Sunday, October 11, 2009

Is Sugar Level 6.4 High

Bidet Seeking

all know that the brave Genoese navigator discovered America by accident. America belongs to its natural inhabitants (aborigines), which the "Black" Fontova: "Before the English were civilized" and that Columbus would have "screwed up" the prize of 10,000 maravedis Rodrigo de Triana, who was allegedly that shouted: Land ho! Bring the problem and a chamois!.
also know that Columbus landed on the island Guanahani (Bahamas) without knowing that very close to there, "Puelto Lico, centuries later, be engendered (in the literal sense of the word) and impose a global level, one of the worst punishments to the human ear: The Reggaeton!
In short, a whole bunch of nonsense I've learned over the years and not used for anything other than to post them on a blog like this, giving an air of "creative" (Good God!).
The thing is that Columbus, as a good immigrant or child of immigrants, he was behind India. As any of us at that age, that once we left the bowling in the past had not anything (eg, Saint Thomas, Bwana, Starlight), we went to tour the circuit in the neighborhood of Once bailantas to see if we fished a slits am glad. It goes without saying that the efforts were useless. At most zafábamos a telephone (usually fake) in the best, or we ate a few obscenities (even in Guarani) most of the time.
Maybe all this, a Columbus depressed and sorry, on May 19, 1506, just one day before his death and as drafted his will, he coined one of his most heartfelt statements when he told D º Pedro de Inoxedo that of "The disappointments belong to the Real World, because in the virtual world, the color of Indian life."


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