Thursday, December 30, 2010

South Park Watch Online With Subtitles

respect for human rights.

Far from Montevideo, away from the departmental capital, as far
possible, that nobody sees and you can come have a visit
led by the Director and a "union."
On a spring morning in the September 2010 between the
Santin Colonia Carlos Rossi. The Santin is across the
wall, that wall of each of the Uruguayans have built
for not knowing. The Santin is a black hole filled with pain, despair
and is one of the many sins that we assume.

I had good luck and walked flag by flag (eight concentration camps
). I say lucky because it is not easy to get to Hell
free guided tours. I was also in the kitchen, the canteen, in the

Upon entering the first pavilion prepare me for what I had
spot, and found that this monstrosity is impossible to tell, nobody ever
can tell, this outrage must see, smell, hear, touch
, felt in the body and brain a mixture of fear, helplessness
, indignation, you go up the beats, your brain
capacity quickly rearrange sentir algo tan fuerte y poder
decir estoy en el Uruguay, en la tierra y no en el Infierno.

Converse con mas de diez funcionarios, con ningún director, con ningún
dirigente sindical, con ningún médico.
La sensación fue de que no estaban. En 3 horas vi un solo medico. Me
faltaron los otros trece, que teóricamente tendrían que estar ahí.

Los funcionarios (la gran mayoría mujeres) me atendieron muy bien y me
brindaron información.

Ese día eran 398 locos internados, y seguramente la mitad deambulaban
por los enormes campos, en harapos, semidesnudos o “naturalmente”
nude drawing a beautiful day of sunshine.

they informed me that there are no seasons. In the days
cruelest winter naked, open a faucet in the
"gardens" and swim like summer.
Their faces (with the brown-gray metal color and glossy, with that
skin seems so thick, so shabby, so full of elderly suffering
) I looked but did not see me, looks
were lost and they were very away (just as they are:
lost forever and far away), nobody visits, nobody will
interest are material human waste, are the freaks who live with
Santin flies, dogs, lice, mosquitoes, cats, rats and pigeons
(all without exception have free access to
halls). It is a matter of daily
being bitten by more than a hundred dogs living with the crazy. Vi

amount of clothes thrown, naked and forget where they left the
rags. I saw several blankets in the grass and two dogs playing and
cracking one of them. Food debris scattered everywhere. There

an electric lift unused for years because the grass
entered into the engine and it was melted, the engine is on the roof of the canteen and to
motor side grows a beautiful eucalyptus.

There is a large house next to the football pitch where he makes very many years ago did
championships. That house named "The
house doctors." Thus disappeared a few months ago salamander
200 kilos. The few cars that can enter are not checked when exiting. In
a summer house in Piriapolis many blankets
the seal of the Colony.
time ago an officer was bathing a patient and then raped
. The judge did not have sufficient evidence, but I know what you think
the judge. Mrs. Macarena
listed as Assistant to the Directorate from the
1/1/2010, but actually acts as Director of the Concentration Camp
and is the concubine of the principal director of the two colonies
(Echepare and Carlos Santin Rossi) Dr. Osvaldo Do Campo. Pavilion

found 2 In 55 patients attending nurses.
give medication, any injection, bathe the "shit."
have some codes to "survive" and be careful, I said a veteran nurse
. We can not give too much affection, we have a limit. If a patient
have an illness and must have a particular
attention, the simple act of sitting next to her on the bed and stroke her head
ends in some begin to "simulate"
condition for collecting affection that way.

Ask a nurse: What is the worst Pavilion? Go to 4
answer me. Between 15 to 20 meters and turned away.
vomit near a tree. The combination of suffocating smell of cat piss, shit and piss
human, humidity one hundred years and the lack of pure oxygen
led me not to cross it as if I could with others.

Colonies were built in 1912 and were landmark global
that provided assistance. There are 372 hectares in total,
have planted hundreds of eucalyptus. The firewood is bought out.

Do Campo On 5/1/2006 when he took over as Director
16 vehicles (ambulances, 1 buses, trucks, tractors, trucks). In 2007
low to 14 vehicles and today there are only six (counting 2 tractors). A
of ambulances do not have insurance, or patent, the day he
brakes fail, the gurney can no longer download and start delay.

Last summer they were 48 hours without water and
washed up in a ravine. Typhoid and tuberculosis were active in Echepare

AFE Many officers were redeployed and work in the Colonies
. Never received a course or talk to train them in the care
acute mental patients. It is a clear message: do
of account are wagons, rails, pretend they are not, that
are alive but are dead.

All pavilions floors were soaked with moisture in a sunny day
dry and windy. Filthy and dripping walls, benches and tables
same, almost no light. In a men's flag
saw them sitting alone, apart, looking at a fixed point or maybe
thinking, "Crane" a new way to achieve freedom and
leaving Hell to Paradise: suicide. Where is the list of
Enter a women's wing and all with their eyes pierced me
and almost in unison shouted at me: you're a psychologist.

There I met Vanessa, 32, a fan of Peñarol, approached me and asked me my name
not remember as has admitted. Has a room for her because it's
those better mentally and helps
much to the nurses (among other things to bathe the shit and piss). Your room is beautiful
within the horror. Vanessa
die out there who knows where.
not entitled to leave, no pension and
latter is doomed to a lifetime.

The 38 military attaches that Uruguay has the world (17 in
United States), today earn $ 40 000 per month.
Uruguay has the highest percentage of soldiers from throughout Latin America in proportion to its population
, Uruguay is more general than the United States
proportion to its population. Vanessa is still pretty
could have a partner and a mother. Uruguayans still time ?????? Huey lives

Hall 2, 40 (representing 70), almost never goes out
, crawls naked (comes and goes). The dress and undress
again. For years and not dressing. The rest of his teammates,
incorporated it (quite naturally) the landscape
loss of lives. Walking

a flag to another are seen lying around, you hear screaming, I would say
howling. They fight and yell, sometimes you have a nurse who can separate
, otherwise it will hit and scratch with nails
not cut for months. Remember that fight in the Lower House?.
few had to separate and because they fight? There are reasons why the Uruguayan deputies
fight? Few million dollars spent on
the previous period in respect of per diem?

traveled together, toured the world and were happy. Were they or others
released the Peirano? What would
Peirano stolen to build a colony model Psychiatric
Latin America in the heart of Montevideo? Because Peirano are free and
and Vanessa Huey are prisoners of the madness that did not choose. Because
reason a car entered the Santin a year ago saying that they were looking
a guy and kidnapped him? Had real estate guy ?????

That officer enters the packs of cigarettes Santin ECO (of
Bagay) and asks patients to purchase or Nevada
Coronado Cantina in exchange for 2 packs of ECO? The crazy, crazy life as delivered
20 cigarettes in exchange for forty. The officer gets a bonus
rather interesting.

leaks are common. As this administration
Do Campo-Santoro have escaped the Echepare 16 patients (of which 7 are
escaped this year.) There is talk that the Santin are more than ten.
never returned. Where are they? Names? Are they alive? Yolanda

Berruti missed a Saturday last February in grasslands
more than a meter tall. The police searched the Eighth Branch
Ituzaingo and fire in San Jose.
On Monday morning an official said, was transferred to Santa Lucia. Cape
Olivera gave the order to finish the quest. The
found Thursday morning in a state of decomposition. The coroner ruled that
died on Monday night. Was 60 years old and 50 meters of
Supplies. File No. 553 in the Central Office Service User
the MSP.

went to press that I'm writing? Maybe not, because there
news are very important, for example, will answer to Lucia Tabares
Topolanski if you pull a candidate for President in 2014
? Know that there are crazy people who call Tabare, or Lucia Mujica
Topolanski? And the latter know what happens in the
Colonies? or were at the "Sheraton" guided tour? What I
is a certainty not vote in elections, do not define anything in the case
vote, do not exist no country, are brain-crippled, they only
heart beats and therefore only inhabit this land.

The Work Committee of the Colonies he took in the previous government
up Alberto Grille (Director of Faces and Masks and
CX 30 Radio Nacional) and a retired general named Wins.

were spent $ 2.5 million in the construction of so-called
Pavilions "Sheraton".
Echepare Colony has 12 wards and a small hospital is the
anteroom of Hell. The Rossi Carlos Santin IS HELL. The pavilions
25,17,18 and 28 were remodeled Echepare to again
Radiant, Direct TV, new beds and closets, room for disabled drivers
physiotherapy and other herbs.

in Hall 25 there are 9 patients. In 17 there are 20 patients. In 18
there are 21 patients. In the 28 having a capacity of 80 is 52. Total:
102 patients. The other 8 remaining pavilions
home to 480 patients. An average of 60 patients for each death row. The tours
all passers-by and asking to see
one more, show you 26. It is the best "non displayable".

Adding these 480 to 398 of the Santin, gives us that 878 patients
are outside the Sheraton. " Because these 102 chose to stay in the halls
"Sheraton"?. Because they are quiet, but
lucid, more manageable, the neat and the 102 have no
lice, the 878 remaining (most lice).

The tours go through the Sheraton and Princess Dalenberg
happened there and I have not even a louse. Together with the Minister Muñoz and the aura of two exquisite
French perfumes, they spent at
"displayable" the monster. In this place everything is different, there queen
Silence of the Lambs. "

A patient choked on a piece of bread and quince paste,
when doctors are prepared to use a laryngoscope is
realized that he needed two batteries. The patient died. Moreira

The priest was summoned to court on 1 September by
an official complaint about their business in 2004 in the Colonial
. Feel like Bury cure Moreira, because you do not take her up the
. Who is behind this allegation?. Who
answer this official? Because the complaint did in 2004?. Luis Alberto López

Horn escaped with Alvaro Gaites on 6/3/2009.
were in Halls 29 and 30 of the Echepare.
reached the Rio Santa Lucia and the first drowning. Gaites back and relate what happened.
Gaites is now at 11. Ramón Cabrera
Cake (70 years old, almost blind) escaped on 2/2/2010, to
today nobody knows anything about him. Erlin
Bremerman Sierra (50 years, oligofrénico) was choking on a piece of bread on 7/6/2010
. Transfer was requested but no locomotion.
died. Floris

Justiniano Santos Neto came walking in Bahia (Brazil),
escaped in 2007, still do not know anything about him. The

Juan José 19/3/2009 Miranda comes to the Echepare
visiting a friend. On the side of the rack makes a heart attack. A doctor and make it official
cardiac massage and mouth-to mouth. The
urgent ambulance call takes 20 minutes to go 40
meters. Came with a nurse and a pair of gloves.
brought no defibrillator, or material for tubing and vials of adrenaline. Miranda
died when he tried to climb to the ambulance.

late 2008 Hall 29 was alone (without staff), a crazy run and warns
in Hall 25, which is stuck at 29, that a patient
astillazo hit him in the head one to another patient (
Da Silva). They ran and was on the floor bleeding, to his side and looking at her attacker
. They called an ambulance. They could not get off
the stretcher, carried him in a blanket and took him to Maciel.
Da Silva died days later. The

10/7/2009 Lapaz Gabriel Moreno escaped from the Hall 27 of the
Echepare and drowned in the flooding of the Santa Lucia. He was 25.

On January 27, 2010 appeared pulled between grassland and
advanced state of decomposition, Maria Cabrera, as
retired official, who stayed there as a patient (not just blends,
but is ill). Was missing 45 days to 25 meters from the nursing

When the month of February 2010 the priest began
Moreira make successive reports of deaths in the Colonies, the Minister
Muñoz answered, "people die in the Colonies as
across the country, older people advanced and fragile. "

About forty years ago, late 60's, some
talked about: "There Fatherland for All, others spoke
working class to power, was recited to Marx, Lenin, Mao, some adhered
to the Cuban Revolution and the armed struggle and other
the Soviet model and mass accumulation. Some spoke of the "New Man" and other
"revolutionary cadres of the Party."
revolutions were prepared and takeovers. Discourses and methodologies were different, but had
some things in common, both mentioned the word permanently
JUSTICE, justice with those below, with the most check out, with the helpless
ultimately talking about HUMAN RIGHTS. In the Colonies

Echepare and Carlos Rossi Santin
a violation permanent, systematic and Dante HUMAN RIGHTS

I invite you to see 3 documentaries. Two of the Colony
Echepare ("best" of the two colonies) and a Radio
The address to be accessed is: And All

what is said and described the personal name and assume all responsibilities
. Ruben
Bouvier - CI 3245004-3

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Remote Wire Color For Kenwood

ELECTIONS: the Night of October 25, 2009 INTERVIEW WITH AN EX

Reflection Manolito, to the heartbroken cry of Guille, when he broke
string giving the little car was categorical:
"This youth!. ..
do not appreciate the small profits of large
losses! ... while turning a gear saying
"Look how nice the Trompitos, Guille!
The first three hours were normal. Then the traffic began to unravel. At seven in the evening was impossible. To disconnect I went to my room and quickly readying a mate. A wait for the results!
At half past eight ... All joy!
The deaf Gonzalez announced that SI was approved pink!
I was happy. The work was enormous, as there was no bus. Down a passenger in that spot up next. For the ten or so, a passenger told me that no referendum had been approved by the law of impunity! I felt like a punch in the chest. I stopped and parked on the passenger side of the street to tune a station to me explain this nonsense. All they said. Had not reached fifty percent required. I turned off the radio and kept working. Luckily there was work. I downloaded a bit with a passenger who intended to board the taxi with the white flag. Luckily understood and stored. I was hearing about what was happening to the passengers. The Front had not achieved 50% required, but it was close, the lost white votes, the Reds won few votes ... but most importantly commented: impunity triumphed again, my colleagues are missing ... should expect.
wanted to finish the day (or rather night) as soon as possible. At two o'clock I took a passenger to Gonzalo Ramirez and Yaro. Just got off, I said, does not go!, By gas-oil and deliver the car. But then I got curious. "I will go for Ejido to see if there is someone at the headquarters of the Frente Amplio"
turned off the flag and pulled slowly. One block away from Central Cemetery, I noticed a Gurises coming down the middle of the street, alone, waving a large flag of the Frente Amplio. Seemed "Liberty Leading the People", the famous painting by Delacroix. Walking in the street not anyone, and as the area is not recommended, slowed. I noticed that beckoned me to take her. He earned it, I said! Motioned me to turn around. So I did and I leaned against the cord. Wanted to open the front door, and when he noticed that it is locked, he said,
"I have seventy dollars and I will Ellauri and Gabriel Pereira: arrimame far reaching, tachero. Miro
the return and say, "are 29 cards, so watch the clock"
-Dale. Another
bourgeoise that sucked everything and asked discount! I told myself.
He sat back and of course! He took the flag out the window. At that time I noticed that he had taken a glass of wine than any other. But he was not drunk by any means.
With a smile he tried to find out what happened.
- You left her alone to celebrate?
- What happens is that my friends do not understand anything, tachero!
- What is meant? I said smugly.
currently in the mirror I noticed she was crying. Slow down and said, looking through the screen:
- What happened?
What I was saying, broken by sobs, I froze.
"What happens is that we live in a shitty town, tachero. How can anyone not understand that you can not live surrounded by torturers, vo! Tachero you imagine that you tortured for days, be hit and you have a well .... that a mother would take out the son of the arms ... AND KILLED FOR NO them away! ... Bring people in a plane to kill! ... Tachero Can you imagine that? What should I tell the people to understand?
I had slowed down even more, to pay attention as I thought to say. His whole monologue was accompanied by great sobs that broke my heart. She looked so pure, so sweet in their distress, which left me no choice: I had to attack with heavy ammunition. Heavy Artillery telling you!
Then he realized that the clock struck more than thirty cards.
- tachero Pará, we spent!
"Do not worry, I will wave
She went on and on, in his grief, I think that at first did not understand when I told him if he knew what torture you and you are in a well. I only started paying attention when I mentioned that I knew I could feel a mother who is taken out, the son of the arms. But I had a son, and I could imagine.
"I was 13 years in jail, Gurises.
- "You're charging? "You've been in jail? Mujica Were you?
"We were in the same prison. And I say again, I spent twice torture kidnapped me, I disappeared and other goodies.
his face of astonishment, deserves something more. I'll tell you something that only a few.
- I told him who was the witness of the birth of my son!
- tachero Really?, Is the Minister?
"No Gurises, FATHER. I have over the birth certificate if you want.
It was not necessary. I thought. His face was not the same. Still had glassy eyes, but her smile was a party. I watched while I tried to comfort her about the "issue defeats." Something we knew that!
Pretty soon, they were standing right in Ellauri and Gabriel Pereira, but not down.
As I had to leave, I grabbed the sheet and noticed were ninety-five pesos. That I wrote. But she said: "Look
that I have just seventy, tachero.
-walk calmly owe me nothing.
"No, here.
And I got seventy dollars in the trunk. At that point I said:
-Pará, do not go tachero. Open up the door I want to kiss you.
I was somewhat surprised, but I did, as I smiled to see the work going on with the huge flag, which had taken out the window. The left leaning against the car and climbed into the front seat. I wanted to tease her saying that it can not be done overnight.
- I'm not going to rob Gurises! No?
But when I saw how excited I was, I was a little embarrassed that comment.
not only gave me a kiss with both hands took mine and a great tenderness I said something I did not expect.
- Thank you, because if there is something good in us all, we learned it from you!
That was a low blow.
His two hands seem to me two chicks trying to entertain, to no avail, the neck and scarred plucked from an old gamecock.
then dropped, and never saw her again.
Start slowly. It was hard to distinguish the traffic lights. Operator should not crying.
And I was thinking about all this. It seemed that "something" I sent him. I thought of my colleagues dead, and little by little, I was flooded a feeling of happiness. I will always remember this Gurises, waving his flag, as saying: We still! Just like that "Liberty Leading the People" With its tremendous sensitivity and tenderness, capable of distinguishing the essential from the important. And played for it!
I can say unequivocally that compensation was the highest I've ever had in life.
A SMALL TIMES WINS consoles us for huge defeat
And the two are on us!
Ricardo Infante -Tachero-- postaporteñ @ - Search

Saturday, November 13, 2010

How Much Does A Toy Hidden Blade Cost


The same weekly interview with former Judge Federico Álvares
Petraglia who believes "Sad spectacle we all know has been
repeating every time a minister is removed." Ex
judge said there are "meetings" between leaders "left"
and judges to find their "political orientations, ideological."
Former Judge Federico Alvarez Petraglia won his resignation "forced"
the Judiciary within the agency that he "took" the processing
"powerful" as the criminal Carlos Curbelo Tammaro
and businessman Victor Mesa and "acting against the
corporatism without permission." Alvarez
Petraglia, who joined the Socialist Party 17 and
split when he entered the judicial career in 2002, said
aware of the existence of "meetings" of "left-wing politicians" to judges in order
" know its political and ideological "
before deciding if they are eligible for a place on the Supreme Court.
added that "many" of his former colleagues are Masons and that was that
it has "prevented harmful consequences for any career. "
The following is a summary of the interview he had with Alvarez Petraglia
- why give the judiciary? "
"The reason for my forced resignation was the form and substance of administrative
investigation initiated by the Supreme Court, which was Minister
by the Court of Criminal Appeals, Angel Cal felt that by
Judicial power was more important to inquire if I was still connected to my previous
officials, if talking about a particular person or not and how he did
to investigate the attack of a criminal group organized
as it was, is and will, which dismantled the Uruguayan
through "Operation Bell."
- Do not expect an investigation into leaks,
questions about his relationship with officials or the press?
"That issue was part of the investigation to which I was subjected, where Cal
that seemed timed my departure to the press that morning, which was prosecuted
Curbelo, the alleged violation of the secrecy of presumario.
My conversation with the press to strictly respect the confidentiality of presumario. Although not created, the day after the prosecution office called me to congratulate himself for Cal I left in the press.
How is everything? "On the one hand welcomed me, and then looks into what
me so I congratulated? "You
criminal judges denounced Maldonado by filtration
identity of a partner. Do you think it looked intimidating?
"What I did was to report the incident to the Justice and specialized
special request of counsel for the partner and the prosecutor,
Diego Pérez. At no time accused the judges of Maldonado, Gabriel Ohanian and Adriana
Graziuso intimidate the fact, but said that some people linked to the file "Tinker Bell", more specifically the wife of Jose Luis Suarez, principal charged with drug trafficking and money laundering in this case, had initiated criminal complaints against him
demanding money from
buildings that were being investigated.
- Did you feel little support from colleagues and leaders of the Ministry of Interior?
"No perceived endorsement of any chief of the Judiciary and the Executive. I did not ask, nor needed to fulfill my role.
"In his resignation letter you said that your greatest sin was getting to powerful.
Do you think that you were charged Curbelo processing and Mesa?
"Unfortunately, I gained because the the people you mentioned and others believed they were immune to the criminal justice system. The sad thing is that they are right, because 99% of people in prison in this country respond to
poor and dark-haired stereotype. Some people with political prominence and economic
know that hardly reach the punitive power to interrogate,
partly because the power that is ruthless to some, to others it
-The judge who replaced him Bureau revoked the processing ...
"The decision, which I respect, I just want to say that when
dictate the processing, as well as all those I provided in my career, were assessed
fully all the evidence obtained, it is absolutely respected all the guarantees for the defendant, and it was firmly convinced that it was for processing.
- Is there judicial corporatism?
"Yes, I also think that what I was charged for acting against the corporatism without asking for permission. I think I broke a golden rule, which implies that to be politically correct do not look inward, but to defend the corporation, beyond the errors committed.
-In informal conversations with colleagues you spoke
the weight of the masonry in the inner court ... "It's a
secret. Many of my former colleagues are Masons,
end of course do not question, but I know that in some cases such membership would have avoided damaging consequences for a career.
- Do you think that influenced you?
"I can only say I'm not a Mason, nor will be. Any conclusion in this respect was
by readers.
"You were a member of the Socialist Party. When he resigned?
"I belong to the Socialist Party for 17 years. I was a militant of the Socialist Youth, I joined the Central Committee and the Executive. Since joining as a judge
completely abandoned militancy policy. While I have no political activity or have I made any offer, do not rule out having it in the future.
- Are there judges who are politically active but can not?
"We must not be naive, the judiciary is a very special branch of
State where its top officials are not elected by popular vote
but involved a system where politics and politicians.
Despite knowing a number of senators and deputies left,
never asked anything from anyone because he believed that in this country the only thing that differed was skills each possessed, but I
took more of a surprise.
- What surprise?
I know the existence of left-wing political meetings, but perhaps they would
by politicians from other directions, with judges, to seek their views and to know its political, ideological, to assess whether paid or not your vote for promotion to the Court.
sad spectacle we all know has been repeated every time a minister retires

Sunday, October 31, 2010

List Of Symptoms O Fthe Black Death


the killing of Mariano Ferreyra, the union bureaucracy K KILLER AND THE GOVERNMENT OF RIGHT. THIS IS FASCISM
Mariano killed yesterday. Workers Party member and FUBA de Avellaneda. They did the miserable street gangs who for decades managed the trade union bureaucracy and business pejotista, with the help of the police, they liberated the area, which makes clear the responsibility of state and government "of human rights. " In this case, the "brown shirts" of the Union Railway of gangster Pedraza. Killed him, and shot classmates, while supporting the legitimate claim of contract workers of the former railway line Roca. A claim for the reinstatement of dismissed colleagues and pass a permanent facility, which and take months, and that was ignored by the government "national and popular."
The Kirchner administration has killed the worker who produced their own practice of permanent falsehood, deception, anti-worker policies, delivery of our resources and people's work. AND MAINLY OF NOT LYING ON ROTTEN PATOTERIL MODEL AND FASCIST UNION OF PJ.
Can anyone surprised?
What will they say now those who hold that this government is not right "? What more proof (and painful) required?
labor organizations and the Left in general have reacted accordingly, instantly mobilize autoconvocados for organizing and mobilizing Repudiation and the strike called from the CTA. We were there. And we will remain. But we believe it is time to stop running behind events, moving to institutionalize a permanent drive space, at least on the issue of mass self-defense.
The Communist Workers Party stands in solidarity with the comrades of the Workers Party, Mariano's family, and sticks and calling for the Protest convened for Thursday October 21, Avellaneda Station at 12am and Corrientes and Callao to 17hs.
demand Judgement and Punishment for the perpetrators of this murder and ideological
"He who dies fighting, living in each partner"
Mariano Ferreyra THIS!
died a revolutionary VIVA LA REVOLUTION!
onward to victory



Monday, October 25, 2010

Average Cost Of Washing Machine Bearing

The sustainable natural resource destruction

I) The value of natural resources
value theory of Marx has full force against the crises that are generating the capitalist mode of production
Use value is a quality that has the goods for humans because
allow them to cover any need.
Goods have value in use, although there are goods that are not being goods
as with some natural resources eg.: Water and air. One difference between natural resources and goods
is that they have incorporated human labor.
To exchange goods need to use value can be quantified,
since all goods have different use-value. What they have in common the goods
human labor is used to extract or produce, and is measured in
working time.
value change is the rate at which an asset is exchanged for another and is measured in terms of other goods
: money. The price is the monetary expression of value
The exchange rate is only one way to express the work invested in a
object and therefore does not contain any natural material.
The labor theory of value developed by Marx states that everything that has value
is the fruit of human labor. The goods include direct work when it occurs and indirect
content in both the machinery and raw materials used
natural resources are not incorporated human work and therefore have no value
before extraction, that is, for example, minerals and oil.
In the extraction process-processing that transforms physical matter (natural
resources) raw material is added labor force. Despite
that natural resources are priceless.
The land market is priced according to their means of production, and
not arise from the cost price that would generate a centimeter of land, or the quantification
food needs of future generations, is just the cost
appropriation. Whoever takes over the earth is not his property because it is a
good of humanity, have only the right to use, but has so much freedom in that
use it as his owner.
The price of an oil field does not appear to evaluate the process of their generation
through thousands of years, or future needs, is just
price of that site ownership, as the price of a mineral deposit is to
ownership of the subsoil.
natural resources may also have exchange value and price are
result of their private ownership.

When considering only the costs of ownership will reduce its impact on the cost of goods produced
with them, and the final price. This increases its sales by accelerating the process
exhaustion and depletion. The cost of ownership ever
reflects the time and conditions needed to generate the nature, possibilities for
depletion, pollution generated by the extraction process and productive, or
the needs of future generations.
capitalism for economic measurement only considers a source of wealth:
work is structurally unable to adequately assess
another source of social wealth: nature. The system distorts market prices
importance and usefulness of these natural resources for mankind.
relationships between social production of wealth and nature can only be fully established
out of business in a system that goes beyond the market mechanism and measurement procedure

The prices of the natural resources derived not from its value, there is no but
the private ownership of them and do not reflect limitations or availability
in nature. Private ownership of these resources is through the market at which
value for money in terms reflect the relationship between demand and supply and
work added by the extraction-processing or transformation of matter
physical (natural resources ) raw materials.
Natural resources are assets not reproducible by humans and must
projecting how future needs are met
predictable and not predictable.
Capitalism acts without considering the problems it caused, genders and generations. Unable
correctly within the market valuing nature as
who provides resources and who recepciona the effects of the production process and
that are not measurable.
II) Expropriation of Humanity Resources
Duties "in the private appropriation of natural resources?
The nature and natural resources belong to humanity, its use must
the benefit of all current generation and able to serve the
needs of future generations, with both renewable and non renewable
In the capitalist mode of production private companies to operate
have to access the required physical matter, through and natural resources to the orbit
private. The private
appropriating these resources through a price
arising from negotiations between private companies and national governments and that is minimal in relation to its importance
. Private companies are increasingly concentrated
better press governments for pricing and operating conditions
advantageous. In this negotiation is not considered that the goods are not reproducible, nor
damage caused by its removal, mostly irreversible. That
minimum cost and the broad rights, almost no duties, which are granted
makes a true expropriation. Globalization included the privatization of natural resource exploitation
by the State. This expropriation is
legalized by the government and enables the destruction of ecosystems. Your
exploitation in the free market has no boundaries, is performed to exhaustion
not have limit pollution.
International agencies have not exceeded the declarative stage, to establish the
duties of those who exploit those natural resources, facilitating
depletion and pollution.
should be inherent in the appropriation to establish the rights and duties of its use.
These limits must be established in advance governments, but the conditions of use and extraction
the emerging private negotiate with minimum requirements.
For example:
who purchase the land for agricultural production, are not owners but
to acquire the right to use. This enables states to set their homework
care and implement controls. In practice there are almost no rules on
duties and there are almost no controls, hence the consequences of its use: erosion,
pollution, and degradation of forest monocultures.
In mining investors buy the right to exploit subsoil of
according to the laws belongs to State governments down
virtually no limits to that right. With current operating system
open pit mining, destroy the soil, the mountains, and seriously pollute underground aquifers
, waterways, soil and surrounding populations.
The forests are sold per acre, does not provide its biodiversity and destroyed.
While the proceeds from the exploitation of natural resources are private, their consequences are collective
are funded and populations suffer.
Latin America is being invaded and destroyed in record time.
The current exploitation of natural resources is not a problem for companies
capitalist but of the capitalist mode of production that builds a network of
pollution, depletion and extinction, and drag the planet to the current crisis.
III) Contradiction capital nature
The fundamental contradiction of capitalism (capital-labor) between
private ownership of means of production and the social nature of the workforce is
accompanied by another contradiction that intensifies rapidly and threatens the
possibility of life on planet Earth: the contradiction between private ownership of means of production
and nature belonging to humanity.
This second contradiction is the result of exploitation of nature in the extraction of exhaustible resources
and in the disposal of contaminated waste.
While the means of production (knowledge and machinery) are owned by capitalists
, nature provides physical matter
production process is not owned, as it is not the population. To produce
buy the labor force and the rights to extract and produce raw materials.
In the capitalist mode of production processes both production and extraction
are unrelated to the worker and there arise the concepts of alienation and surplus
developed by Marx. Hence the contradiction arises capital-worker.
Capitalism's objectives is to get as goodwill, for which
made the best possible production, which is limited only by the opportunities to consume,
ingrso depends on the consumer and available credit.
The capitalist mode of production is characterized and differentiated from the
above the level of development of productive forces and production relations.
productive forces include: knowledge production (science and technology),
material elements of production (machinery, tools, facilities),
conditions of production (natural resources) and population.
knowledge and production materials have been developed by the fast pace of growth
globalized capitalism, while natural resources are limited.
Goods corporeal objects are combinations of two elements, the physical matter that comes
nature and work, as stated by Marx.
capital makes the exploitation of workers and nature not only depleting nonrenewable resources
but destroying ecosystems by pollution (soils
watercourses atmosphere), and direct destruction (forests, mountains, soils).
The private ownership of both the labor force as of
natural resources generates the contradictions between capital and labor and capital nature. By
transnational technological innovation beyond, absorbing or displacing
domestic firms the private ownership of natural resources has become globalized
has been concentrated and centralized by the multinationals.
overproduction requires the production system that accesses
much natural resources for which scientists and technicians in the service mode of production
generate new technologies to extract and use resources that was not possible or
was uneconomical to do so. This causes over-exploitation of natural resources
emphasizes the contradiction between the technological innovation process and the lives of
ecosystems. Technological innovation increases the organic capital, aggravating the contradiction
also working capital. The rate of exploitation of both the worker and
ecosystems has increased with advances in science in the service of capital.
control of work and nature is in the hands of capital, never before produced a breakthrough
so explosive in the exploitation of nature by capital.
New technologies and increased organic capital
only respond to increased profits and no respect of nature. Which dominates the market,
supported by governments and international agencies, does not recognize
limits the use of nature and as is now proven to investigate and control the
externalities generated by their activity. Large capital
detected worldwide the best conditions (soils, climate, water
), for the production of each good and get the best tax exemptions
. In recent decades we are witnessing a new stage in the exploitation of natural resources
concentration and centralization of capital

by corporations.
The highest growth in the global economy growth aggravated the contradiction
capital nature, demonstrating that capitalism has within its objectives
balance of ecosystems. The current environmental crisis
embraces all living beings in the world and has its source material in the production process.
The link between human beings and the nature of which part is not merely economic
, there are relationships that are vital to the survival of living beings, but
precedence to the interests that enrich a few greedy.
capital nature The contradiction is resolved only with a change in the mode of production but
a new education is essential.
IV) The sustainable development .... of the crisis
Tragedy of Man
not understand the world we live, and ... destroy
In recent decades, capitalism transcended the borders of the countries,
became transnational and globalized destruction, such an extent that
stands as the enemy of life on this planet.
Capitalism generated and is aggravating the current climate crisis, ecological crisis,
food crisis, energy crisis, socio-cultural crisis, educational crisis, in addition to the cyclical crises of capitalism
: global economic and financial crisis.
The only problems being solved are the concentration, centralization and
hegemony of capital and power in the world.
In the pre-globalization or employers, or governments or international agencies
emphasized caring for the environment and globalization
accelerated this process of destruction.
The climate crisis, emissions of gases primarily water vapor and carbon dioxide
direct result of overproduction
industrial and transportation. The burning of fuels, mainly oil (which is 82% of fuel burned
), biomass and coal are responsible for emissions. But
the gas generating further warming of atmosphere is water vapor.
These emissions of greenhouse gases have increased by 70% since
1970 and are the leading cause of global warming.
Earth is showing clear signs of warming: once in the last 12 years
(1995-2006) are among the 12 warmest years in the instrumental record of global surface temperature
since 1850. The average annual temperature in Western Europe has increased
1 to 2 degrees since 1970, in Alaska about 3.5 degrees.
Arctic ice is melting at a rate of 2.7% per decade, snow cover is reduced
dioxide carbon not only produces the heating of the atmosphere but also acidifies the oceans
global warming increases the frequency of storms and their intensity,
as droughts and floods, affecting the availability and quality of drinking water
courses both surface and groundwater, water
courses disappear, move the deserts and the poles are melting.
escalate problems in food production
further undermining food sovereignty, new diseases and other
expand affecting all living things, these effects are multiplied in the impoverished countries.
Capitalism studied solutions. Make
conferences, symposia, climate change, with
bombastic statements that are not implemented and do not affect this process of destruction.
As an example the Kyoto Protocol (1997), preceded by
Montreal Protocol (1987) and in 2000 the Stockholm Convention. While these agreements
had good intentions in practice
have made progress in reducing the causes of warming. Governments also
multinational committees formed to climate change,
also declarative. While
diagnosticians and define some goals, the implementation
of solutions is very slow.
also have implemented economic measures: collection
pollution taxes, taxes on carbon-carbon bonds, which are
real sanctions for those responsible are charged and continue polluting.
With carbon credit is given a price tag on nature, there is a price on carbon sinks
, generating another side business trading on the Stock Exchange
carbon bonds, unabated pollution.
While governments are committed, but are now the
transnationals accountable. Governments implement solutions if they do it with money from the population
when those costs the need to take those who cause the damage. Again
contrasts profits for the few, and costs for the entire population.
private profit, socialized costs.
human beings have not become aware of the risks involved for
life and life on Earth.
Ecological crisis.
contaminated rivers and extinct
The floor turned into desert.
Some authors estimate that worldwide lost between 20,000 and 50,000 km2
year through land degradation, primarily soil erosion.
Five hundred million people live in desert lands in the world. Extinguished and loss
The forests destroyed with all beings, for monocultures, with the consent
governments and international organizations.
is estimated that during the past 15 years has produced an annual loss of 50,000 km2 of forest primary
. The Amazon reduced by 20%.
The atmosphere degraded, according to World Health Organization (WHO)
approximately 2.4 million people die prematurely each year due to fine particles PM10
. To this we must add
ls chemical pollution deaths.
Land degradation is a long-term loss of function and ecosystem services
, caused by alterations of ecosystems that can not be recovered
Man has become the scourge of the ecosystem, without being responsible
Capitalism increased use of oil and natural gas and triggered the current crisis
energy are drastically reducing the reserves of both fuels. This process is accelerated
governments have consciously eliminated
railroads to replace vehicles that consume petroleum products, with which
also build roads.
The estimated coal reserves that can last two centuries, however the natural gas, oil
and uranium will be exhausted within 40 to 60 years
Capitalism offers cheaper fuel and partially replace petroleum with biofuel
, for that destroyed forests and soils, and instead of producing food grains produced
biofuel more expensive food. Nor
lowered the fuel. Caring
profits of oil companies has not been released
use of renewable energy.
These energy reserves were generated by nature,
storing solar energy over millions of years and the man the squandering in a few decades.
food crisis, an increasing world population without access to
meet minimum food needs because it has insufficient income or are
Transnational displace small and medium farmers implement
couple monocultures (forest and soybeans) that are usually not for human consumption
contribute to this crisis: destruction of soil, climate change, land
used to produce grain for biofuels or animal consumption and forestry.
climatic disasters devastate agricultural production, drought and prolonged rains which prevent
produce. Degradation by soil erosion and reduces pollution
production and productivity for those who live it.
access to drinking water is shrinking in the world, combining
contaminated water and poor sanitation makes it the second leading killer of children worldwide
with 1.8 million a year. Units
Nations Under the current land use is unsustainable and
degradation is a major threat to the economies and food sovereignty.
fish stocks both fresh and salt water are also reduced by the
predatory fishing and pollution, affecting peoples' food.
three quarters of the fishing areas depleted or in danger to be.
To "solve" the problem of hunger, capitalism
proposed the so-called Green Revolution that destroyed the family production structures, production
polluted and could not consume the most needy because their income is not allowed.
also to increase productivity and production proposed the use of transgenic seeds
. Increased soybean production, but 50% goes to animal consumption and part
biofuel and their prices were not reduced.
food crisis in the international organizations attending the hungry but
without generating structural solutions, just make the call "support humanitarian. "
speculative market prices resulting from increased food
further compounding the problem. With this speculation
enrich large capital money arising from the hunger of the people.
According to a study of the United Nations between 1981 and 2003 there was a decline in absolute
net primary production 12% of the total land area.
With regard to the efficient use of rainwater, there was a decrease of 29%
all of the land. The affected areas represent the home of 1,000
million people, approximately 15% of world population
capitalism where wealth extracted is even food for the children, governments and international organizations
expanded the market so that those who have no income
access not meet the minimum needs. This system
excluding large sectors of the population is typical of worker exploitation and consumer
and natural resources for their benefit.
Hunger affects 1,000 million people.
capitalism never tried to solve this problem by organizing the production,
always left to the market that is held by large capital
allocation of scarce resources. Crisis

socio-cultural consumerism as was imposed a goal of life.
S and expands the drug culture, violence, the accumulation of capital.
is cultured disregard for common problems.
People have difficulty accessing information culture and the real. Neither
education or the media provide what is necessary to solve these problems
. Educational Crisis

tertiary currently at the service of capitalism, which is who produces
Although there are more graduates at all levels are not ready technically or emotionally
to think, understand, act and create a human world.
Education must make a transdisciplinary approach of the crisis. Capitalism does not make
prevensión, and denies the problems until it is impossible to hide
The sustainability of the current crisis are increasingly concentrated in
transnational companies. Capitalism serves
urgently and sparing no resources
financial crises and economic. For other crisis neither governments nor international organizations have the resources
The current crisis is becoming a crisis of civilization, where everything that is life
The only solution is to consider the problem holistically so that
performance in a sector does not have or are mínimas las consecuencias sobre los otros sectores, mínima
consecuencias sobre el ambiente.
V) Producción, consumo ¿y después?
La fragmentación del capitalismo
“Ningún sistema puede ser sustituido con la
crítica que lo derrumba; sólo un sistema nuevo
puede sustituir a uno viejo” Saint-Simon
El proceso económico en la economía neoclásica es un proceso cerrado: producción,
transporte, distribución, consumo. La economía convencional no acepta la relevancia
de la naturaleza, su equilibrio y la inserción del ser humano en la misma, la considera
sólo una fuente de materia prima. Es un enfoque monetary concerns.
ecological economics in the economic process is open, flows
incorporates materials and energy, a process that begins with the nature and solar energy, and also open to
out: waste materials and heat dissipation.
nature of natural resources are used for raw materials and food
production processes, transportation, distribution and consumption
eliminate waste and energy. These wastes must be recycled to generate no
imbalances in nature.
Ecological economics neoclassical economics environmental transcends and includes the necessary physical evaluation
environmental impacts of human activity.
environmental impacts: pollution, waste disposal, energy dissipated
should be minimal, that is part of the installation of the production.
this is not possible within the present mode of production because it threatens corporate profits
Neither the authorities nor international organizations consider the
unsustainability of the current growth of production and consumption in this mode
of capitalist production, and thus allow them to progress. Production is esquilmante
of nature, as a result of technological innovation
, machinery and waste generated by economic growth
is deepening the crisis. 10

Production Consumption
There are currently over-production of luxury goods and services or unnecessary, but
that generate profit. There are also sub-production of goods essential to
basic needs of the population.
production and markets are in the hands of the transnationals.
Food production has increased by technological innovation,
use of chemicals and genetically modified seeds, but not
cover the essential needs of the world's population and impairs their quality.
The capitalist mode of production has not solved the core issues:
nutrition, education, health, housing, environmental protection, because they do not generate
gain, this can only be done from the public sphere. Increased production
capitalist government benefits because they increase their revenue and improve
macroeconomic variables.
The capitalist mode of production exceeded the limitations on access to natural resources through globalization
, capturing and extracting the resources it has
each country, with the support of governments that opened the door to the "beneficial"
FDI. The limits that nature sets are not included
The current food production and raw materials are not always carried out with the greatest
proximity to consumption centers or industry, which generates significant costs
transfer. In other cases, despite occur near the center of consumption
to industrialize and then moved back to the center of consumption. Transportation is
done in moving vehicles from petroleum and using high cost
The exaggerated travel costs are paid by the consumer.
order to increase capital accumulation is eliminated or reduced
railways in the third world. This as consumption increased
truck to transport cargo, buses and cars to transport people, with consequent
construction and road repairs. Consumer

For capitalism man is the provider of workforce and
also a consumer device, in that sense it permanently bombarded
handling in its potential consumption, forcing it to work and consume more.
consumption of some goods such as guns, drugs and chemicals is
causing serious social problems in the world.
vehicle consumption accelerates global warming as well as working in the waste
national economies, by the importation of vehicles,
road construction and maintenance.
demand ended up creating a property bubble began to exploit the global financial crisis
consumption of pesticides is creating with the
industrial waste pollution in the world.
While some eat more than you need others as less than the minimum subsistence
In recent decades, began to take relevant what Marx called use value:
utility that is good for the consumer. This value may come from the use
inherent human needs, but can also be generated by the producer
through propaganda. Limit consumer needs it addresses
capitalism generates needs. Until a few decades ago
goods and services was to meet the basic needs of the
consumers, producers currently manage subjective elements that consume goods
give social prestige, this is just the exploitation of consumer
through what Marx called commodity fetishism. It convinces the consumer
the social significance of consuming certain brands or items that are innovators
Limiting consumer wages are deleted by the market, temporarily
through the credits, with the corresponding debt.
stimulation of demand to keep growing capital appreciation
causes a waste of material, human and financial resources of the planet, causing
crisis ends and shows the irrational capitalist mode of production. Waste

For capitalism residues are externalities that do not concern the economic
process. This is leading to environmental degradation.
Your recycling prevents pollution and recover materials. New order

The capitalist system has shown that it can not solve the problems of hunger, drug
, wars, crime, excessive oil consumption, water,
housing, health, instead spreads rapidly poverty and exclusion in the world and the destruction
nature, with the consent of governments and international agencies
. The market has never been freer or more resources, or
increased globalization, and higher growth, yet these problems are compounded, which
shows that economic activity can not be left to market
is necessary to build a new social order in which production is orientated to cover the
basic needs: food, clothing, education and health, generating
conditions for human society, and waste and pollution is minimal. This requires
do the same to be done within a company:
organize work so that it has lower costs and be as efficient.
production must be planned, as well as transport and waste recycling, and consumption
should be directed, not imposed as today.
currently teaching at all stages: primary, secondary and university is
oriented people to get the most profit, but not to detect,
understand think and act to meet basic needs. Reorder

consumption Reorder consumption has to be put aside tax consumption
companies through the propaganda, and encouraged by the credit. Consumption should not be a
lifestyle, the market has become the human being into an automaton consumer.
consumption goods should be useful or necessary for living, which must be
promoted through education and training.
The structure of consumption can not be changed within the capitalist mode of production
because its objective remains profit. Reorder
distribution of goods by the intermediary.
surplus workers are currently on the market in relation to
productive workers. The crisis has led to a multiplication of the stores that sell similar
. Planning

planned capitals operation to be more efficient and better able to compete
conditions, but that does not admit to the national economy because the market turmoil
allows them to appropriate resources needed for their production
externalities the activities of the capitalist mode of production are social costs and environmental destruction
scheme is necessary to consider the economic process open holistically,
not continue the fragmentation of the economic process as at present. The State considering the superior

needs of the population and next generations
must make the production process in the environment to which is essential
social ownership of the means of production and economic
Governments need to determine the geographical locations suitable for producing the type of production
more convenient order transport and distribution of consumer products
Currently the offer meets the demand of those who can afford what they need, although
have habits that exceed basic needs. 13

a new order in a central government body that decides what and how
produce, nationally and in each production to meet the basic needs of all
people: those who do not have enough income have also
to have their basic needs. This includes determining the size of each unit
governments also have to determine how and where to produce. This implies
control the use of natural resources.
and involves determining the general rules about the working of the soil, care and use of courses
water. Of course, then these guidelines must be adapted
per unit of production according to their abilities. It also involves solving
on technologies and energy use. Where
produce means the geographic location of the production unit. Not only
to use the best conditions, but proximity to consumption centers or industrial
to avoid the current transportation costs.
We must begin to build an alternative to the capitalist order, which has
demonstrated its destructive power and the only solution is to plan
from a central government of the national economy to the units production.
While this is a necessary condition is not sufficient that those responsible for planning
guide must be educated to a new order.
planning not only through a specific government body
politically and with the participation of scientists but also with social participation.
VI) "Solving" externalities
Neoclassical economics recognizes the existence of effects of its functioning
negatively affect the environment and the rest of the population.
effects are also positive but to a much lesser degree.
negative effects can be detected immediately,
as may occur when fish die from pollution, or may not be immediately perceptible
as has happened with air pollution.
All economic decisions have environmental impacts.
The neoclassical and environmental economics in particular as defined externality
negative or positive impacts of economic activity of individuals, companies or governments
affect others and which does not pay or receive compensation for the costs or benefits arising
According to this definition, is considered externality occurs not when
environmental impact but when it affects the benefits of third parties. If impacts are not
perceived by those affected, or does not care about the people affected because
do not realize its scope, would not address externalities. According to this
environmental impacts do not matter to anyone, or only a few
not consider social costs.
is considered a negative externality when the produce does not pay or compensate
who is affected by it. According to this definition if the impact generated
who pays or compensates longer externality. This definition does not consider that
are impacted and are not compensated, as can occur with other living beings
affected. Externalities may come from the production or consumption, and all
negative externalities result in social costs.
Environmental economics suggests the internalization of these environmental impacts,
produced by the dominant productive rationality. He has made attempts to use
analysis and evaluation methods in order to incorporate "damage functions" to
production and enhance natural resources to internalize externalities. But
internalization can be done through the discipline to which they belong and not through an incomplete
valuation of the externality, because the
monetary valuation is possible only when externalities are reversible.
The orthodox economics did not integrate externalities in their models or practices.
In their worship of the Orthodox assessment seek to unite the particular to global
through the assessment.
companies are not yet internalized negative impacts even though they are
obtaining maximum profits. Capitalism does not accept
internalize ecological or social costs because it means cutting their profits and if I wanted to do
there are impacts that are not internalized, such as climate change,
produced directly by the operation of some industries and some goods
they produce, and use derivatives oil. This externality is not circumscribed to the area
localization industry, but affects the climate and life
worldwide. Research and incorporation of technology to mitigate these externalities
depends on cost, these limitations so far have not been able to overcome
. Although
achieved internalize costs, environmental impacts continue to
ecological destruction, environmental degradation and overexploitation of natural
governments mitigate some externalities using public resources and in most cases
allow the escalation that led us to the current crisis and
with widespread contamination. They also create institutions that aim
pollution control, but do not have adequate laboratories and end
adapting to the operational requirements of polluting industries.
international agencies make statements, reports and proposals
not prevent or reverse the situation.
These externalities externalities are not only individuals, businesses and governments are externalities
capitalist mode of production that does not assume the costs. About
Kapp stated that "externalities are not market failures but successes deplorable
transfer costs to others. "
Governments have used this mode of production because the variables used to measure
economic growth based on production without
reflect externalities. Uses the same variables that big business, accounting
of governments is a reflection of the capitalist business accounting and record revenue
but not the huge environmental damage. The
country economies grow, their GDP growth, while it destroys the basis of the country: nature and society.
The current mode of production generates externalities because the social relations of production
been relegated to use values \u200b\u200bto the background
relative to prices and also because the relations of production decisions
separate production of policies related to nature.
A new order must be no externalities, they are the result of the piecemeal approach of the problems
by capitalism, the hidden and underestimated
until it was impossible.
The economic process is part of the environment and should be considered with this in a holistic
, for which the approach must be interdisciplinary and
result of a new education to prepare research and teamwork.
For this, the economy can not be in private hands aimed
profit and capital accumulation, the economy should be guided by an understanding
center and regulator of production that represents the people.
The real solution is to restructure the domestic and global.
companies that produced these damages must pay, which would be impossible for his
cost and therefore has to go to the villages, as payment.
The environmental problem is purely political, and this depends on your solution, or otherwise
continue degrading the Earth.
VII) Sustentablidad what?
The tragedy of man.
The concept of sustainable development born in 1987 in the World Commission on Environment and Development
United Nations chaired by Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Brundtland
: "Sustainable development is one that meets the
needs of present generations without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs "The accepted definition
by ambiguity, let him use it to economists, capitalists and environmentalists and
has not yet been transformed into action. Was adopted to contrast the existing production
mode to generate the public image of building a new economy that would save
unsustainability the current model, have not yet been clarified
goals, even by the United Nations. Theoretically
the creation of the term applied sustainability
growth or development in a vacuum full of good intentions. The attempt was
covering different aspects of caring for the environment without reducing or increasing the production
to meet the needs of the world's population, its use has great elasticity
and adapted and used by different approaches including environmental destroyers
The current increased production of goods that fuel consumption is unsustainable,
this concept and its extension is not reduced or rationalized production in the world, despite its wide acceptance
The ambiguity of the concept prevents clarify the goals that can be proposed to
sustainable development, ranging from making the current sustainable consumption, production
esquilmante current, the current use of non-renewable energy use or implement new
energies and cover all the basic needs of the world's population. It
a term that eludes the problems that destroy the society, for example,
wars, violence, drugs and who have high social costs.
The key question is: Is it possible to meet the basic needs of the population of the world without generating
the current crisis?
The market is not in the hands of those who have an understanding of the environment, but who
is able to obtain more profit, and they are concerned about maintaining the continuity
access to raw materials needed to produce, regardless of their
in the world can meet the basic needs of populations: food,
clothing, housing, health and education, but it is not possible to maintain the current output growth
feeding the consumerism of goods and services of a few unnecessary
. Beyond
discuss the meaning of sustainability is necessary to define the objectives
and paths for development without destroying the environment, improving it and creating an economy
the service of human beings to meet their basic needs and to allow
awakening as a human being, which is opposed to awakening as
To begin to reach agreements for the construction of a new society, there must
direct terminology, that can generate doubts as to its content:
not pollute, do not destroy resources, not destroy nature, not destroy human beings, to
this is not necessary to create sterile discussions on the content of the terms, as with this
While growth has not limit development have.
The idea of \u200b\u200bgrowth or development that is used in practice
neoclassical economists is that of GDP, and detached from the physical world whose destruction is carried out in parallel
GDP growth, but in today's economies are ignored
political expediency and the dominant power.
Ecosystems must be treated with the delicacy of understanding and ignorance
not the one who has the sole purpose of profit, is required for this new education
The discourse of sustainability is a link in the chain
strategies to continue exploiting the people and the environment, rather than agree on its contents
necessary to agree on the content of a new order and commit themselves to set
action, and to overcome the present indifference and permissiveness.
The tragedy of man, not understanding the world around you and allow
not so much about sustainability as a critical review
road trip, reconnecting the physical and the monetary and economics to science
of nature.
If you reach an agreement on the term sustainable, we may ask: why that development
?, Why companies continue to benefit drivers of consumerism
others have no access to it? "While managing resources
further injure the vast majority of the world's population?.
sustainability with the economic background gives
fundamental importance to the exchange value, reduces the problem to its monetary expression.
VIII) Food Sovereignty??
Nature destroyed by the visible hand of the market
production must be organized, not merely subdivided.
E. Bachini
The production of goods and services, and consumer orientation is decided in the market
owners of the means of production, in its pursuit of profit
and sufficient knowledge about needs of human beings,
or the delicate balances of ecosystems.
ecosystems, production and cities are governed by those who consider fundamental
, profit.
Capitalism has shown in recent decades that changes in pursuit of the abundant chrematistic
scarce, clean contaminated, and people in their
slave. While
are in crisis all ecosystems need to be addressed especially
soil ecosystem, and water-related ecosystems.
All ecosystems are interrelated, and the deterioration of one of them affects
others, in particular climate change affects directly
all other ecosystems, where forest ecosystem is destroyed reduces the absorption of carbon dioxide in the world
In particular consider some effects of the capitalist mode of production in the soil and water ecosystems
, whose degradation is visible and are essential for life on this planet
, because that's where we get the food for human beings and other
living beings.
can be considered that the principle of general attack
soil fertility was the use of the gate with moldboard plow, to which were obtained at first
good crop yields, but then came the further erosion of history
of humanity. This plow buried soil aerobic life, dying
not receiving the oxygen it needs, also buried organic matter that decomposes in
anaerobic conditions, and does not improve soil fertility, and finally generates floor plow
, which facilitates rainwater runoff and soil erosion, and
prevents this water is stored in the soil depth. In modern

18 other practices destroy the land: - the eccentric destroys the soil structure and generates
plow pan,
- bonfire that removes organic matter
essential to maintain fertility and kills living beings the
- agricultural and livestock practices that leave bare soil
facilitating erosion,
- agricultural monoculture soil fleece always the same
extracting nutrients and toxic eliminating them, also use
genetically modified seeds whose effects are fully studied, but are accompanied by

use of pesticides

to eliminate the

forest monoculture eucalyptus, pine, palm oil, which eliminate biodiversity
permanently, and affect
groundwater water - planting
favoring direct compaction, erosion and water runoff, not covered in the soil or tillage to eliminate
vertical compaction.
- does not prevent water runoff
- mining practices that destroy the soil and contaminate
streams. Externalities
current agricultural production, erosion and pollution.
care practices of the soil by increasing production and productivity as well as care
the watercourse have been widely studied in theory and practice
but have not been implemented because the capital gains generated by the monopolistic
seeds GM and chemicals, or those of
monoculture tree plantations.
The bare soil allows water and wind erosion that takes the
soil richer in organic matter and major nutrients for plants
Water erosion is caused by drops of rain when the soil is unprotected and causes
the loss of the best part of the soil.
crop residues on the surface soil improvement, but for now gain more
, ensiled or baled and they feed the animals,
but in the long run be detrimental to the soil. Cellulose at the surface and decomposes
polyuronides generates a colloid, which protects the soil from erosion
because they maintain the bond between the particles. Water erosion drag
chemical fertilizers and pesticides that poison the
watercourses and groundwater, and color is visible giving the courses
surface water. Sand deposited in the riverbeds, generates sandbars, depth
removing steps and rivers. That sand buries the life in their beds
is the food of fish. Toxic chemicals and erosion
destroy the ecosystem that sustains fish.
Rainwater that runs off does not penetrate the soil, not feeds the underground water table
and this contributes to their removal or reduction of water, which makes it difficult
obtaining irrigation or drinking water. When rainwater is not retained in the soil
worsen drought periods and can cause floods, common and aggressive
today. In "The droughts and floods" of Florentino Ameghino
presented as two sides of the same problem.
The costs of these externalities have to be borne by those who allow or cause erosion
, of \u200b\u200bthose who use pesticides, and rulers who allow
, who is never injured.
Controlling erosion must be proactive and must do so urgently in all these countries

In the present mode of production is considered tolerable loss by erosion in
up to 5,000 kg. of land per hectare per year, half a kilo per square meter.
The nature take thousands of years to form the ground is being lost in recent decades
. The producer must not only losing ground but should improve, although we limit
than those occurring in the agricultural sector are mostly
transnational investors and non-producers.
Soil losses force producers to greater consumption of fertilizer
imported high cost to consumers, loss of foreign exchange to the State without
improve soil quality because they are fertilizer for crops.
Some governments charge penalties to some farmers for erosion in
actually penalizes a few, with ridiculous amounts compared to the erosion
produce, while others continue to erode.
These fines are only one element of propaganda for governments, because the producer
not restore soil quality is what really matters to
maintain food sovereignty.
government agencies responsible for controlling erosion,
impoverished country, have no clear policy or adequate controls.
act as if the earth did not have to be useful to future generations. Those who have the land
only have the right to use.
Direct seeding is an advance as to not destroy the soil structure, but
when planted soybean crop takes a year, leaving the ground after
dangerously exposed, it leaves little residue, and it is not controlled
Soil compaction caused by machinery.
agricultural monocultures make a real mining, extracting always
same nutrients. Food Sovereignty

Food sovereignty begins in soil quality and access to water
for crops. Eroded soils
threatening quality and production capabilities, in addition to
higher costs for fertilizers and pesticides because the plants are
make them more vulnerable to pests.
The risks of using genetically modified seeds
not been assessed, but the people are dependent on transnational
that produce them, and also
pesticides they produce. In this invasion of transgenic seeds are lost
own seeds and leave the investigation of substitutes.
Reducing the depth of the water courses
sand built up in your bed, and the pesticides and fertilizers
reduces the fish population and the possibility of
get that food.
Pollution and reduction of groundwater flow
reduces the possibilities of using that water source.
Climate change generates more extreme temperatures and droughts
fires and floods as a new obstacle to food production
These problems generated from production, add the
problem of the derivatives market, where prices rise
of raw materials and food, adding a component
speculation, which even harder to feed the people.
Transnational market concentrated in agricultural products of
pesticides, transgenic and hybrid seed, and agricultural machinery
that technological advances increase the capital in the
organic agricultural production, moving from field workers and their families
Agricultural production must be geared to meeting the food needs of the population and then continue
other crops needed. Proposals

Widely different techniques have been reported
agricultural production without chemicals. Many authors have
addressed the biological production of food, both as
orchard crops.
vertical tillage facilitates the penetration of air and water in the soil.
use of fallow, green manure, legumes such as alfalfa, to return to
down his fluffiness, and to reproduce the microflora and microfauna.
In all cases it is necessary to crop rotation, monoculture is a real
mining, and always add them to the floor waste products.
construction of terraces and embankments as a means to retain rain water, and soil washed
Protect streams and ponds and trees.
Erosion Wind generated soil loss and is resolved with rows of trees and keeping the soil covered
. To continue this process
productive fertile soil is not bequeathed to future generations
, and the cost of production will continue increasing.
Land as social setting is the place where he lived and generated a living the
farmer and his family through decades. Today is displaced by the new investors
agriculture and monocultures, supported by transnational corporations.
TNCs are generating a process of decolonization
field destroying the buildings. Conclusion

lands held of public and private, with producers aligned with capitalsita
technology without understanding the needs of the soil, and the needs of feeding people
generate problems that are generating
decades and that every year is worse. Transdisciplinary
is necessary to study agricultural production, the nutritional needs
human health and ecosystems, this process must have a backup
research, training and education, not just the problem of
right to use land . About
dominate the world are buying agricultural land that are the source of foods
The cost of this crisis on land use do not charge or transnational corporations, or
the financial system that finances, not governments.
The food crisis stems from a crisis of education is based on a teaching
where the goal is to repeat the knowledge capitalists and not question their
destructive practices, and teaching to understand and solve these problems
worse. Teaching again unrealistic.
To resolve this problem is not enough to apply non-destructive technologies, but
is necessary to generate a new organization of production based on life in
cooperation as well as production and distribution decisions.
500 years later: Turbocolonialismo
In 1992 he met the beginning 500 years of subjugation by force of
the peoples of Latin America, massacres, cultural colonization and dispossession of their
we set 1990 as the commencement date of the increase of FDI in
Latin America and the world.
In June 1992 he conducted the United Nations Conference on Environment
Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro. There was a program developed and adopted global
(known as Agenda 21) to lay the foundations of sustainable development.
This conference is held when it met the first 500 years of colonization,
seems done on purpose to distract the world from the start of the advance of transnational
. From that moment the world economy grew and the
aggression against nature, which takes the character of this
growth sustainability.
banking modernizes "originate to distribute"
The current global financial crisis is a result of excessive global liquidity, which
begs the question: How was the excessive liquidity
quickly went global?
Answer: activity was developed through a not by the traditional banking system
the format was called originate-to-distribute (originate to distribute
This model was implemented on a stage with the following characteristics:

• Eliminating barriers to the free mobility of capital

• Internationalization of financial markets
blurring the boundaries between banks, rating agencies, insurance and marketable securities on the Stock

Generalization of information technology in markets
With this framework was the expansion of markets, financial assets
tripled between 1990 and 2006 using this model.
surpassed These financial activities, in amount
traditional activities of banks to take deposits and lend.
In the traditional model of bank hold-to-maturity (held to maturity) is
granted loans remaining in the balance sheet of the bank until maturity
. In this model the bank to grant loans studies evaluating the risk and profitability
funded projects, and is responsible
recovery credit. In the new model
originate-to-distribute financial innovations are used among which is the securitization
. The banking system, issues values, without being too demanding in the quality of the collateral
of credit.
titles were sold in the market with the participation of
rating agencies (credit rating) and investment banks.
In this new system, the bank granted loans transferred to the capital market
credit, risk and responsibility to properly assess the credit quality of
through securitization transactions. The bank becomes part of their claims in
titles and get more cash to resume lending and loan risk transfer title to the buyer

In this new model loans moving out of the bank balance that made
originating banks distribute credit risk by transferring it to third parties
anywhere and around the world and have the same precautions as though it were in his
balance. At one point in the market is becoming more important
profitability in the short term risk. The model
originate-to-distribute dilutes the incentive for banks to ensure the quality of their investments
because it is outsourced (rating agency), unlike the traditional model
credit - deposit where a credit is granted based on the possibility of
repayment of debts. In the absence information on the quality of the securities began
to be relevant rating agencies, which investors go for information.
risks in the traditional banking model is estimated with variables accessible to all:
exchange rate, interest rates, prices, but the new model entering the
variables which is very difficult to access and risk calculation is complicated , the investor has no knowledge of the risk
takes to buy the securities.

Investors buy 23 baskets of securities that is unaware of the risk they are assuming
, this distributes the risk among many investors decide that investment mainly
for the trust and profitability.
The current crisis shows clearly the consequences of this model of bank credit, with titles
high risk spread around the world.
issuers banks were left with no market to place these values \u200b\u200bto which was added
defaults on loans that were never securitized and
therefore no money to continue, forcing them to get their business.
Investment banks were found with high-risk assets in their portfolios and
they began to be difficult to place and in turn fell in value, this lack of liquidity the
dragged to his death, those bad investments affected solvency.
these banks were controlled by the Fed nor other central banks.
banks working with the deposit-credit model cope better
crisis despite bad debts when they enter or the investments they made in high-risk securities
and much profit, but not be so affected by the credit crunch
and loss of value of securities, including investment banks and insurers.
used for years as a way to transfer the credit risk sales, and syndications
, but this new method of qualifications
has spread rapidly in recent years.
Rating agencies began to be questioned by the high ratings they
performed on the risks of falling stock price ending
This model has been the same in all the crises that took place with the traditional bank
model, these Financial instruments allowed for the rapid increase
liquidity, credit, price increases on speculation and excessive risks, in this case are
investments with no transparency and no known risk facing the investor
when risk begins to transform into Recalled loss.
In this crisis has taken prominent role and the lack of global knowledge and information
the risk that the investor is subject titles.
In this model stump the boundaries between banks that extend credit, insurance,
rating agencies, investment banks and securities market.
This model allowed the banking system, speed up excess liquidity crisis and
globalize, giving its full dimension, globalization prevented a rapid fall of
model. This new multiplication
bank money through titles like the multiplication of money
traditional banking creates the means to pay nothing and have the appropriate support
tickets. The existing banknotes in the world are
minimum percentage of total deposits at traditional banking and the securities issued. 24

Behind this crisis is a speculative process that had the motor globalized profit
accelerated, which is used for operations both at the stock exchange as the extra-
stock, mainly in the Hedge Funds (Hedge funds) .
floating the questions remain: Who created the banking model
originate-to-distribute, What banks imposed this new model?, Who
finance speculation in the stock market? Why was authorized global operation?
The Trojan horse FDI
From the above the question arises: What was done with significant liquidity generated by the new model of banking
Beginning in 1990 he began to grow the loan with the payment means
generated by the system originate-to-distribute and foreign direct investment grew in
the world and therefore in Latin America and Uruguay (Figures 2 4).
oriented financial system loans to large companies, making it possible to provide substantial amounts
and issue securities placed in the stock market and stock markets outside
. Banks and recovered the money provided, which continued to provide,
accelerating the process of transnationalization of companies. This was a fast method for generating
means of payment that netted significant gains in the banking system.
As is clear from the figures in Tables 1.2 and 3 was not the merit of the rulers who
be increased direct foreign investment in all countries but on the basis
the new banking model, the merit of the government was markets deliver the
countries to continue generating cash.
86% of Foreign Direct Investment up to transnational corporations,
mid 70's there were 7,000 companies transnational
and currently more than 70,000.
In Latin America and the Caribbean (Figure 2) capital inflows to
Investment (FDI) increased from U $ S 8,000 (1990) million to U $ S 88,000
million (1999), multiplied by 11 , then started to reduced income, to the smallest
in 2003 and grew up to U $ S 70,000 million a year in 2005 and 2006.
FDI worldwide (Figure 1) increased from U $ S 205,000 million annual
(1990) to the maximum of U $ S 1,500,000 million (2000), is
multiplied by 7. Also reached bottom in 2003 and since then had
significant growth. AL continued investment in the trend of global FDI
transnational This advance was driven by the generation febrile
means of payment by banks acting in concert with the rating agencies, the
insurers and investment banks.
TNCs, local firms moved, bought
public and private companies, increased pollution, natural resources appropriated,
accelerated climate change, destruction of forests and mountains, and attempted to confront the people as is
Botnia in Uruguay (Finnish pulp mill.)
destroyed the productive structure national industry, agriculture and services
These damages were not considered when
governments allowed the entry of transnational corporations, can be evaluated today.

25 Governments, with FDI statistics and improved their dollars and change were accompanied
privatization policies and tax exemptions.
This investment, far from being a benefit for the people, represented a major advance
companies withdraw their gains
poor countries, preventing domestic savings and reinvestment, so
the economy of impoverished countries became even more dependent.
savings is not what made possible the investment of transnational corporations. The bank credit
expanded through the new banking model that
nothing and with that new mechanism of multiplication of money speculating
titles, spread across the world. These transnational investment
displaced domestic production that gives stability
economies and jobs.
This shows the significant investment in natural resources
being undertaken by TNCs in Latin America and the Caribbean.
is necessary to note that these amounts do not include the investment made for the purchase
of land for production farm has also increased continuously, the point
important areas of national territories are held by foreigners.
These natural resources are essential to maintain national sovereignty.
governments to allow entry of these enterprises fostered speculation that
were financed using the new banking model that brought these outbreaks
financial and monetary. Of the 100 largest transnational corporations in the world 99 are headquartered in the northern hemisphere
respond to the policies of those governments have the power to
guide the decisions of international institutions and the government reducing
limitations and obtaining guarantees and benefits. They also have the means of communication that allow
hide information externalities
abuse and destruction throughout the world and create a favorable public image.
Transnational corporations are also directly responsible for this crisis because
used this model to expand knowledge of the banking system increased speculation
securities traded in the stock market.
transnational banks and took over the world with such means of payment,
created from scratch, speculation arose from the bank. Uruguay
contributed significantly since 2005 as shown in Table 3
in supporting the creation of these means of payment and allowing FDI
concomitantly destroying national productive organization.
competition and credit led to the concentration of capital.
competition leads to large-scale investment to reduce production costs, increases
fixed capital (machinery) and reducing variable capital (workers). The credit allows large companies
garner resources for investment, the banking system it is easier to place such large sums
and therefore is the one who guides the concentration of investment, deciding who concentrate
capital. 29

competition destroys the weaker capital and credit system supports large capital
to destroy children. This leads to the destruction of their own competition, which
multinationals use to organize themselves into clusters and market sharing.
This expansion allows multinationals to invest more in research
and overcome in the competition to smaller companies. Whether
bankers integrated transnational corporations is evident that the support given
purchasing power, enabling them to buy and invest, and
appropriate the wealth of the world, including goodwill, leading to their countries of origin, as they have done
throughout history.
This funding generated transnational aggressive over-production, which could not
trade and that led to this crisis of overproduction.
government's discourse on the benefits of Foreign Direct Investment
allowed the multinationals enter with total freedom to countries. Considered favorable: the modernization
technology (technology that is in the hands of transnational corporations), the amounts invested
(which is mostly for infrastructure and import of machinery), the
GDP growth (which has no counterpart increase
the collection of taxes because the government give free zones and other tax exemptions
), creating jobs (governments do not consider labor to be
lost their installation, which is generally higher than the set) , profits go to foreign
, and are not reinvested in domestic banks.
The modern technology used by these large companies is esquilmante, makes possible the extraction
previously uneconomical, pollute more volume, use little personal
The executive director of the United Nations
Environment Programme (UNEP), recently accused Steiner Sr.Achim companies world's largest
of "degrading the environment" and quantifies the concern of these companies:
only two of the 100 largest companies are concerned about the environment, only 25% of 1,100 business leaders
fear extinction loss of species and whole ecosystems
adversely affect their business. " The concern of the leaders is for the companies and not
life on Earth.
At the beginning of the process of generating liquidity is the money as a way of accumulation
as a store of value, and the financial system is built.
money hoarding as a means of generating revenue through the financial system. Conclusion

With this basis we need to decide what to do with FDI and TNCs
evaluating its activity from the financial point of view, and resource exploitation.
If within countries is not defined integrations that are not between countries but between transnational
are in them. Integration in these conditions means better
linking branches of the same crime. 30

pollution in the world began domestic firms, and since 1990 the transnational corporations
multiplied, generating these multiple crises. These companies are in debt
to humanity by the destruction done, so
multinationals as a way to pay for damages caused to be passed into the hands of the people.
These large companies were growing liquidity in the world and are therefore responsible
costs caused the global financial crisis. Included in the
transnational banking system was the architect of the generation mechanism
This confirms the earlier conclusion that these corporations have to be transferred to the peoples
to recoup some costs of this crisis.
these companies also had and have great tax benefits that do not have the population or
or medium or small companies. This is another debt
them with the population.
governments have invested heavily in infrastructure to serve the
corporations, which are paid by the people.
If corporations spend to reach people not to cover the damage caused directly and indirectly
production should be oriented so as to enable all human beings
members of future generations have access to basic needs:
food, shelter, clothing, health and education.
currently under capitalism is continued economic growth in almost every country in the world
but we know that basic needs are covered, so you can ensure that
inhabitants belonging to the future generations may not be covered.
Instead we can say that within capitalism
continue the appropriation and expropriation of natural resources of the people, which as of no value and have only
price their ownership is very easy to over-exploitation and depletion, leading to losses peoples
of their wealth is not reflected in national accounts.
We can also say it is impossible for capitalism to generate
stop the crisis, let alone to investigate how to reverse the crisis are underway,
because that means cutting their profits. In contrast the consequences of the crisis pay
In the present mode of production is impossible to cover the basic needs of all residents
and economic development since the income is concentrated and increasingly centralized
. Transnational corporations are taking over the assets in the world, and at both the profit
they produce, which is not reinvest in favor of the people but
on farms that generate more profit.
attended the turbocolonización of monopoly capitalism, which only assures the increasing impoverishment
of peoples. Dardo
Arigón Bachini
Mercedes-Soriano, Uruguay

Eduardo Sartelli Bibliography:
The box unhappy
Enrique Leff: Ecology and José Manuel Naredo
Capital: Toward a science of natural resources Joan Martínez Alier
: Economy, ecology and politics
environmental William Kapp, The Social Costs of private enterprise
Anwar Shaikh: value, accumulation and crisis
Diego Azqueta: Economic valuation of environmental quality
Jorge S. Molina: Toward a new agriculture
Florentino Ameghino: The dry and flooding in the province of Buenos Aires