Saturday, May 7, 2011

What Sandpaper Do You Use On A Car?

Does the 'Turkish' Asad seeks exit? Emelec

When first saw this message and the photo containing, published in the Twitter account Guschmer Andrés, Teleamazonas journalist (had to be) and self-styled "Emelec (although the name that best matches your profile is "fake ):

... assumed it was another attempt to destabilize Emelec, encouraged by this unfortunate mercenary, hired by Fidel Egas to further the cause Ligaya.

But when reviewing what some international media (which, unlike nationals, are not interested in boycotting Emelec) said about it, there are serious doubts. Asad you actually are planning to go mid-year? Or just simply respond politely to a question?

In sum, Argentine media as Infobae, Mendoza Online, DiarioShow, The Nation and its sports portal CanchaLlena, Los Andes, ESPN, among others, mention the program journalists' Fox Sports Radio del Plata 'asked the' Turk 'on their willingness to a possible call to the people of San Lorenzo could do to fill the position of DT, vacant for a couple of weeks after the departure of Ramon Diaz. Argentine journalists seeking to focus on the fact that Omar Asad is strongly associated with Velez, bitter rival of San Lorenzo:

" Despite his past as a player of Velez Sarsfield, the former striker sentenced "How can I not going to like San Lorenzo? This is a job. The truth is that I get very well my name is there, it speaks well of my work, "closed the coach. "

" Sobre como tomarían los hinchas de Vélez, único club en donde jugó, su decisión de pasar a uno de los grandes del país, Asad comentó: "Seguro se van a despertar odios y mucho debate, pero yo voy a separar muy bien el tema del sentimiento. No creo que haya incovenientes", aclaró tranquilo Asad, técnico que clasificó la pasada temporada a Godoy Cruz por primera vez en la historia para intervenir en la Copa Libertadores de América. "

Si el 'Turco' se hubiera limitado a responder "Si" o "No", no habría motivos para especular. Pero la respuesta de Asad fue bastante más extensa, generous and suspicious than expected, giving the distinct impression that the 'Turkish' ran himself to lead the 'Cyclone' :

" Omar Asad, current head coach of Emelec Ecuador, said he would "like to lead San Lorenzo de Almagro, but said that so far no leader called him to propose to be the successor of Ramón Díaz. "

"" I would like San Lorenzo lead. I get very well to talk about me. I like the challenge, "Turk told Radio del Plata. Also clarified that the cyclone is still "no one called me." "

" Thus, the Argentine who now runs a Emelec of Ecuador, which is in the first location, opened the door to return home. With these statements, Asad adds as a surprise candidate, and that was not on the list mentioned in these days to assume the coveted position, which itself included Leonardo Madelon, Luis Zubeldia, among others. "

short, the very idea of \u200b\u200bleading San Lorenzo excited about our 'Dedicated' strategist, whose statements give the impression that you are sitting by the phone, packed suitcases.

And to make sure they call him to lead the 'Cyclone' Argentine, 'Turk' was responsible for cleaning the road, making it clear how easy it would be separated from Emelec, and how little do you mind:

" While he made clear he did not call anyone, the former striker of Velez said:" I have a contract but I have mid-year to complete clause with link (...) which would allow easily reach the institution Barca. "

" "This clause is clear, because I'm there with my wife and my children live in Argentina. Therefore, the familiar theme is heavy. ""

This is where I usually file my conclusion on the issue (for me this is very clear). But this time, and to avoid falling into the sensationalism of idiots like Guschmer, I prefer that those who read this article draw their own conclusions, and answer for themselves questions raised above: do you really Asad are planning to go mid-year? Or just simply respond politely to a question?

Friday, May 6, 2011

Sarah Connor Matsuda 2809

relentlessly, toward the most important week of intense national tournament

The runner Ecuador Club Sport Emelec, returned here Friday, the city of Guayaquil after his tie in the city of Ibarra, now prepares a crucial week for their aspirations, where they will face in less than four days, Liga de Quito and Barcelona.

" We have a very important week, this week is going to define many things " he told his arrival at the airport Argentine striker Cristian Menéndez that before the Imbabura on Thursday, scored his goal number six of this championship.

" Yes, had to add was a very tough opponent and not to lose, we created many situations, the team was good, except for some low, the team played well " said striker as to one to one achieved with the Imbabura Sporting Club.

Another matching Menéndez in that Emelec was a good match at the Olympic Stadium City Ibarra, was naturalized Argentine goalkeeper Javier Klimowicz Ecuador.

" knew it was going to be a tough match, fortunately at some point the game was playable at a good level (...) Imbabura we also knew that we would have several absences but at least they played well "he said.

" We struggled because we were not playing with the same line of defense, Imbabura also had good players, smaller, faster, while also costing us but we continue to improve, we have two key games with league and Barcelona "he said.

Emelec face on Wednesday May 11 at Liga Deportiva Universitaria de Quito (LDU-Q) in the Casa Blanca stadium in the capital Ecuadorians, while with Barcelona will play in the George Lewis Capwell on Sunday, 15 inst.

Source: Ecuavisa