not help it. (Because I imagine it will be aware and working on it).
As I thought about the whole situation and wrote this posting, I remembered an old song by Seru Giran "Autos, Jets, Airplanes, Boats" ("land is that no one is, the truth that is going around the muuundooo ...") ...
And it seems it will not be neither the parrot (as would a Corrientes)
But not to panic, there are still interesting things to read and visit.
The blog of my friend Charles and his stellar photos (real star of the galaxy, not those that appear in the gossip programs). David and his dark stories and everyday, but always catching. The Walrus and the art of Caricato kids. The friend Pitekus and metaphysical postings. Geraldine and his movies (again Lost it?). Henry's blog (recently added) to the point of view of a Dominican "piola" on the global reality. And some others that are worth ... Under the shade
Vegetable Kosida, but I'm in (working on other areas that I have left). If you want to attend, play ringtone.
to any time and thank you come!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Runing Shoes Narrrow High Arch

Back pa ... Kamikaze

with staring
and heart freezing

illusion in lethargy,
and vinegar on the wounds,
dreams that passed by,
eyes that undertake the flight ...

... and no ink in the ink.

with gray to the soul
rejection and hat.

And a kiss of courtesy
-of those who know nothing, "
and pain pupils,
and stiffness in the wings ...

... life in an ashtray.

I do not want to return.