Saturday, November 28, 2009

Old English Johnson Bros China

Ohm ... Nama Shivaya ...
Ohm Nama Shivaya ...

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Landline Phone Prices -voip Florida

Another of the Underworld ...

"The Devil is pork!"
(Hermes Pinzón Galarza)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Groping On Train In Japan

Sex Pistols Vs Ce Ce Peniston "Finally, Did You No Wrong" Tips

acknowledge have some rocker side of reactionary and conservative, but I have my side experimental (not only Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple live man.)
why I always admired those guys who fall into the category "Break On Through," that is those artists who dare to break down barriers.
And Mark Vidler, the mastermind behind Go Home Productions is one of them.
A Mash-Up is not just a remix of songs, but something much more elaborate, take a couple of songs or more (full or not) and turn them into a new one. And this is not recent. Frank Zappa took his guitar solos and copied (a pioneer of "Copy & Paiste?) In another of his creations, a technique named by Frank himself as" Xenochrony. "
Here Vidler took an issue of the Sex Pistols Did You No Wrong "(That band my mother just got a band!) And the voice of Ce Ce Penniston's" Finally "(One hit" dancefloor "80's). Compadres
Enjoy it! Punk Not Dead!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Old Mason Jar Gaskets

marriage (by the Emir Ahmed Abdulrahman) Part 1

Much is said and written on the web on women and Islam. Basically on the issue of women in the Arab world. But in reality, in Western societies like ours, we know very little about it.
So it seemed appropriate the wise use of marriage counseling Emir Ahmed Abdulrahman (photo), who in successive deliveries, we will update the status of women in Islam. Yes, always based on the wise words of the Koran, as befits a man of faith.
As-salaam-alaykum السلام عليكم

"The man should be condescending to his beloved wife even when the food, the sacred ritual that makes the family communion.
Any man who is kind and considerate, you must provide the last bit of salad to his wife, the last piece of cauliflower or broccoli, or perhaps the last eggplant marinade. Not so with the latest Milan, the last gizzards to greening or last riñoncito to Provence, and that the Scriptures are very clear about it and say:
"What lies in the belly of cattle (referring to the breeding ) is exclusively for our males and is forbidden to our wives. "[6:139]

And always remember the words of the Mexican thinker Agustín" El Charro "D'Avila:" There is no forgiveness of God who hits a woman has no forgiveness from God, who do not hit again. "

ليكا رابطة القانون الدول
(What drizzle them finite)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

How Do You Get Cheats For Gpsphone Pokemon

One of the Underworld ... The World According Casciari

"The Devil knows Devil
know but Strong"
( Author unknown)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Adding A Heat Pump To A Oil Furnace

By Hernán Casciari (Argentine correspondent for the English newspaper "El País")

I once read that Argentina is no better or worse than Spain, only younger. I liked this theory so I invented a trick to discover the age of countries based on the 'dog system. "
As children we were told that to see if a dog was young or old had to multiply your biological age by 7. In the case of countries must divide their historical age between 14 to see their human correspondence. Confused?
In this article I put some telling examples. Argentina
born in 1816 and is therefore 190 years. If you divide by 14, Argentina has 'human' about 13 years and a half, or is in the awkward age.

is rebellious, Pajero, has no memory, he answers without thinking and is full of acne (is it why they call it the breadbasket of the world?
Almost all Latin American countries are the same age and, as always in such cases, form gangs.

The gang of Mercosur are four teenagers who have a set of rock. They rehearse in a garage, make much noise and have never released an album.
Venezuela, which already has tits, is about to join them for the chorus. In fact, like most girls her age, wants to have sex, in this case with Brazil, who is 14 years and the largest member.
Mexico is also a teenager, but with indigenous ancestry. So little and laugh a harmless smoke or joint, like the rest of his friends, but chewing peyote, and coupled with the U.S., a mentally retarded man of 17, which is dedicated to attacking the hungry children 6 years old in other continents.

At the other extreme is the ancient China. If we divide its 1,200 years by 14 we get a lady of 85, conservative, smelling of cat pee, who keeps eating rice because it has-for now-to buy a denture. China has an 8 year old grandson, Taiwan, which makes life impossible.
is divorced from Japan a while ago, an old curmudgeon, that joined with the Philippines, a young girl asshole, always ready for any aberration in exchange for money.

Then are the countries that have just turned the age of majority in and out for a walk in the father's BMW. For example, Australia and Canada, countries that grew typical under Mom and Dad England France, with a strict upbringing and Concheta, and now are fools. Australia is an asshole for a little over 18 years, which makes topless and has sex with South Africa, while Canada is a gay boy emancipated at any time takes the baby Greenland to be one of those families that are fashionable alternative.

France is a separate 36-year, more slut, but very respected in the professional field. Has a son just 6 years: Monaco, which is poised to be fucking or dancer ... or both. Germany is sporadic lover, a truck driver who is married to Rich Austria, who knows he is horny, but does not care. Italy
widow long. Lives caring for San Marino and the Vatican, two sons, identical twins Catholics of Flanders. He married his second wife, Germany (did not last long: they had to Switzerland), but now wants nothing to do with men.

Italy would like to be a woman as Belgium, lawyer, independent, wearing pants and talk politics face to face with men (Belgium also fantasize sometimes know how to prepare spaghetti).

Spain is the most beautiful woman in Europe (probably France would overshadow, but loses spontaneity to use so much perfume). Anda lot of boobs and almost always drunk. Usually gets screwed by England and then makes the complaint.
Spain has children everywhere (almost all of 13 years) who live far away. She loves them, but it bothers you, when they are hungry, spend some time at home and raid the fridge.

scattered another who has children is England. Boat leaves at night, pulled the nine months pendejas and a new island appears somewhere in the world. But do not ignore it. In general, living with the mother island, but England feed them. Scotland and Ireland England's brothers who live upstairs, go through life drunk and not even play football. They are the shame of the family.

Sweden and Norway are two lesbians in nearly 40 years that are good for body, regardless of age, but do not give ball to anyone. Fuck and work, they are licensed in something. They sometimes do a trio with Holland (when they need joint), others histeriquean him to Finland, an androgynous average of 30 years, who lives alone in an unfurnished attic and spends talking on the phone with Korea.
Korea (South) pending his sister lives schizoid. They are twins, but the North took when he left the amniotic fluid uterus and was stupid. She spent her childhood and now using guns, who lives alone, is capable of anything.
U.S., retrasadito 17, the monitors a lot, not fear, but because he wants to take away their guns.

Israel is an intellectual of 62 years who had a shitty life. A few years ago, Germany, the truck driver did not see him and took him ahead. Since that day Israel was crazy. Now, instead of reading books, it happens in the balcony throwing stones at Palestinian, a girl who is washing clothes in the house next door.
Iran and Iraq were two of 16 cousins \u200b\u200bstealing bikes and selling the parts, until one day I stole a spare The U.S. scooter and they ran the business. Now they are eating snot.

The world was fine as well, until one day Russia joined (unmarried) with the Perestroika and had as a dozen and a half children. All rare, some Mongols, other schizophrenics.

A week ago, thanks to a mess with bullets and killed, serious people in the world discovered that there is a country called Kabardino-Balkaria. A country with a flag, president, Anthem, flora, fauna ... and even people!
It makes me a bit of fear that countries appear young and suddenly. Side that we know and even have to put a face to already knew, not to be as ignorant, I wonder: Why
countries continue to be born, if there is still not working?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Online Kundli Generator

Without tenure if paradise

Congratulations Querétaro! As the first state to make vehicle ownership was repealed, at least there was a governor who cares about the people themselves must make a common force

to ensure that this becomes effective in all states of our country, it is not po

sible that even in times of extreme economic crisis continue to rob the money so hard for us to win, we assert the power of the People. It was supposed that only an while the Olympics of 68 !!!!!! (Pass it to all your known)

To him and he forgot.


Felipe Calderón (FECAL) in his campaign promised to eliminate this tax . E
MPEC first to demand and to come together as Mexicans, to accomplish.

Friday, November 6, 2009

How Old Do You Need To Be To Get Into Winstar

There once 3 Little Pigs, to which social exclusion and the need to find them homeless, jobless and without food in a desolate area of \u200b\u200bGreater Buenos Aires.
had come from inside the country, and believed, with that mischievous ignorant, typical of youth, they were going to swallow the Capital in three mouthfuls. Nothing could be further from the truth.
It was November 1981 and the three friends had assembled a colorful cardboard box corrugated in a shantytown near the neighborhood of Pompeii. Worked doing odd jobs or temporary jobs, earn little, but at least you had your home.
But luck did not accompany them.
A month after the bulldozer appeared Osvaldo Cacciatore and threw shit about thirty boxes of the settlement, including the three little pigs.
Fourteen years later, after wandering for most of the Buenos Aires metropolitan area and doing anything to survive (from selling "splint" to deliver the "queer" in the bathroom of the little bar of Avellaneda and Santa Fe), the three little pigs were able to build its second house, this time of wood, other illegal settlement.
But given the chance that the Peronist whore / neoliberal Jorge Dominguez was in the city government of Buenos Aires, and his plan to eradicate illegal settlements, sent the bulldozers to the village where they lived three little pigs and other time the cast of kick your asshole, leaving her dreams of decent housing scattered on the floor (ground, obviously).
But as I said the "Black" Olmedo: "Whenever it rained, stopped" and also said the aunt Pocha (that he had escaped after 14 years of his married a Senegalese sailor): "There is no evil that lasts a hundred years, or body that resists a new Senegalese landed, finally the 3 Little Pigs are friends painted the good.
Then we came to 2003. The pigs are big and the dog hit by life, but still not lose hope. And in a clash between hooligans River and excursions, the leader Luis D'Elia piKetero and integrates it with your group. D'Elia When asked what was the most hated in this world, the pigs answered in unison: - We hate the fucking oligarchy!, Hate whites! We have a visceral hatred of those who earn well and live in Barrio Norte .-
AD'Elia eyes welled with tears when they heard these beautiful words, and neither dumb nor lazy thought - These "grones" are mine! -
So not only adopted the 3 little pigs but gave them a house of material (for light, water and Direct TV "gratarola") at the Villa 31 Retiro. There piglets 2 dwellings built on the upper floors to rent to families of workers decent price Bolivian moneylenders.
It took just two years in a trio become important within the group, to force cuts of bridges, streets and roads in Argentina, becoming part of the armed wing commander D'Elia, who by then it was official government of Nestor Kirchner.
With the salaries they received for neighborhood board of the municipality of La Matanza (a position he never exercised) plus 5 Heads plans that charged each despite being single, over the loot they collected by "tightening" several other mayors in the metropolitan area who were in the Kirchnerism opposite sidewalk, bought "Handi" and high quality mobile phones to be communicated with the Chief and a few 9 mm in Parque Avellaneda de Flores. In addition to a dozen hand grenades and a couple of AK-47, only for defense. Just in case, dress?
So was that a few weeks ago, when members of the UDEP (Control Unit Public Space Buenos Aires) in Mauritius Macri tried to evict the settlement, the 3 Little Pigs responded to "cuetazo" clean and shouted, "Hang the kids!" "Fucking Rescátensen sunrise!" And "It feels, feels, Guyana is present!", Forcing UDEP of running faster than Usain Bolt, breaking the mark of 9.58 seconds and 100 meters ...
bunting, dawn, red, this children's story has ended ...
(It goes without saying that this story is pure fiction, and a free adaptation of the story "The 3 Little Pigs" and that any resemblance to a match, it is a fact.)

(Image: Alejo Andina)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Shirt That Goes With Kilts

The 3 Little Pigs PiKeteros

Life is movement. The world is moving. Animals move and the mountains too.
And we even took off the fret of the cushioned seat of our PC just to meet our vital functions, we also move.
Therefore, and as well said the great philosopher and statesman of Argentina, Carlos Salim bullet: "I like learning by doing, then come on dude! And take a look Compadre!
(If you seasick the image, clavata a dramamine with vodka and chau Pinela!)