Sunday, July 19, 2009

Home Depot Preservatives

Greetings again

Dear friends, long time after I return to communicate with you through this blog, first thank the hundreds of friends who supported me with their words, and as to sites and blogs that I have friends linkage I and cited. When you start this site was to disseminate the you Chilean music at that time was little publicized and known, except for a few pioneer, now that time has passed the onset site friends, and publications books have solved this, so that music lovers Chile and elsewhere can learn what has been part of the music that excites us our souls. Second justify my silence all these years, since studies and lack of resources does not allow continue the project, difficult decision to take but necessary. Now I spread
music, but in a new area that requires urgent I think diffusion, which is the classical music Chile. In our environment, this genre has existed in various cultists have addressed the various trends of vaguardias music, creating works of great value that the ignorance, lack of interest , little diffusion limited and sometimes high price issues, tell little about the authors. For this I start to raise issues classic and discontinued of these works, of course ignoring what you can find on the market as issues SVR seal that makes a work of unparalleled importance quixotic and in this sense (though sometimes prices limit their dissemination editions ) to present the most important works of this genre.

I look forward to the beloved interest of you in this new stage. A hug

Francisco Muñoz


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