Sunday, August 16, 2009

John Holmes Actresses


ROBERTO ESCOBAR, Chilean musician, was born in Santiago de Chile in 1926. He studied composition at the Modern School of Music, with faculty and Alfonso Letelier René Amengual. Thereafter followed a training course with Professor Miguel Aguilar.
His style has evolved from a post-impressionist position through a chromatic advanced to the pure serialism where his work focused more mature. This album presents works that clearly show the use of chromaticism in "Preludes French" and strict serialism "Structural Quartet." STRUCTURAL

QUARTET, string quartet, a work composed in 1965 and premiered in 1967 by the Quartet Santiago.
is a three-movement work that the composer has made use of his theory about the interchangeability of artistic structures.

has a serial structure composed of the basic set, which is pan-interval (ie, has all intervals and all the notes) and is organized according to meters variable, so that is sets of three, four and five times, values \u200b\u200beighth, triplet eighth notes, black and white. These values \u200b\u200bare grouped into: three equal, two equal and cola notes, groups that appear in two different ways in total. All these features are exploited for the development of the work. FRENCH

Preludes for piano work composed in 1964, was released in 1965 by Elizabeth Roller
The composer has been reflected in several works his subjective position against European culture from a Latin American perspective. English it is expressed in "Elegy" (1956) for contralto, piano and drums, on a text de Manrique, the Italian "Songs for Madonna" (1961) for baritone, flute, trombone and percussion on five sonnets of Petrarch . The experiences in front of French culture were poured into the "Preludes French" presented here, this is a short sequence of four Preludes, whose titles relate them to specific aspects that the composer wished to take: the first is entitled "Le Bon Sauvage", the second 'Memento pour Claude Achilles ", the third" O'Ismen "and the fourth "La Salade".


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