Thursday, December 30, 2010

South Park Watch Online With Subtitles

respect for human rights.

Far from Montevideo, away from the departmental capital, as far
possible, that nobody sees and you can come have a visit
led by the Director and a "union."
On a spring morning in the September 2010 between the
Santin Colonia Carlos Rossi. The Santin is across the
wall, that wall of each of the Uruguayans have built
for not knowing. The Santin is a black hole filled with pain, despair
and is one of the many sins that we assume.

I had good luck and walked flag by flag (eight concentration camps
). I say lucky because it is not easy to get to Hell
free guided tours. I was also in the kitchen, the canteen, in the

Upon entering the first pavilion prepare me for what I had
spot, and found that this monstrosity is impossible to tell, nobody ever
can tell, this outrage must see, smell, hear, touch
, felt in the body and brain a mixture of fear, helplessness
, indignation, you go up the beats, your brain
capacity quickly rearrange sentir algo tan fuerte y poder
decir estoy en el Uruguay, en la tierra y no en el Infierno.

Converse con mas de diez funcionarios, con ningún director, con ningún
dirigente sindical, con ningún médico.
La sensación fue de que no estaban. En 3 horas vi un solo medico. Me
faltaron los otros trece, que teóricamente tendrían que estar ahí.

Los funcionarios (la gran mayoría mujeres) me atendieron muy bien y me
brindaron información.

Ese día eran 398 locos internados, y seguramente la mitad deambulaban
por los enormes campos, en harapos, semidesnudos o “naturalmente”
nude drawing a beautiful day of sunshine.

they informed me that there are no seasons. In the days
cruelest winter naked, open a faucet in the
"gardens" and swim like summer.
Their faces (with the brown-gray metal color and glossy, with that
skin seems so thick, so shabby, so full of elderly suffering
) I looked but did not see me, looks
were lost and they were very away (just as they are:
lost forever and far away), nobody visits, nobody will
interest are material human waste, are the freaks who live with
Santin flies, dogs, lice, mosquitoes, cats, rats and pigeons
(all without exception have free access to
halls). It is a matter of daily
being bitten by more than a hundred dogs living with the crazy. Vi

amount of clothes thrown, naked and forget where they left the
rags. I saw several blankets in the grass and two dogs playing and
cracking one of them. Food debris scattered everywhere. There

an electric lift unused for years because the grass
entered into the engine and it was melted, the engine is on the roof of the canteen and to
motor side grows a beautiful eucalyptus.

There is a large house next to the football pitch where he makes very many years ago did
championships. That house named "The
house doctors." Thus disappeared a few months ago salamander
200 kilos. The few cars that can enter are not checked when exiting. In
a summer house in Piriapolis many blankets
the seal of the Colony.
time ago an officer was bathing a patient and then raped
. The judge did not have sufficient evidence, but I know what you think
the judge. Mrs. Macarena
listed as Assistant to the Directorate from the
1/1/2010, but actually acts as Director of the Concentration Camp
and is the concubine of the principal director of the two colonies
(Echepare and Carlos Santin Rossi) Dr. Osvaldo Do Campo. Pavilion

found 2 In 55 patients attending nurses.
give medication, any injection, bathe the "shit."
have some codes to "survive" and be careful, I said a veteran nurse
. We can not give too much affection, we have a limit. If a patient
have an illness and must have a particular
attention, the simple act of sitting next to her on the bed and stroke her head
ends in some begin to "simulate"
condition for collecting affection that way.

Ask a nurse: What is the worst Pavilion? Go to 4
answer me. Between 15 to 20 meters and turned away.
vomit near a tree. The combination of suffocating smell of cat piss, shit and piss
human, humidity one hundred years and the lack of pure oxygen
led me not to cross it as if I could with others.

Colonies were built in 1912 and were landmark global
that provided assistance. There are 372 hectares in total,
have planted hundreds of eucalyptus. The firewood is bought out.

Do Campo On 5/1/2006 when he took over as Director
16 vehicles (ambulances, 1 buses, trucks, tractors, trucks). In 2007
low to 14 vehicles and today there are only six (counting 2 tractors). A
of ambulances do not have insurance, or patent, the day he
brakes fail, the gurney can no longer download and start delay.

Last summer they were 48 hours without water and
washed up in a ravine. Typhoid and tuberculosis were active in Echepare

AFE Many officers were redeployed and work in the Colonies
. Never received a course or talk to train them in the care
acute mental patients. It is a clear message: do
of account are wagons, rails, pretend they are not, that
are alive but are dead.

All pavilions floors were soaked with moisture in a sunny day
dry and windy. Filthy and dripping walls, benches and tables
same, almost no light. In a men's flag
saw them sitting alone, apart, looking at a fixed point or maybe
thinking, "Crane" a new way to achieve freedom and
leaving Hell to Paradise: suicide. Where is the list of
Enter a women's wing and all with their eyes pierced me
and almost in unison shouted at me: you're a psychologist.

There I met Vanessa, 32, a fan of Peñarol, approached me and asked me my name
not remember as has admitted. Has a room for her because it's
those better mentally and helps
much to the nurses (among other things to bathe the shit and piss). Your room is beautiful
within the horror. Vanessa
die out there who knows where.
not entitled to leave, no pension and
latter is doomed to a lifetime.

The 38 military attaches that Uruguay has the world (17 in
United States), today earn $ 40 000 per month.
Uruguay has the highest percentage of soldiers from throughout Latin America in proportion to its population
, Uruguay is more general than the United States
proportion to its population. Vanessa is still pretty
could have a partner and a mother. Uruguayans still time ?????? Huey lives

Hall 2, 40 (representing 70), almost never goes out
, crawls naked (comes and goes). The dress and undress
again. For years and not dressing. The rest of his teammates,
incorporated it (quite naturally) the landscape
loss of lives. Walking

a flag to another are seen lying around, you hear screaming, I would say
howling. They fight and yell, sometimes you have a nurse who can separate
, otherwise it will hit and scratch with nails
not cut for months. Remember that fight in the Lower House?.
few had to separate and because they fight? There are reasons why the Uruguayan deputies
fight? Few million dollars spent on
the previous period in respect of per diem?

traveled together, toured the world and were happy. Were they or others
released the Peirano? What would
Peirano stolen to build a colony model Psychiatric
Latin America in the heart of Montevideo? Because Peirano are free and
and Vanessa Huey are prisoners of the madness that did not choose. Because
reason a car entered the Santin a year ago saying that they were looking
a guy and kidnapped him? Had real estate guy ?????

That officer enters the packs of cigarettes Santin ECO (of
Bagay) and asks patients to purchase or Nevada
Coronado Cantina in exchange for 2 packs of ECO? The crazy, crazy life as delivered
20 cigarettes in exchange for forty. The officer gets a bonus
rather interesting.

leaks are common. As this administration
Do Campo-Santoro have escaped the Echepare 16 patients (of which 7 are
escaped this year.) There is talk that the Santin are more than ten.
never returned. Where are they? Names? Are they alive? Yolanda

Berruti missed a Saturday last February in grasslands
more than a meter tall. The police searched the Eighth Branch
Ituzaingo and fire in San Jose.
On Monday morning an official said, was transferred to Santa Lucia. Cape
Olivera gave the order to finish the quest. The
found Thursday morning in a state of decomposition. The coroner ruled that
died on Monday night. Was 60 years old and 50 meters of
Supplies. File No. 553 in the Central Office Service User
the MSP.

went to press that I'm writing? Maybe not, because there
news are very important, for example, will answer to Lucia Tabares
Topolanski if you pull a candidate for President in 2014
? Know that there are crazy people who call Tabare, or Lucia Mujica
Topolanski? And the latter know what happens in the
Colonies? or were at the "Sheraton" guided tour? What I
is a certainty not vote in elections, do not define anything in the case
vote, do not exist no country, are brain-crippled, they only
heart beats and therefore only inhabit this land.

The Work Committee of the Colonies he took in the previous government
up Alberto Grille (Director of Faces and Masks and
CX 30 Radio Nacional) and a retired general named Wins.

were spent $ 2.5 million in the construction of so-called
Pavilions "Sheraton".
Echepare Colony has 12 wards and a small hospital is the
anteroom of Hell. The Rossi Carlos Santin IS HELL. The pavilions
25,17,18 and 28 were remodeled Echepare to again
Radiant, Direct TV, new beds and closets, room for disabled drivers
physiotherapy and other herbs.

in Hall 25 there are 9 patients. In 17 there are 20 patients. In 18
there are 21 patients. In the 28 having a capacity of 80 is 52. Total:
102 patients. The other 8 remaining pavilions
home to 480 patients. An average of 60 patients for each death row. The tours
all passers-by and asking to see
one more, show you 26. It is the best "non displayable".

Adding these 480 to 398 of the Santin, gives us that 878 patients
are outside the Sheraton. " Because these 102 chose to stay in the halls
"Sheraton"?. Because they are quiet, but
lucid, more manageable, the neat and the 102 have no
lice, the 878 remaining (most lice).

The tours go through the Sheraton and Princess Dalenberg
happened there and I have not even a louse. Together with the Minister Muñoz and the aura of two exquisite
French perfumes, they spent at
"displayable" the monster. In this place everything is different, there queen
Silence of the Lambs. "

A patient choked on a piece of bread and quince paste,
when doctors are prepared to use a laryngoscope is
realized that he needed two batteries. The patient died. Moreira

The priest was summoned to court on 1 September by
an official complaint about their business in 2004 in the Colonial
. Feel like Bury cure Moreira, because you do not take her up the
. Who is behind this allegation?. Who
answer this official? Because the complaint did in 2004?. Luis Alberto López

Horn escaped with Alvaro Gaites on 6/3/2009.
were in Halls 29 and 30 of the Echepare.
reached the Rio Santa Lucia and the first drowning. Gaites back and relate what happened.
Gaites is now at 11. Ramón Cabrera
Cake (70 years old, almost blind) escaped on 2/2/2010, to
today nobody knows anything about him. Erlin
Bremerman Sierra (50 years, oligofrénico) was choking on a piece of bread on 7/6/2010
. Transfer was requested but no locomotion.
died. Floris

Justiniano Santos Neto came walking in Bahia (Brazil),
escaped in 2007, still do not know anything about him. The

Juan José 19/3/2009 Miranda comes to the Echepare
visiting a friend. On the side of the rack makes a heart attack. A doctor and make it official
cardiac massage and mouth-to mouth. The
urgent ambulance call takes 20 minutes to go 40
meters. Came with a nurse and a pair of gloves.
brought no defibrillator, or material for tubing and vials of adrenaline. Miranda
died when he tried to climb to the ambulance.

late 2008 Hall 29 was alone (without staff), a crazy run and warns
in Hall 25, which is stuck at 29, that a patient
astillazo hit him in the head one to another patient (
Da Silva). They ran and was on the floor bleeding, to his side and looking at her attacker
. They called an ambulance. They could not get off
the stretcher, carried him in a blanket and took him to Maciel.
Da Silva died days later. The

10/7/2009 Lapaz Gabriel Moreno escaped from the Hall 27 of the
Echepare and drowned in the flooding of the Santa Lucia. He was 25.

On January 27, 2010 appeared pulled between grassland and
advanced state of decomposition, Maria Cabrera, as
retired official, who stayed there as a patient (not just blends,
but is ill). Was missing 45 days to 25 meters from the nursing

When the month of February 2010 the priest began
Moreira make successive reports of deaths in the Colonies, the Minister
Muñoz answered, "people die in the Colonies as
across the country, older people advanced and fragile. "

About forty years ago, late 60's, some
talked about: "There Fatherland for All, others spoke
working class to power, was recited to Marx, Lenin, Mao, some adhered
to the Cuban Revolution and the armed struggle and other
the Soviet model and mass accumulation. Some spoke of the "New Man" and other
"revolutionary cadres of the Party."
revolutions were prepared and takeovers. Discourses and methodologies were different, but had
some things in common, both mentioned the word permanently
JUSTICE, justice with those below, with the most check out, with the helpless
ultimately talking about HUMAN RIGHTS. In the Colonies

Echepare and Carlos Rossi Santin
a violation permanent, systematic and Dante HUMAN RIGHTS

I invite you to see 3 documentaries. Two of the Colony
Echepare ("best" of the two colonies) and a Radio
The address to be accessed is: And All

what is said and described the personal name and assume all responsibilities
. Ruben
Bouvier - CI 3245004-3


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