Sunday, February 20, 2011

Image Of What Krealkaline Can Do

Carmen Aristegui after being fired.

A fellow orthodox, dogmatic, etc, it is clarified. The journalist Carmen Aristegui, we are aware that a person with opposing ideologies to our philosophies and doctrines. But driven by the recognition of the professionalism of this woman, for her struggle to appear professionally independent, and the events that have touched this woman lately living this human being convincingly Democrat, the largest of our respect. Knowing that we fight and we fight. AP Hill blog.

"Very good morning friends, citizens, colleagues and journalists
allow me to read a text I have written to assume a public stand on my morning news farewell News MVS occurred this weekend ... issue that has generated many expressions of solidarity from here thank you.
This is an event which, although affecting the life and work of a group of people, including myself included ... have a greater significance to the limited number ... I want to express my views on what is on larger scope of this event that impacts in various ways to Mexican society ... A society these days and hours has shown determination and ability to respond to a fact that offends and hurts their fundamental rights ... The vigorous strong and determined voice of thousands of people in social networks, Twitter, Facebook, other forms and manifestations on the streets are, in themselves, a great event ... The big news that we are alive ... That Mexicans despite the escalating violence, death and horror that accompanies us every day we are here to recognize ourselves in the mirror and fight for a better Mexico ...
thank all these expressions and I am here, excited about their existence and the vital sign that accompanies ... Embrace those in all colors and with different languages \u200b\u200bhave appeared in Contrary to all luc3es an authoritarian and unconscionable and unacceptable ... such an event is only imaginable in dictatorships that no want 'to Mexico ... Punished for comment or questioning to the rulers.
The issue hits us all ... not only affects us as professionals and citizens who were removed from a space. .. it also affects the media and the business group that develops for various productive activities in the country. This group is headed by a family whom I esteem and value. Founded by one of the most loved and respected in the industry as was Don Joaquín Vargas Gómez ... I sincerely regret that their names are being mowed down on social networking for the decision. We must ask ourselves, why this happened and how things went.
On Friday February 4, on my right to freedom of expression formulated an editorial comment that alluded to a news event incontrovertible. Following the events of the Chamber of Deputies yesterday, when a group of legislators showed a banner with the photo of Felipe Calderón with red eyes in which read: "You let a drunk drive your car? "No, really? And why leave it to lead the country? Of course there was a great rispidez that drove him to suspend the meeting on the legislative floor ... and there was a story to tell our audiences ... My colleague Omar Aguilar presented with great professionalism this news story neatly, clearly and with sufficient ... never hidden or blanket, or the content of the blanket, or the authors of the blanket ... not truqueo nothing for viewers and listeners did not find out what he was saying the blanket ... and not trapping anyone present to the public, and the public deserves, all expressions in different directions were issued about ... Our audience was well informed about the event and enough information to make your own assessment ... The information presented to me I served as a basis for formulating the editorial said ... "Let's forget the cartoon, said ..." take the issue seriously ... and did some other considerations ... ended up with a formal challenge to the authorities ... Does alcohol problems or the President of the Republic? ... I have no way to confirm this but, if any, would be a delicate thing we should know ... there's nothing offensive about the question ... especially if it's something that, exist in nature affect decisions that impact at all times to millions of people around the country ...
The editorial closed by saying that the track-and given its public exposure through the blanket of legislators, deserved a serious response, formal and official of the Republic Presidency itself ...
The President did not answer the journalist ... immediately demanded that the owners, not the reporter, "an immediate public apology for the tremendous courage ... thus demonstrating a degree of irritability and intolerance that speak for themselves some kind of problem ... That, of course, must also be discussed.
acknowledge that the question was hard ... but libelous or defamatory in any way ... not at any point was transgressed the code of ethics that has been mentioned ... It was quite simply the formulation of a valid question ... Asked by a journalist whose intention was well defined ... The health status and degree of equilibrium of a representative, of course it is a matter of clear public interest ... The Mexican society has a right to know with certainty, without insults, without caricature on the health conditions of those who have taken and will continue to take very serious decisions everyday that impact on the fate of a nation. And boy does it has impacted the nation's fate decisions from the Pines in this administration ...
The reason for my dismissal, he said, was my refusal to apologize and transgress the code of ethics ... Thing that is false and only became an alibi ... at this time not only did not retract, and I apologize, because there is nothing to forgive, but rather affirm the relevance of the Presidency of the Republic is revealed about ...
sorry yes, personally, that the President and his family have been offended by the question ... no there, nor is there in the formulation of my question no intention or offense ... I regret that they have been offended ... it is clear that this happened, but yet, so the question remains ...
The exercise of power makes public figures are subject to scrutiny and questions to which others would not be subject by reason, precisely, of their responsibilities and the impact of their decisions ... In a democracy it is part of the game ... Did not Bill Clinton to talk of semen deposited in the blue dress a girl before an audience of millions? ... Is not perhaps the health status of Dilma Roussef was the subject of public debate before reaching be president now is ...? "" Are not the debauchery and excesses of Silvio Berlusconi matter of national debate ...?? Why in Mexico is punishable by dismissal of a journalist who dares to ask??? ... Why in Mexico means employers may be subjected to undue pressure to mute their communities?? ... Why Mexican society has to settle for a single view of things?? ... Why fatally have to live with the existence of a television duopoly that not only degrades the screens degrading and harmful programs like the recently released, but it is already in itself a power that has damaged the national democratic life??
Why Mexico is trapped in a spiral of degradation and infamy without doing anything about it??? ... Why, as they say the signatories of the letters published protest these days ... we left them thus lead the country??
What kind of democracy is this that an editorial comment that angered the ruling ... the head is cut who said? ... why the political power can lead to the extreme, scandal, conflict, deliberately, to make things impossible to achieve both the employer as a journalist causing the break? ? ... The question is, how they could raise from Los Pinos, the level of demand asking about the humiliation, for an absolutely oversized? How does an employer to whom we as decent led him to behave this way ... how 'could make him feel compelled to such an extent as to require the reading of a letter, obviously not written by me in terms that were alien to me and of course do not match with what my conscience dictated ... to meet the presidential wrath? ... A reading requirement unworthy of that letter made me who knew beforehand that I would reject it ... It was to that end.
For the degree of vulnerability in which there are those who have businesses or concessions in the world of telecommunications and media ... In this case there is a set of concessions in the game ... and the final decision on what happens in them is in the drawer of the President. What should be technical, legal and lawful, in reality is a political issue ... discretionary approval has gone through all legal and technical filters to be taken, is subject to final leave of the President ... and even came to the end of President ... That is the dominant powers in telecommunications excessive power which prevents the entry of new competitors and there really makes life impossible ...
persists to this day, a factor which influences and distorts the relationship of government media, which is the political discretion in making decisions and issuing endorsements concessions in the field of telecommunications. This is one of the main reasons why Mexico does not fully deployed as a fundamental right of freedom of expression ... Issues to be resolved with greater legal certainty regarding time, insurance plans, business plan investment and end up issues of political and not technical areas in the field. This is the case of concessions in the 2.5 GHz band have several operators in the country of MVS Communications owns most of them. Although they had already filed all the technical requirements of competition, and the general favorable for some commissioners COFETEL ... and favorable opinion of the COFECO ... and have waiting-to-risk of losing millions quantities of domestic and foreign investors ... despite having everything in order and a strong market for wrongly ... ... the decision has been inexplicably delayed for five years ...! Taking everything in order ... There is no technical reason, technological, legal, economic or today is not sufficiently satisfied. The only reason that today prevent MVS Communications to deploy a national network of Internet bandwidth to compete with large conglomerates is utterly and politics .... Because it stands as a sword of Damocles in the old authoritarian view of the carrot and the stick ... you're good, I endorse your award ... you misbehave you stop it, you deny it. This pressure is the environment in which the relationship unfolds not only dealers with the government, but in the environment as the work unfolds and the professional performance of hundreds of professionals in their relationship with media companies. That is the daily battle. To the extent that communicators and entrepreneurs struggle against the government, to that extent the audience gain or lose information. The most grotesque and paradox of this reality, is that most benefit from this legacy of the old regime are the large monopolies that are now able to maintain this design to prevent new entrants. And here again into the enormous responsibility of a legislature that has preferred to maintain unwritten rules rather than a modern law of legal certainty for business, safeguard the rights of journalists and guarantee the right to information I thank all the people ... by the way, from here the debate and pronouncements that since Congress did yesterday by lawmakers on the case of our farewell ... News
However, do not serve much the democratization of the media censorship ordered by an event like this, while it coexists with laws that could and should be modified to benefit the whole population and not a few ...
In this environment of government pressure to some communications companies serving a phenomenon even more serious than the former state control over the media. It is the weakening of the state and its institutions by virtue of a contingency policy that goes from the President of the Republic, through the Chambers of Congress, wide swaths of the judiciary bodies Regulators at the hands of new or factual informal powers have succeeded in imposing its logic of blackmail and intimidation, because that is what it is-that has led to levels of audacity and a power calculation to replace, at least partially branches of government ... There is, for example, a TV bench in Congress, some regulators subjects captured by its regulated ... As ever in the history of the Mexican State have been allowed to grow to these authorities in Mexico have reached the point ... I dare to say ... also wanted to take over the Presidency of the Republic itself ... Otherwise it would explain the multi-million dollar investment they have made to build him a presidential candidate Gov. ... mexiquense
The background of what happened in our case and that has generated all of these reactions has to do with precisely this climate. For that reason is that a company decides, contrary to their interests, to cancel at the time of greatest expansion, the most prestigious, most influential, an area of \u200b\u200bcritical information, debate and opinion that has been valued by advertisers and audiences ... So take a suicidal decision.
Like so many others, this is a company improperly put pressure incompatible with a democratic system and rule of law ... While we do not change the structures that are the basis of this unhealthy relationship, the critical influence spaces are continually harassed and collectively the media eventually standardize or unify its news coverage . Flattens the free opinion, drop the debate and inhibited the critical behavior ... that seriously harms democracy and, of course, fundamental rights and citizens of this country.
"Well, I say, now we do with what happened? Do we accept what happened that does not suit you or anyone opt for the ethics of responsibility and seek a way? ... without giving up but, without requiring the other to its knees ...
Joaquín Vargas knows that I did not violate any code ethics ... you know what happened, know that it was an alibi ... you know, because the suffering every day, of the true reasons behind this decision is about to cost us ... I say head up because I will raise a way out ... dignified, decent and intelligent ... I know if the shot.
Joaquin knows how few I'm talking about ... I tell MVS that does not give you a taste for those who relish this failure ...
What happened between Friday and the weekend from Los Pinos, our offices also I do not know if other- Distillery and the Meridien is something that does not deserve anyone who harms us all, and that the only thing that is going to serve for the relief the absurdity of a presidential meltdown and appreciation of those who prefer that no one competes, that no issues or that little question.
does not deserve a professional group that was doing work that is brutally interrupted ... I do not deserve it, of course hearings, do not deserve the Vargas family because they have been placed in a perverse dilemma where they have calibrated as a business group have a harder time against the government and powers that pressure: if the head of Aristegui or band of 2.5 GHz ... No country deserves it ...
The Mexican Association of Information Law, to which I belong and that heads the master Raul Trejo Delabre ... has said that our air output is terrible news for Mexican society ... The decision is unfortunate for everyone ... "Lose MVS whose editorial independence is compromised due to suspension this space, lose the journalist and his wide audience. Lose the Presidency of the Republic, which gave rise to demands for Carmen Aristegui apologize for the remark he made on Friday February 4. "... AMEDOI required the presidency" than facts, and specifically in this case, ensure the right to freedom of expression and the right of citizens to information "... asked to MVS" to reconsider the dismissal of Aristegui "And it's exactly what I apply for them far from here ...
The country is no more to keep losing the spaces that we won; the country is not for us to continue haggling over rights to which we belong. Mexico is undergoing a critical moment ... the level of decay, violence and institutional weakness is profoundly serious ... to stand still ... We can win the amazement when Mexico's future has been clouded ... We need informed, alert, critical ... we can not afford to throw away the gains ... to realize that what would justify??
Our transition to democracy has taken a turn tragic ... The levels of violence, decomposition and degradation public life are reaching levels of scandal ... The Mexican political class has not lived up to the challenges of national seems unaware of the progress of these new phenomena of power that have eaten away and undermined as never before ... Do we make further progress without opposing a social force, at least identify, discuss and analyze the ...?
Do we stay in the shade of Political subjected to special interests because before govern well, you have to go on TV ... or timid and irresponsible rulers away from concentrations temper monopoly has made them grow, creating monsters of power that are subject ... and against which they dare not to take one step ...
This morning I call to reverse the effects of this ominous ...
I tend the hand and listen to those on the street and say "you have to return ..." ... I am willing to return to air this coming Monday ... as long as they meet a basic condition and only ... That MVS announce officially withdrawing from the statement with my departure which falsely claims that "transgressed, our code of ethics ... and that I promoted spreading rumors and news ... As a result calls publish another official statement from the company where my integrity assessment of ethics which call into question sought to be compensated.
If MVS accept it, is tacitly recognize the real nature of what happened ... That would be enough.
Joaquin knows it very well ... my professional and ethical integrity was never in question ... that was really an excuse to make a decision imposed on him ... the real problem lies elsewhere ... go back into the air and be shown ...
The Presidency will have to make an assessment of what happened ... .. Serenamente Without hate .. With the serenity that involves making decisions on behalf of others ... and accepting, but not like that citizens and journalists are entitled to ask ... to seek and to criticize what we deem appropriate.
I'm here to make this call ... To reverse an ominous fact as it happened ... in a dignified, decent and smart .. Betting on the truth but, without breaking or built ...
My dear friend Jorge Ramos, wrote a few years ago a text magnificent titled "The right to ask" ... I recalled there Oriana Falacci the teacher who said that there should be no question prohibited. All you can ask ... more so if it is to ask people in power ...
Jorge also had an interview with President Vicente Fox ... there were questions on the environment because it appeared listless, with no momentum, no major ; proposals ... the reporter asked the president ... if this does not feed rumors, but trying to clarify them ... "Take Prozac? ... Fox asked, looked the journalist and said simply "NO" ... Of course I did not like the question but answered it ... As Ramos wrote: No question prohibited ... There is no stupid question ... And when the opportunity arises, you have to do it ... Even if the last time ...
From here I close my comments do not add more because the approach is made and what remains is waiting for responses ...
Carmen Aristegui


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