Wednesday, May 4, 2011

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Disgusting but necessary: \u200b\u200bAsad publicly apologizes to the FEF

coach Club Sport Emelec, Argentine Asad Omar, spoke today, Wednesday, on his visit Tuesday to the Ecuadorian Football Federation (FEF) , confirmed it submitted a letter of apology for saying in recent days that the respondent gives " shame."

" I think it was either seen the document presented, I was simply to declare what I said then, that the action did not like at the time of the Federation, but also the document that showed that today speak my words could not to repeat "he said.

" did not want to hurt anyone, did not give names, they spoke on behalf of team, and was in a moment of warmth, leaving the party and wanted Basin postpone the match-ante Independiente Jose Teran, and could not apologize logical and appropriate, with respect if I hurt someone, to honor someone, excuse me, sorry "he said.

Asad was presented Tuesday at the ETF and the Commission's appointment Disciplinary took no more than ten minutes on it, it was known that Argentina gave the letter and apologized. Now a ruling is expected next week .

" I wanted to defend the interests in relation to the Club Sport Emelec and I think that's, in trying to work things , supplemented Asad, who, the day on Tuesday, no be delivered to the press about the issue.

Source: Ecuavisa


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