Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Running Shoe For High Arch Narrow Foot

Two aspirins dissolved in water.

time ago I received this mail, and now he has returned to arrive at q I think is important to know or do not forget to q and q do not know when the deal .... Take care!

Why have aspirin on the bedside table?


An important note about heart attacks.
Please note that there are other symptoms of heart attack, for only then give pain in the left arm.
should also pay attention to severe pain in the lower jaw, nausea and profuse sweating, as these are also common symptoms.
Detail: At first you may not feel chest pain during a heart attack.
60% of people who had a heart attack while sleeping, did not rise. However, chest pain can wake you from a sound sleep.
If it were any of these cases, immediately dissolve 2 aspirins in your mouth and swallow with some water.
Call immediately to emergency services, SAME and say it took 2 aspirin.
Sit in a chair or sofa and wait for the arrival of the emergency ...
not lie down!
A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this mail sends it back to 10 others, surely life will be saved ... I've done my job! I hope you do yours ...


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