Friday, May 25, 2007

License Plate Sticker Ontario Colour

Thanks to the kindness of Claudio Gajardo Cornejo to our site, we can publish this interview with Waldo Morales, second guitar in this band.
Waldo Morales: "Our record is was selling for nearly 30 years in the Feria del Disco."
Waldo Morales, ex - second guitar and vocals for the rock group, The psychedelic, opened the doors of his house to speak out about his life and music with his former colleagues ran during 1966 to 1968. Morales expressed to us how a Chilean group of the time was more concerned with making music than making money:
"It's hard to say for others, but I have the impression that the direction of the market was not as developed 40 years ago. Therefore, I consider that, for us, was more the passion to make music millionaires for contracts. This explains why we never win large sums of money moreover, the set was completed just in time when we were at the start point of harvest. In short, remember that never in the psychedelic commercial interests prevailed over the music, since we were very happy with what we did. The music was our hobby, it was our entertainment, in a moment, turned professional and, given our age, wake up a lot of curiosity and praise in the press of a musical work "as rechicos goats", since it was not common. It's up to review the age of the Mac's, Los Jockers o Larks to realize that they were all very old, when compared to us who had between 15 and 18. I have the impression that we and perhaps other age groups were in the same stop making music than making money. However, no one tells us that, at best, to have kept us in time, we had focused on contracts, money, participation of the copyrights and everything else. Ie everything up to now we have not bothered. "
- Do you know how many albums were sold Sicodelirium?.
never knew and I think any "psychedelic" has a notion of how many records were sold. However, I do know is that up to 10 years our disc was selling for almost 30 in the Feria del Disco. "
currently works Waldo Morales, for many years as Director of Choirs. Mariana Fernández is married and has 2 sons, Fabian and Felipe, who also are dedicated to music.
Posted by: Periódico "Puente Alto A Day, Wednesday November 8, 2006.


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