Monday, May 2, 2011

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Asad excuse for his team still forcefully

At a press conference provided after the victory blue on Ligaya, Omar Asad said that is satisfied by the stock of which may dispose of any item without lowering the level of football, on this said " I have many variants, I'm happy with what I have "

believed that the team still has flaws in the last minute. The lack of definition of their forwards is something that worries the strategist 'power', about this said: "We are coming us that lack effectiveness in relation to the percentage of plays that we generate. "

Ligaya is also accepted that a rival category by the idea offensive, but he knows the game made him realize the errors must be corrected and it complicated the first time. Caught the attention of the fans for the abuse from the fans had a blue player, " People are very impatient, you have to relax a little more, the matches last 90 minutes and we must work to win. "

Concerning his expulsion, he refrained from issuing any comment on the referee's decisions. However, he stressed " claim what is just in football, not just for me, because there is a reward for playing football and want to punish those who do not. "

Finally, he concluded it was a very tough yet attractive, tactical fighting that took over 90 minutes.

Source: TeraDeportes


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