Friday, June 15, 2007

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Los Bric a Brac versus 91 Clan
This lp collects the material released on singles and LP on sand. At this time the sound of bric a brac had embraced psychedelia especially with the work of A. Lastarria in telcos and L. Murray on guitar, incorporating powerful solos in their songs. I personally recommend the first lp 1967 by the RCA and while not belonging to beat the sound exceeds these. Clan
91 by R. I renew Espinoza vocalization vocal group, backed with the Rockets that at that time are influenced beat (I recommend listening to New Directions and secluded beaches, both sand and seal)

Eye Growth Behind Eye

The Blops SCD Bellavista Hall August 27, 2001
Continuing the collection of jewels Blop, here is the recital of the SCD of 27 August 2001 when, unfortunately partially without registration of the topics of "anchor store." In an interview very old Gatti mentioned the frustration that would have caused them not being able to have recorded some songs from his first productions as they would have liked because the seal they restricted the use of instruments "electronic" home by the "imperialist" of these. Reunion concert in the 2001-2002 Gatti expressed the satisfaction that caused them interpret these issues as they should have been provided. For those who were there not much surprises us, but for those who have not ever heard versioned as shown here will find the value of this recording, sounding like Blop should always sound. Julio Villalobos unfortunately not the forgotten great teacher, but Carlos Fernandez (Hex-Kissing speel) does wonders. Hope will be a contribution to this lovely blog that is recovering our lost memories.
(Carlos Mecklenburg)
Eduardo Gatti: Guitars and vocals Juan Pablo Orrego
: bass and vocals
Carlos Fernandez: Keyboards and vocals
Peter Green: Battery
. Machinery
Cola 03-treading the
04-Valley of Mirrors 05-Essentially
No More Moments
Del Volar de las Palomas

Pokemon Deluge Online -portal

in memoriam Rafael Palacios

has died Rafael Palacios, lead singer and bassist of The Blue Splendor. For 41 years this band has brought Chilean folk music a series of classic and its main contribution the 3 lp Chilean edited by Phillips 60, of excellent-sounding arrangements, partly renovated the new wave movement.

Thank you for your music

Why Do Stomach Virus Come On At Night

Interview with Alejandro Valladares, ex - singer and bassist of The Flintstones

Alejandro Valladares is a Chilean artist who leads in the body, a career over 40 years playing the music you love: rock 'n' roll and the beat. Its beginnings date back to 1965, when hand in hand with The Flintstones, played at venues such as the Empire Theatre and the Theatre Caupolicán.

"To me I thought the name was The Flintstones and by" monkeys "of television. I decided it sounded strange compared to all the names in English, they had other Chilean bands, "he said. In 1966, Valladares met Scottie Scott, former artistic director Vivarte Seal, who told him "You are like the Beatles Chilenos!. So, okay, I'll give them a topic which I translated and is of The Dave Clark Five called "Glad All Over." Then, Valladares said, "I was so Scottie version under the title of" Very Satisfied. "

Similarly, recorded with The Flintstones several Long Plays (33 1 / 3 rpm) as "Malon A Go-Go "(1967) or" Exciting! "(1967), as well as several albums (45 rpm). Their second single, "Darling", he achieved great success and was the first piece of music that the late composer, Scott, wrote for them. "The song," Darling ", was recorded and performed better, if compared with the previous album because he was always designed in a Play for Long Sand Seal Camilo Fernandez. I remember we spent a lot of time working "Darling" Scottie's house because we had great voices and it was pretty good, "said Valladares.

Also, this player does not forget the fact that this song would be the first recorded in Spain, using an electric guitar, but under the effect of "distorting": "The recording of" Darling "is important because we were the first in Chile to use a "distorted" for a recording. We had many contacts with many "gringos" who came to our country and we buy, one of them, this "blurring" that connect to the amplifier and then to the guitar, as used today in the form pedal "he said.

On the other lado, este músico recuerda las giras que su ex–banda realizó por dentro, así como fuera del país: “Con los Picapiedras tocamos en Perú y también en Bariloche, antes de 1968. No olvido que en el Perú nos entrevistaron en radios y también en televisión. Sin embargo, no sé si algunos de nosotros tenga algún registro de esos diarios”, declaró.

Finalmente, Valladares, en la actualidad, está tocando en un trío de rock que lo integra, además, el maestro, Lautaro Lobos, ex–guitarrista de Los Cariñositos (grupo musical que acompañaba los programas televisivos de Julio Videla) y que, por cierto, a pesar de presentarse en locales night, yet has no name. However, there is something you worry, since his current musical band vibrates to the public that follows. Newspaper

"Puente Alto A Day, Wednesday April 18, 2007.

With Claudio Gajardo Cornejo gave in the interview

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Do Women Prefer Men With Big Noses

A new friend has joined the efforts to spread our music. visit the site to find material discontinued and we hope soon to rise more complete material.

My greetings and success

Dudley Forgot Combination

This is an old debt to post this notice
DICAP seal I gather the cream of the creation of the new Chilean composition, this label was edited most important records of this movement and is a must for every visitor of this blog down the material that the creators of this blog have been made available to us

A hug them

Since The Beginning 'til The Very End (4 / 7)

The Blop - Live 1979
some critics have called the second reunion of The Blops as a lower level compared to what was done in the early 70's. I consider it a mistake and this opinion is caused by the lack of sound recordings, which graph the sound of this phase. Now I put at the disposal this recording of two concerts by showing real Blops hierarchy of the group. Gatti and Orrego
meet with Jaime Labarca forming an acoustic trio (sometimes expanded to a quartet with Barbara Smith and Cecilia Echenique on vocals), following the paths of Canto Nuevo prevailing that time. The first thing we should highlight, the quality of interpretation the group, its austerity and the ability to create a world with few elements uncompromising musical and poetic that excites in the soul (something that could learn the so-called Nueva Trova Chilena), was not the group Gatti, but a songwriting duo with songs achieved as the sun is in everything from Orrego or boat or Sambaye (that would be used in solo productions Gatti). so it is the composition of Pato Manns, South Exile in energetic version worthy of any anthology.
In the last part, out of a poor track record is the extraordinary That is what is happening, no one does regret that the time stamp has been interested in getting a commercial registration
. Topics

02 01 Valsecito
Exile South
04 03 La Nana
tail treading
05 The Sun is around 06 The boat

07 08 09 Sambaye The crazy
final 10
11 which is what is happening
12 The crazy
13 Manchufela
. Members

Juan Pablo Orrego, vocals / bass / guitar
Eduardo Gatti, vocals / guitar
Jaime Labarca, drums / percussion
. Download Files

Throat Mic Voice Changer

The Debris music, a rock band of the 60s generation in Chile, was heavily influenced by Anglo-Saxon bands of the era. There were four Chilean and Austrian Walter Ziman (a PE teacher scholarship for his country in Santiago), who consisted of the songs and made the arrangements. Debris
singing in English and also of his own, doing covers of Jimi Hendrix, Jethro Tull, Joe Cocker, Ten Years After and Led Zeppelin, among others. During his business schools played in festivals and parties. In 1970 they recorded their only album, Debris, produced for the label by the producer Arena Camilo Fernandez, who had previously edited Aguaturbia and other groups such as Bewitched, but was then a name more associated with the movement of neofolklore. Later, Ziman joined the band Destruction Mac's and the group disbanded.
(Ana Maria Hurtado )
. Stone free
01 02 Romeo and Juliet
03 04 05 Cyclops
06 07 08 Zenith
Sittin in the park
09 10 Girl 11 I love
Green eyed lady.
Members: Walter
Sigman - vocals / piano / arrangements
Lito Benito - 1 st guitar / choir
(Lolin) Ricardo Mendeville - 2 ª guitar / choir
Jose Rosemblut - under
Boisier Michel - drums
. Download File