Saturday, May 7, 2011

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Does the 'Turkish' Asad seeks exit? Emelec

When first saw this message and the photo containing, published in the Twitter account Guschmer Andrés, Teleamazonas journalist (had to be) and self-styled "Emelec (although the name that best matches your profile is "fake ):

... assumed it was another attempt to destabilize Emelec, encouraged by this unfortunate mercenary, hired by Fidel Egas to further the cause Ligaya.

But when reviewing what some international media (which, unlike nationals, are not interested in boycotting Emelec) said about it, there are serious doubts. Asad you actually are planning to go mid-year? Or just simply respond politely to a question?

In sum, Argentine media as Infobae, Mendoza Online, DiarioShow, The Nation and its sports portal CanchaLlena, Los Andes, ESPN, among others, mention the program journalists' Fox Sports Radio del Plata 'asked the' Turk 'on their willingness to a possible call to the people of San Lorenzo could do to fill the position of DT, vacant for a couple of weeks after the departure of Ramon Diaz. Argentine journalists seeking to focus on the fact that Omar Asad is strongly associated with Velez, bitter rival of San Lorenzo:

" Despite his past as a player of Velez Sarsfield, the former striker sentenced "How can I not going to like San Lorenzo? This is a job. The truth is that I get very well my name is there, it speaks well of my work, "closed the coach. "

" Sobre como tomarían los hinchas de Vélez, único club en donde jugó, su decisión de pasar a uno de los grandes del país, Asad comentó: "Seguro se van a despertar odios y mucho debate, pero yo voy a separar muy bien el tema del sentimiento. No creo que haya incovenientes", aclaró tranquilo Asad, técnico que clasificó la pasada temporada a Godoy Cruz por primera vez en la historia para intervenir en la Copa Libertadores de América. "

Si el 'Turco' se hubiera limitado a responder "Si" o "No", no habría motivos para especular. Pero la respuesta de Asad fue bastante más extensa, generous and suspicious than expected, giving the distinct impression that the 'Turkish' ran himself to lead the 'Cyclone' :

" Omar Asad, current head coach of Emelec Ecuador, said he would "like to lead San Lorenzo de Almagro, but said that so far no leader called him to propose to be the successor of Ramón Díaz. "

"" I would like San Lorenzo lead. I get very well to talk about me. I like the challenge, "Turk told Radio del Plata. Also clarified that the cyclone is still "no one called me." "

" Thus, the Argentine who now runs a Emelec of Ecuador, which is in the first location, opened the door to return home. With these statements, Asad adds as a surprise candidate, and that was not on the list mentioned in these days to assume the coveted position, which itself included Leonardo Madelon, Luis Zubeldia, among others. "

short, the very idea of \u200b\u200bleading San Lorenzo excited about our 'Dedicated' strategist, whose statements give the impression that you are sitting by the phone, packed suitcases.

And to make sure they call him to lead the 'Cyclone' Argentine, 'Turk' was responsible for cleaning the road, making it clear how easy it would be separated from Emelec, and how little do you mind:

" While he made clear he did not call anyone, the former striker of Velez said:" I have a contract but I have mid-year to complete clause with link (...) which would allow easily reach the institution Barca. "

" "This clause is clear, because I'm there with my wife and my children live in Argentina. Therefore, the familiar theme is heavy. ""

This is where I usually file my conclusion on the issue (for me this is very clear). But this time, and to avoid falling into the sensationalism of idiots like Guschmer, I prefer that those who read this article draw their own conclusions, and answer for themselves questions raised above: do you really Asad are planning to go mid-year? Or just simply respond politely to a question?

Friday, May 6, 2011

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relentlessly, toward the most important week of intense national tournament

The runner Ecuador Club Sport Emelec, returned here Friday, the city of Guayaquil after his tie in the city of Ibarra, now prepares a crucial week for their aspirations, where they will face in less than four days, Liga de Quito and Barcelona.

" We have a very important week, this week is going to define many things " he told his arrival at the airport Argentine striker Cristian Menéndez that before the Imbabura on Thursday, scored his goal number six of this championship.

" Yes, had to add was a very tough opponent and not to lose, we created many situations, the team was good, except for some low, the team played well " said striker as to one to one achieved with the Imbabura Sporting Club.

Another matching Menéndez in that Emelec was a good match at the Olympic Stadium City Ibarra, was naturalized Argentine goalkeeper Javier Klimowicz Ecuador.

" knew it was going to be a tough match, fortunately at some point the game was playable at a good level (...) Imbabura we also knew that we would have several absences but at least they played well "he said.

" We struggled because we were not playing with the same line of defense, Imbabura also had good players, smaller, faster, while also costing us but we continue to improve, we have two key games with league and Barcelona "he said.

Emelec face on Wednesday May 11 at Liga Deportiva Universitaria de Quito (LDU-Q) in the Casa Blanca stadium in the capital Ecuadorians, while with Barcelona will play in the George Lewis Capwell on Sunday, 15 inst.

Source: Ecuavisa

Thursday, May 5, 2011

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Party. Disappointing. Pointer braking. Imbabura SC 1 - Emelec 1

Nortenos earned it with a goal of his young Captain, Edison Vega, but the 'Millionaire' responded and came to a draw by Argentine striker Cristian -The 'Polaco'-Menéndez. In the end, was a vibrant tie some in the White City.

A bright afternoon sun warmed the grass of the Stadio Olimpico Ibarra, Thursday afternoon that hosted the clash between the Imbabura Sporting Club and Club Sport Emelec. For both teams, the three points were crucial to their contrasting causes. The 'Bulb' struggled to extend his overall lead in the Serie A, while 'Gardenia' victory was eager to go to escape the specter of decline.

Moved and even was the initial leg of the match, in which both men Eduardo Granda, as directed by Omar Asad, fought vehemently to seize the ball and impose their style of play. Before meeting the first fifteen games, the Northerners were about to upset the meeting, when Rommel Zura ground shipping center immersed in the area but found the ball would have sufficed to destination when a light touch to push the bottom networks.

Confirming that was only the 'Bulb' until then, Imbabura would strike the first blow at 20 ', when taking advantage of the ball he was itching within the area, Captain Vega Edison hit with precision and power with his left leg stretched to overcome Javier Klimowicz, who was helpless before the cool finish from midfielder ibarreña 21.

The 'Millionaire' react and respond nearly thirty minute, when Edison Mendez masterfully executed a free-kick, becoming Johvanni cantilevered void Ibarra, only to have the horizontal goal stifle her cry . It saved the premises. Few minutes later, it again a post, but in this case the vertical, which would avoid the tie 'electric' when Fernando Giménez took a blast from forty meters.

did not stop the 'Power' in search of an equalizer, and would get their reward at 41 ', when the talented young Marcos Caicedo gave him a pass from death to Cristian Menéndez, Teresita brand a rival, pulled a forehand at close range, to order the one to one with which the first forty-five came to an end.

large or Assad made changes to the supplementary satisfied with the actions of their kids at an early stage. The imprecision in the assignment of the ball in both boxes prevailed for several minutes. Fairly shared possession of the ball between Northerners and 'Power', without one side or the other was superior. Something is stuck around the game in the second half, with the ball still the main source of either side.

Enner Valencia, freshman, could give ventraja the goal of 'Bulb' jumper with twenty to ninety were met regulatory, after beating two defenders gardenias in speed, but his shot right-left just wide, when chute at an angle of rather weak shot.

Soon, David Quiroz topped with fury from some thirty-five feet, but found the best version of 'Multilock' which flew dramatically shifted to the corner with the tip of fingers. Vibrant confrontation which starred and Emelec Imbabura, in the end had to settle for a point each, leaving everything on the pitch.

With equality, Emelec scored 33 points and held pointer of the tournament, Imbabura is ranked nine to 19 units.

Source: FutbolEcuador

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The Preview: For a change, travel Emelec incomplete. This time, Ibarra

With the slogan of victory in the White City, Omar-el 'Turquito'-Asad, the strategist of the Club Sport Emelec, left the team ready that will measure the Imbabura, facing the low four key pieces in your outline.

Four low, mostly defensive, are affecting the Ecuadorian Vice-face to match this Thursday against Sporting Club Imbabura, a meeting to be held in the Olympic Stadium after Ibarra 17.00.

Carlos Quinonez suffered a muscle contracture at the hip and José Luis Quinonez failed to recover in time to a blow he received in the clash against Ligaya. While on the accumulation of yellow cards, Pedro Quinonez and Gabriel Achilier , not eligible to participate in the match against Northern.

Also new to the eleventh of the 'Bulb', is the presence of Eial Strahm in front alongside Mark Caicedo , replacing Cristian -el ' Polaco'-Menéndez, who would break in the seguidila party has faced in recent weeks.

With four points ahead of his two immediate pursuers, the 'Turquito' Asad knows that to get a win in the White City, would be taking a huge step to keep the ticket to the Great Ecuadorian championship final.

The likely eleven Asad: Javier Klimowicz, Marcelo Fleitas, Wilson and Oscar Morante Bagiii, Angel Mena, Fernando Gaibor, Edison Mendez, Fernando Giménez and Enner Valencia, Mark Caicedo and Eial Strahm.

Source: FutbolEcuador

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

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Disgusting but necessary: \u200b\u200bAsad publicly apologizes to the FEF

coach Club Sport Emelec, Argentine Asad Omar, spoke today, Wednesday, on his visit Tuesday to the Ecuadorian Football Federation (FEF) , confirmed it submitted a letter of apology for saying in recent days that the respondent gives " shame."

" I think it was either seen the document presented, I was simply to declare what I said then, that the action did not like at the time of the Federation, but also the document that showed that today speak my words could not to repeat "he said.

" did not want to hurt anyone, did not give names, they spoke on behalf of team, and was in a moment of warmth, leaving the party and wanted Basin postpone the match-ante Independiente Jose Teran, and could not apologize logical and appropriate, with respect if I hurt someone, to honor someone, excuse me, sorry "he said.

Asad was presented Tuesday at the ETF and the Commission's appointment Disciplinary took no more than ten minutes on it, it was known that Argentina gave the letter and apologized. Now a ruling is expected next week .

" I wanted to defend the interests in relation to the Club Sport Emelec and I think that's, in trying to work things , supplemented Asad, who, the day on Tuesday, no be delivered to the press about the issue.

Source: Ecuavisa

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The fan says: less emphasis on the idiocy of the press

Every time I enter the gates of Emelec see the same thing, a lot of bitterness over what journalists write is not biased in Ecuador, and tick or lining of all kinds of insults to these "journalists", but I say or ask What We need to think about biased and inept on our team, "Is not it more important what we think and love we have for the team? So we claim no comments for this people who only serve to misinform the public.

What I want is if someone put a stop to the brutality and corruption of the unfortunate Chiriboga and peace by all means try to harm the Emelec.

Another thing why is not punishable as due to the referees who have the habit of "WRONG" always against Emelec, are too expensive to tuco?. I say wrong, but I think it's all a diabolical plan to arrive no champions Emelec, because I believe that all members of an institution to be so stupid as demonstrated by the judges who have pitdo Emelec matches.

Guayaquil, Ecuador

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

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'V' of 'Shame': Asad end up apologizing to the mafia FEF

coach Club Sport Emelec, Argentine Omar Asad, attended on Tuesday, the Ecuadorian Football Federation (FEF) to appear before the Disciplinary Commission, by the comments made in recent days against this entity.

Asad did with one of the trustees of the institution, the lawyer Raúl Gómez Amador Meeting was held behind closed doors and lasted about ten minutes, according to news reports from the same FEF headquarters in Guayaquil.

'Turk', is known as Asad, did not speak to the media, his departure from the FEF, and said he would on Wednesday in a news conference, where speculates that would provide public apology. This, according to later words of the President of the Commission, Alex De la Torre, by which it was known that both parties were agreed that the technician offered a public apology, and it will end the case.

The Argentine was called by the Disciplinary Committee, after saying that the FEF da "shame" for a little support for course teams in the province of Guayas, after not accepting a Emelec request to postpone a match in the first stage of the local tournament.

"'s really a shame, a shame given the Federation does not want to Ecuadorian teams, except the Guayaquil, had said at the time Asad, before the match with Independiente José Terán dated looking to move because of Copa Libertadores.

news summary published by Ecuavisa and FútbolEcuador

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Video sequence : Emelec, 82 years of passion

April 28, amid the celebration of the 82 year anniversary of Club Sport Emelec, blue supporters marched through the streets of downtown and south of the city of Guayaquil around 16:00, about an hour after the call to walk down the street who left General Gomez, moved to Eloy Alfaro and advanced to October 9th Avenue.

At this point the route formed a traffic jam of vehicles for several minutes while the nearly 200 fans directed by Lorenzo de Garaycoa street ending in the Capwell.

In its outskirts, the Boca del Pozo gave a concert, while fans of the club sang hymns and waved flags with the traditional blue and lead.

the swollen blue Walk the streets of Guayaquil

Carnival blue Machala
Boca del Pozo bar also held in Machala 82 years of institutional life of the Club Sport Emelec with a large march that went from the park Pazmiño Ismael Pérez, and then shared a giant cake of 12 meters long, which was developed in the streets Bolivar and May 9, last Thursday night.

blue Hundreds of fans with banners, whistles, flags and all kinds of blue badges through the main streets of Machala, reaching the streets Bolivar and May 9, the 'Blue Corner', where they expected an artistic and musical events , and a giant cake, 12 meters long, enough for about 3,500 people.

Cake was developed by the Liquor Die Fledermaus, by its manager Eduard Terreros, with the collaboration of some heart Emelec.

The fans partying in Loja

La Banda Boca del Pozo, in concert for the fans Emelec outside the Capwell Stadium

Monday, May 2, 2011

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Caro top price: low to visit Ibarra 4

Club Sport Emelec, now all of the national tournament pointer 2011 in its first stage, four casualties will be sorry for his visit to the city of Ibarra.

This Thursday from 17:00 local, Emelec Imbabura measured forces with the SC in the city of Ibarra, and Omar Asad that the coach will be without four key players.

Carlos Andrés Quiñones and José Luis Quinonez who suffered muscle injuries paths during the engagement against to Ligaya, have been discarded by doctors of the institution.

They are joined by those who received a yellow card, and she accumulated five involving suspension in the heart of the Ecuadorian Football Federation: Peter Gabriel Quinonez and Achilier .

With these four low, Omar Asad coach will have to consider the status of your squad of players, especially while waiting for the evolution of Eduardo Morante , to structure a weak defensive unit.

Between Tuesday and Wednesday the team will meet with two soccer practice, and in them you can see the alignment and tactical idea to be presented in front of the squad 'Gardenia'.

Source: FútbolEcuador

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The fans think: with 'love' for Fabian Gallardo

strongly agree with the opinion against this monstrosity of Gallardo. How a wretch like this is able to have the opportunity to address the public, and notársele the sick, bitter, hatred and bad faith for a team which he did not see anything good.

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Asad excuse for his team still forcefully

At a press conference provided after the victory blue on Ligaya, Omar Asad said that is satisfied by the stock of which may dispose of any item without lowering the level of football, on this said " I have many variants, I'm happy with what I have "

believed that the team still has flaws in the last minute. The lack of definition of their forwards is something that worries the strategist 'power', about this said: "We are coming us that lack effectiveness in relation to the percentage of plays that we generate. "

Ligaya is also accepted that a rival category by the idea offensive, but he knows the game made him realize the errors must be corrected and it complicated the first time. Caught the attention of the fans for the abuse from the fans had a blue player, " People are very impatient, you have to relax a little more, the matches last 90 minutes and we must work to win. "

Concerning his expulsion, he refrained from issuing any comment on the referee's decisions. However, he stressed " claim what is just in football, not just for me, because there is a reward for playing football and want to punish those who do not. "

Finally, he concluded it was a very tough yet attractive, tactical fighting that took over 90 minutes.

Source: TeraDeportes

Sunday, May 1, 2011

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Many chances, one goal. The top is even more blue. Emelec 1 - Ligaya (Q) 0

In a very tactical game ball and good treatment, the Club Sport Emelec was over Liga de Quito, and won by one to zero to keep the tip of the Championship in 2011 its first stage.

The meeting at the George Capwell Stadium opened without a born ruler who imposed their conditions on the field. On the contrary, the procedure was midfield and both campuses struggling for the possession of the ball and the domain. Although for right Liga de Quito loaded with some danger, mainly by creating complications Oscar Baguio in the mark, at 2 minutes of play Carlos Andres Quinonez was clearly brought down inside the area by Diego Calderón and Giovanni Caicedo, but the referee did not penalize in the corresponding penalty (seconds after the blue side would injured).

In a strange encounter, Liga de Quito looked better prepared as the seconds passed, but were led by Omar Asad who arrived more disturbed and dangerous on the door that defended Javier Klimowicz. And when was marked after 19 minutes of play, coupled with Cristian Menéndez Marcos Caicedo, but the young striker made an other and crashed the ball on the humanity of Norberto Araujo, three minutes later came the attacker again 'millionaire ', this time with power and placement testing, but Alexander Dominguez reached to send the ball the corner.

Already in the stretch, and just after an advance of Enrique Vera brought no major surprises as expected, the Club Sport Emelec took total control of the game, having two clear opportunities to open the account before the referee send them to the locker room. And that is when it marked the 37th minute, Cristian Menendez won him back to Jorge Guagua, and before allowing the recovery of the defender, finished strong and crossed, just inches from the door of Alexander Dominguez, almost immediately it was the turn for Marcos Caicedo, who lifted a perfect corner kick and head Fernando Giménez, who finished unmarked but headed over the cabin.

At the beginning of the second half the game remained extremely tactical, with two campuses death defended the premise of treating the ball well and never give up on goal. Both had a chance to convert, and just when the 49 minutes passed, Galo Corozo beat him in speed José Luis Quinonez and served a feast for Marlon Ganchozo, feeling the lack of skill and experience without losing the brand from conquest arc, exactly ten minutes later, Emelec responded on the pitch, a move that enabled Christian Caicedo Marcos Menéndez, but the Argentine, the speed of action, could not place it and sent it out.

harangued by his fans and finding himself in an excellent position to take over the top of the standings, the 'Bulb' began to charge more frequently and explosiveness. After a very bad start to Diego Calderón, at 67 minutes, Fernando Giménez met a great opportunity but his shot went over the goal of Alexander Domínguez. The 71 would be the winning number, because in that moment came a corner kick from David Quiroz, that Christian Menendez, fighting till the end, managed to lower it for the benefit of a Fernando Gaibor that gave direction and beat the goalkeeper, and celebrating one of the local zero.

already in the final minutes was repeated almost constant Edgardo Bauza's team: lack of reaction and creating little to hurt his rival while the 'Millionaires' made him the game very ductility in the transfer of the ball. A true poetry Edison Mendez gave us the 83 minutes, with a huge pass for Angel Mena, who won the line background blew up the defense and left the goal served to Fernando Giménez, but the Paraguayan wasted an incredible choice. This was the nineties Asad regulatory and remain as leaders.

With the win, Emelec had 32 points and becomes absolute pointer of the tournament, followed by league that remains second with 28 points. The following

date, visit Emelec Imbabura Ibarra in the Olympic.

Source: FútbolEcuador

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The obvious: Emelec seek reinforcements for the second stage

Emelec coach is to be handled very diplomatically, but at this point seems to have lost patience and we start to get reinforcements to the second stage of Ecuadorian football championship.

not detract from any of its target and, by contrast, requires a little patience, especially with foreign quota, which continues to rely.

" If a foreigner has to come, must be different. Here everyone has good, are not performing, but they are not bad players. I think we should wait for them and having them patience, "said the strategist.

Before strengthen the squad, it must define certain aspects. The first stage of the domestic tournament ends in June and be paralyzed by the dispute of the Copa America (1 through July 24). During that time, some developments may occur.

"We are thinking strengthen certain positions, but will have to wait, because half of the year may have come a transfer or Ecuador. Could be another midfielder, also a side, now we just have to Baguio, plus a tip. Anyone else in the area, because crowded, and everywhere we just need the finishing touch. We'll see after "he said.

Source: Express

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The fan says: a line (only) for Emelec ...

" EMELEC, MORE THAN EVER POINTER" is the phrase that we coined to say that only when the tip is EMELEC . I propose to rely on the Copyright Act, record this sentence to be used only by us.

lawyers there among the readers of this page, is conducive to campaign for it.

I hope the support of all Emelec.

Guayaquil, Ecuador

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