Thursday, October 29, 2009

Why Not 18 Years Old For Rated R Movies

moving cylinders and the Devil turned your home!

was last night officially opened the new stadium "Libertadores de America" \u200b\u200bClub Atlético Independiente. After wandering around outside scenarios (Racing and Lanús Huracán), King of Hearts returned to his beloved home of Alsina and Lamb (now REBochini).
As expected the Devil did his stuff and left Columbus without the tip, beating by 3 to 2, and standing only three units of the pointers in a very even Apertura.
And the result while imports increased at a secondary level. Because last night, all fans of the Red, and especially those who live in the old stadium glories of the "Double Visor" de Avellaneda, we feel a special excitement because, after nearly three years, the Devil returned to his home.
And Hell was more charming than ever ...
(Photo: Daily Nation and Inferno Red)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Bi Curious Clubs In Las Vegas

many times can blow up the world?

"How many times can blow up the world? Many times as a man decides to reject the simple pragmatic rules of human experience and to devise their own destiny without regard to duty, obligation, or the nature of dependent animal.
The Greeks had a word for this: Nemesis. Compensation.
The last and unavoidable catastrophe in which the man fell on his head makes the peaks in the world. The problem is that also break other heads, and the instigator of the disaster did not survive to compose. "
(from" The Daughter of Silence "by Morris West)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Semper Fi Singlet Wrestling

10 Myths and Facts about

Inspired for the post of Mokita on bidet or bidet I saw the obligation to clarify and demystify some doubts on the above widget:

1) Not Argentine invention, although it is used in our country, but French (approximately late XVII).
2) serves to maintain the hygiene of ortho, ass or asshole. And also the "babe", "tail", "fuck" or "pussy" for girls.
3) Some think that it was designed a little "sucked" because the faucet should be ahead.
4) The bidet in the bathroom after intercourse is not used as a contraceptive.
5) Drinking water bidet is pork or "pan head", unless you're Perr @.
6) Appease itching female spring.
7) If used too often and do not dry but the parties can cause vaginal yeast infections in women and anal (both genders).
8) Michael Jackson would have a bidet inspired to compose his famous hit "Beat It" (Cuac!)
9) Some say they do not use the bidet after "going for the body," is like "a car wash without water.
10) In some countries where the bidet is in disuse, it is used to fill it with ice and cool beers, chelas or beer or pot.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Pokemon Emerald Gpshone Walk Through Walls


FAQ vasectomy:

1 .- vasectomy make your testicles look bigger, right or wrong?

R. - False, only think you have a huevotes because you dare, but it is true that the next day you feel you reach the knees.

2 .- After the operation, could walk, right or wrong?

R. - Yes, could walk, but when you get home crawling happens anesthesia.

3 .- A vasectomy is an operation without pain, right or wrong?

R. "Certainly, the operation painless, but you anesthesia injected directly into the egg is a mind of mad ....

4 .- A vasectomy makes you look younger, right or wrong?

R. - Yes, after you shaved balls well, you'll look like you looked in seventh grade.

5 .- The vasectomy is done with a small incision in lostestículos, right or wrong?

R. - False, it is a point that scholars known as "nies" because nies an egg nies the other gun Nies, Nies anything.

6 .- After vasectomy, the member could say that basically takes a look Barney-like, right or wrong?

R. - Yes, the head stays home.

7 .- The cost of surgery is very low, right or wrong? *

R. - False, although it is a free surgery actually cost you an egg.

8 .- After surgery, tell the "Canderel" or "Saccharine", right ofalso?

R. - Yes, but not get fat because they sweeten.

9.-After a vasectomy, men are more prone to heart attacks, right or wrong?

R. - Yes, imagine that your wife get pregnant.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Is Sugar Level 6.4 High

Bidet Seeking

all know that the brave Genoese navigator discovered America by accident. America belongs to its natural inhabitants (aborigines), which the "Black" Fontova: "Before the English were civilized" and that Columbus would have "screwed up" the prize of 10,000 maravedis Rodrigo de Triana, who was allegedly that shouted: Land ho! Bring the problem and a chamois!.
also know that Columbus landed on the island Guanahani (Bahamas) without knowing that very close to there, "Puelto Lico, centuries later, be engendered (in the literal sense of the word) and impose a global level, one of the worst punishments to the human ear: The Reggaeton!
In short, a whole bunch of nonsense I've learned over the years and not used for anything other than to post them on a blog like this, giving an air of "creative" (Good God!).
The thing is that Columbus, as a good immigrant or child of immigrants, he was behind India. As any of us at that age, that once we left the bowling in the past had not anything (eg, Saint Thomas, Bwana, Starlight), we went to tour the circuit in the neighborhood of Once bailantas to see if we fished a slits am glad. It goes without saying that the efforts were useless. At most zafábamos a telephone (usually fake) in the best, or we ate a few obscenities (even in Guarani) most of the time.
Maybe all this, a Columbus depressed and sorry, on May 19, 1506, just one day before his death and as drafted his will, he coined one of his most heartfelt statements when he told D º Pedro de Inoxedo that of "The disappointments belong to the Real World, because in the virtual world, the color of Indian life."

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Line Cook Resume Sample

eye and a tooth

eye for an eye and the world goes blind ....

and chimuelo too ....

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Running Shoe For High Arch Narrow Foot

Two aspirins dissolved in water.

time ago I received this mail, and now he has returned to arrive at q I think is important to know or do not forget to q and q do not know when the deal .... Take care!

Why have aspirin on the bedside table?


An important note about heart attacks.
Please note that there are other symptoms of heart attack, for only then give pain in the left arm.
should also pay attention to severe pain in the lower jaw, nausea and profuse sweating, as these are also common symptoms.
Detail: At first you may not feel chest pain during a heart attack.
60% of people who had a heart attack while sleeping, did not rise. However, chest pain can wake you from a sound sleep.
If it were any of these cases, immediately dissolve 2 aspirins in your mouth and swallow with some water.
Call immediately to emergency services, SAME and say it took 2 aspirin.
Sit in a chair or sofa and wait for the arrival of the emergency ...
not lie down!
A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this mail sends it back to 10 others, surely life will be saved ... I've done my job! I hope you do yours ...